An event handler is a program segment designed to execute when a certain event occurs.
For this HTML form,<form name="newForm" action = “test.php"> <input type = "button" name = "newButton" value="Click me"></form>which of the following is a valid way to reference the button input element in the Javascript code.
all of the above
var element = document.newForm.newButton;
var element = document.newForm.newButton;
Javascript code can view and modify the HTML-DOM objects, thus causing changes to appear on the web page
When event handlers are registered by assigning to an attribute of an HTML element, then parameters cannot be passed to the event handler function.
The XHTML tag attribute corresponding to the event keydown is
If we want an event handler function to execute when the page has been loaded, then the onload attribute of the <body> tag must be used to specify the event handler.
Event handlers can be registered to properties or to XHTML attributes. For example, both of these cases are valid approaches to register event handlers for a form with the id 'myForm' with a radio button with the id '152':Example of registering to property: In Javascript code:document.getElementById("myForm").getElementById("152").onclick = planeChoice;Example of Registering to XHTML attribute: In HTML code:<input type="radio" name="planeButton" value="152" id="152" onclick="planeChoice(152)" />
Checking of form input is a common application of Javascript.
Every Document object has an elements array, where each element of the array represents a form in the document.
HTML elements can be accessed in Javascript either by their name, or their ID, or by their DOM address.Answer
Color and font properties of an HTML element can be manipulated dynamically through the style object of the HTML element
In Internet Explorer, the event object must be accessed as window.event, whereas in Firefox, the event object is accessed as event itself.
Relative position mode allows changing position of an HTML element relative to where the element would be with respect to static positioning.
The clientX and clientY properties give the position in pixels relative to the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
The z-index style property can be used to govern the layering of elements in the HTML display.
The top and left properties can be used when the position property is set to static.
The setInterval method in Javascript allows the execution of an event-handler function at multiple evenly-spaced times.
A DTD is a set of declarations that specifies the set of elements that can appear in an XML document, and where and how these elements may appear.
In a well-formed XML document, there can be multiple root elements.
When entity is longer than a few words, the keyword SYSTEM may be used to indicate that an external file is being used.
XML is a meta-markup language that specifies rules for creating markup languages.
Nested tags are allowed in XML.
XML names used to name elements and attributes must begin with a letter or an underscore and can include digits, hyphens and periods.
If the name of an entity is henry, the reference to the entity is written as *henry;
A DTD is a set of structural rules which specify a set of elements and where these elements can occur in XML documents.
In DTDs, the form of an element declaration for the element icecream is <!ENTITY icecream(brand, flavor)>
CSS can be used to style and display elements in XML documents.
What is the prefix for the HTML namespace in the following statement?<root xmlns:abc="" xmlns:def="">
Facets such as maxLength can be used to define constraints on simple user-defined data types.
In schema definition documents, a complex type is used to define an XML element that contains other elements and/or attributes.
The XPath is a language of expressions used to identify parts of XML documents.
In XML schemas, both simple and complex types can be either named or anonymous.
Using schemas, the content of a specific element can be set to any one of 44 data types.
Namespaces are used to avoid name conflicts, when element names in XML Documents come from different sources.
XPath expressions that do not begin with a / (slash) are relative addresses with respect to the last node fround by the XSLT processor.
The value-of element and the select attribute are used to specify the XML element whose contents are to be copied.
The all element in XML schemas is used when specifying a complex type element whose child elements are an ordered group.