7 Level Healing Paradigm

  1. What are the essential characteristics of the 7 Level Healing Paradigm? (6)
    • Provides a foundation for the evaluation and understanding of personal growth and healing process.
    • Provides a structural reference for behavior modifications and course corrective action.
    • Provides basis for recognizing and acknowledging challenging beliefs and behaviors that are essential to the creation or re-creation of reality.
    • Facilitates and supports actions and activities related to personal healing and spiritual development.
    • Provides a non-judgmental approach to addressing personal difficulties and clients' difficulties.
    • A self-supportive vehicle of positive reinforcement.
  2. What is the Learning Formula at the foundation of the curriculum which can be applied to all life experiences?
    • Experience + Knowledge = Understanding
    • Experience being what you think, feel, or do at the moment of the triggering event. It is the impression, imprint, learning, models, choices or intention.
    • Knowledge being the influence of past experiences and learning such as perceptions, judgments, consciousness, projections, needs, fears or patterns.
    • Understanding being the sum total of experiences and knowledge, supported or influenced by the need at the moment you are triggered. It can be anger, hurt, fear, shame, guilt, blame, resentment, joy, safety or peace.
  3. What are the principles of the 7 Level Healing Paradigm?
    • Know Yourself
    • See Yourself
    • Be Yourself
    • Accept Yourself
    • Trust Yourself
    • Appreciate Yourself
    • Honor Yourself
  4. What are some characteristics of Know Yourself? (4)
    • This is the level of acknowledgment.
    • Acknowledgment is the door to healing and growth.
    • Only through willingness to become aware, acknowledge and accept all aspects of who you are can you Know Yourself.
    • To Know Yourself means to become fully aware of both your divine and human nature and to utilize that knowledge as a basis of choice in all aspects of life.
  5. What are some characteristics of See Yourself? (7)
    • This is the level of awareness.
    • It takes acknowledgment to a deeper level.
    • Through awareness you become attuned to your moment by moment responses and reactions called, triggers. When you are aware of what triggers are present, you are empowered to heal wounds and make new choices.
    • The goal of awareness is: Right Thought, Right Action and Right Response, rather than reaction.
    • This level of development and growth requires a willingness to engage in a process of introspection and self reflection. In doing so, we allow ourselves to become familiar with and explore our internal landscape.
    • Self exploration and reflection is the pre-cursor to the ability to Know Yourself.
    • It is the process by which we become familiar with the aspects of our divine and human nature that makes us uniquely who we are as individual expressions of life.
  6. What are some characteristics of Be Yourself? (5)
    • This is the level of inner, personal integrity where thought, feeling and action are congruent.
    • In order to Be Yourself, you must have inner cooperation on all levels of existence (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual).
    • This level also requires a willingness to live beyond external expectations and habitual responses.
    • Once there is an awareness and unconditional acceptance of your true identity, the need for pretenses and defenses is eliminated.
    • To Be Yourself means to accept and stand for the authentic Self and to live a life of conscious choice from that level of internal and external reality.
  7. What are some characteristics of Accept Yourself? (5)
    • This level requires diligent and compassionate self forgiveness of all judgments held about and against past behaviors and experiences.
    • It is the loving and self-support required to learn from previous actions in order to take course corrective steps.
    • Acceptance cannot be facilitated without acknowledgment and awareness.
    • This level of personal growth, development and healing requires an acknowledgment that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and gives one the courage to accept our human frailties. In order to do so, we must resist the temptation to judge ourselves as needing to be perfect or to seek perfection.
    • The truth of our experience is that we are always exactly where we need to be, doing exactly what we need to do, in order to experience a deeper level of self acceptance.
  8. What are some characteristics of Trust Yourself? (5)
    • This is the level of willingness to live beyond past errors, unconscious choices and self-judgments.
    • Knowing that you are authorized by the universe to re-create yourself and your experiences - moment by moment, supports in the development of trust.
    • This is also the level of commitment to following inner guidance and directives without fear or hesitation.
    • Trust is an acknowledgment of the truth of your divine identity.
    • Because of your connection to the divine intelligence of life you will always make the right choice for yourself based on your unique Spiritual Curriculum. It is this curriculum that governs your choices. It is always your choices that lead you to what you must learn and, determine how you must learn.
  9. What are some characteristics of Honor Yourself? (6)
    • At this level we are each called to live in a state of radical honesty to our thoughts and emotions.
    • While being yourself requires inner integrity, honoring yourself requires that you act in your physical world reality in a way that is self-supportive and self-nurturing.
    • Honor is the internal impetus not to discount or deny who you are, what you know, or what you feel at any given time.
    • To honor is to take a stand for yourself, within yourself.
    • It is also a demonstration of your willingness to take a stand for yourself in all aspects of your life's experience.
    • It is through honoring yourself that you build your own value and worth.
  10. What are some characteristics of Appreciate Yourself? (6)
    • At this level we become willing to give ourselves credit for the small, although seemingly insignificant, steps we take to practice each of the other six levels.
    • Self appreciation builds a greater awareness of inner and outer healing and progress.
    • It also opens the heart to experience and express more compassion toward self and others.
    • Appreciation is the way in which you demonstrate to yourself that you are worthy of your own time and attention.
    • It is a statement to life that you are willing to continue growing, learning and healing and that you are grateful for the efforts you make on your own behalf.
    • Appreciation is a form of gratitude that conveys support and recognition.
  11. What is the "learning line?"
    • When there is internal conflict regarding an external goal, we drop to the "learning line" in life, which is always the universes way of providing us with opportunities for healing.
    • The good news is, we are each given an endless supply of "do-overs" meaning we have the opportunity to repeat lessons until we learn to embrace the lesson and ourselves with compassion and unconditional acceptance or love.
    • When two or more people have the same or similar learning needs, they are brought into relationship, thereby providing one another with the opportunity to see themselves and grow.
    • The process of seeing yourself, or refusing to see yourself in another, is called projection.
    • Projections often lead to judgments we hold against ourselves or others, which must be healed.
    • The time we spend on the learning line is time spent developing the courage required to heal projections and judgments.
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7 Level Healing Paradigm
7 Level Healing Paradigm