Residual volume
- Remaining volume (1200ml) of air in lungs after forceful expiration.
- It prevents the lungs from collapsing during expiration
Tidal Volume
- The volume of air that moves in and out with each breath
- About 500 ml during quiet breathing
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
The amount of extra air inhaled (beyond the tidal volume)
Expiratory Reserve Volume
The extra air that can be exhaled after a forced breath
Total Lung Capacity
- All four volumes
- Residual + Tidal + Inspiratory Reserve + Expiratory Reserve
Vital Capacity
All volumes except residual volume, which is the amount a person can ventilate
Functional Reserve Capacity
Expiratory Reserve + Residual Volumes
Inspiratory Capacity
Tidal Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume
S/S of Glaucoma
Redness, swelling, drainage, blurred vision, pain
S/S of Increased Intraocular pressure
Increasing pain, nausea, decrease in vision
Care after cataract removal
- For 24 hours, limit activity to sitting in chair, resting in bed, and walking to the bathroom
- Do not rub eyes or lift more than 5 lbs
- Do not strain or sleep on the operative side of your body
- Take your eyedrops and acetaminophen as needed for pain or itching
- DO NOT take aspirin or drugs with aspirin