- largest lateral neck muscle
- palpable on side opposite of head turn
- o - anterior surface of the sternum, superior surface of the medial end of the clavicle
- ins - mastoid process of the temporal bone
- inn - XI accessory nerve
- f - head rotation
- when head fixed, raises ribs - forced inhalation
- (whip lash, problem with turning head)
- o - transverse process of C3-6 anterior, C2-7 medial, C5-7 posterior
- ins - ribs 1 and 2
- f - raises ribs 1 and 2 - forced inhalation
latissimus dorsi
- o - spinous processes of T7-12, L1-5, S1-5, crest of the ilium, slips from ribs 10-12
- ins - upper humerus
- f - raises lower ribs - forced inhalation
- compresses thorax - exhalation
pectoral major
- largest superficial muscle
- broad origin along the sternum
- funnels up : laterally to the arm
pectoralis major
- o - anterior surface of the sternum
- costal cartilage of true ribs
- sternal half of the clavicle
- ins - humerus
- f - raises ribs - forced inhalation
pectoralis minor
- located innediately behind the pectoralis major
- o - body of ribs 3,4,5
- ins - corocoid process of the scapula
- f - raises upper ribs - forced inhalation
- o - rib 1 and costal cartilage
- ins - lower border of the clavicle
- f - raises rib 1 - forced inhalation
external obliques
- largest and most superficial of the abdomen
- o - digitations from ribs 4-12
- c - down and medially
- ins - iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis
- f - compresses viscera - exhalation (internal organs)
internal obliques
- lies below ext. oblique
- o - iliac crest
- c - up and medially
- ins - abdominal aponeurosis, ribs 8-12
- function - compresses viscera - exhalation
transversus abdominis
- o - iliac crest, ribs 6-12
- c - laterally
- ins - abdominal aponeurosis
- f - compresses viscera - exhalation
rectus abdominis
- o - pubc crest, pubic symphysis
- c - vertically
- ins - ribs 5,6,7, xiphoid process
- f - lowers ribs, compresses viscera - exhalation
muscles of quiet inhalation
- diaphragm
- external intercostals
- internal intercostals
musles of forced inhalation 8
- levatores costarium
- serratus pposterior superior
- sternockimastoid
- scalenes
- latissimus dorsi
- pectoralis major
- pectoralis minor
- subclarious
muscles of exhalation 8
- internal intercostals
- subcostals
- transverse thoracics
- external oblique
- internal oblique
- transverse abdominis
- rectus abdominis
- serratus posterior inferior
lung volumes
- tidal volume - what we inhale and exhale (10% of TLC)
- inspiratory reserve volume - volume of air inhaled after inspiration (taking deep breath) (40% of TLC)
- expiratory reserve volume - exhaling as much as you can forcibly after passive exhalation (30% of TLC)
- residual volume - volume of air remaining in lungs after macimum ahalation (20% of TLC) this will always be there because the lungs will collapse without it
lung capacities
combination of volumes measured in milliliters or cubic centimeteres
4 lung capacities
- vital capacity - 80% TV + ERV + IRV
- inspiratory capacity - 50% IRV + TV
- functional residual capacity - 50% RV + ERV
- total lung capacity - IRV + FRC + TV