Derm infections Pictures Pt 1

  1. Impetigo:
    How deep is it?
    What causes bullous impetigo?
    • shallow
    • Staph
  2. Impetigo
  3. Bullous impetigo
  4. How is ecthyma different from impetigo?
    • Ecthyma involves the whole thickness of the epidermis.
    • Caused by Strep/Stap combo infection
    • Ecthyma gangrenosum is caused by pseudomonas in immune comprised pt
  5. Ecthyma
  6. Ecthyma gangrenosum
  7. Superficial folliculitis
  8. Furuncle
  9. Cellulitis
  10. What causes cellulitis?
    Strep infection
  11. Erysipelas (cellulitis on the face)
  12. Orbital cellulitis
  13. What is the different between orbital cellulitis and periorbital cellulitis?
    • Orbital cellulitis has invaded the septum and results in lack of normal extraocular mvmt.
    • Orbital cellulitis requires surgical drainage and abx while periorbital cellulitis does not require drainage.
  14. Dacryocystitis
    • Cellulitis with Vibrio Vulnificus (marine organism).
    • Most often seen in alcoholics and pts with liver dz.
  15. Necrotizing fasciitis
  16. Sorry for this one!

    • Fournier’s gangrene: a variant of necrotizing faciitis that starts in the perineum and scotum.
    • Can be caused by G(-) bacteria
  17. TB innoculation lesion
  18. Leonine facies of leprosy
  19. Leprosy or Hansen's dz
  20. Mycobacterium Marinum “Fishtank Granuloma”
  21. Scrofula
  22. Erythema Chronica Migrans of Lyme dz (classic bulls-eye)
  23. Primary Syphilitic chancre
  24. Secondary syphilis lesions
  25. Petechial Rash of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
    • Cutaneous Anthrax
    • Painless necrotic ulcers, often with lymphadenopathy
  26. Meningococcemia
  27. Tinea corporis (ring worm)
  28. Onychyomycosis Dermatophyte Nail infection
  29. Candida Albicans Intertrigo
  30. Candida Albicans KOH Smear
  31. Candida Albicans - Diaper rash
  32. Candidal balanitis
  33. Tinea versicolor
  34. Ink preparation of Pityosporum obiculare (causative agent of tinea versicolor)
Card Set
Derm infections Pictures Pt 1
Watch out! This contains pictures of really gross stuff, including penises (no offense Ryan).