EDEL 321 Final

  1. 4 C's
    • Continuous -ongoing
    • Collaborative -students involved
    • Comprehensive - dev. appropriate, encouraging
    • Criteria - communicated to students
  2. Assessment should...
    promote, encourage, support student learning
  3. Tools for assessment
    observe, Benchmarks (Canada fitness test), checklists, analytic rating scales, rubrics, personal activity logs, portfolios
  4. Communicating learning
    bulletin boards, newsletters, curriculum handbooks, student led conferences, progress reports.
  5. Effective teaching
    provide dev. appropriate tasks for every child, variety of strategies, effective instruction, encourage and assist, interesting and variety of skill levels, highlight primary goals, show, point out and guide.
  6. Learning style
    Students have a variety of learning styles, (teacher directed, visual, individual, tactile, etc) developing lessons that cater to both this and different development stages is key.
  7. Individualize learning
    student is center of curriculum and teaching, IEP,
  8. personalized learning
    students involvement with others (guider-learner relationships) co-operative learning, enhances dignity and self image, increases learning efficiency.
  9. Styles of teaching-observational learning
    learn through model, demo practical strategy, conditions enable learner, explanation and discussion
  10. Styles of Learning - Constructivism (Discovery learning)
    learners build own knowledge, lacks insightful learning, promotes creativity, connections to prior knowledge, ie: Labans.
  11. Styles of teaching - direct style
    teacher centered
  12. Styles of teaching- command method
    teacher makes decisions, choose activity, and prescribes everything. MOST effective way to teach specifics
  13. Styles of teaching- task method
    similar to command, teacher directed (sets objectives, etc) learner task can be beg -advanced, variation of times to learn skill, recognizes individuals, allows partner work
  14. Styles of teaching- combined
    combines direct and indirect
  15. Styles of teaching - limitation method
    all decided by teacher, children given freedom to perform in a different way at own pace, challenging quesitons
  16. Styles of teaching - indirect
    allows children freedom of choice in activity, how its done and how it can be evaluated
  17. Styles of teaching - guided discovery
    sequential series of challenges and observations that lead to understand objectives
  18. Styles of teaching - free exploration
    "divergent style" learner becomes the owner of task and how its performed, teacher sets stage and is general, children become self directed
  19. Teaching style depends on..
    learning objectives, learning needs of students, environment, equipment being used, content, and activity chosen.
  20. Structuring
    explains lesson (why), meaningful learning, explains practice, establish the environment and management, organizes the equipment rules and routines, consistent and fair
  21. Other effective teaching strategies
    variety, monitor students, provide success, used student ideas, communicate, effective questioning, positive personal qualities, adjust environment
  22. motivational techniques
    goal setting, cooperative learning, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation,
  23. Discipline problems
    talking, not attentive, attention seeking, dishonest, aggressive, defiance
  24. Classroom control
    table 4.7
  25. Role of Individual activities
    can support development of basic motor skills, unique activities, held in environments where student is individual, awareness of being physically active alone, inclusion
  26. Types of individual activties
    track and field, manipulative, training programs, movement arts
  27. considerations of individual activities
    use of equipment, station teaching, supervision and safety, developmental appropriateness, (more/diff. equipment available) individual goal setting and evaluation, challenge students
  28. Fitness activities
    health promotion, students can all be involved at any level, record improvement, benefits: growth and development, optimal health, wellness, weight, and active lifestyle.
  29. Principle of Overload
    -gradual increase in intensity duration and frequency
  30. principle of Specificity
    either muscular or cardio specific, balance
  31. role of dance
    improves basic fundamental motor skills, (locomotor and non) aids students capability to respond to stimuli, rhythm awareness, coordination, strength, endurance, balance, grace, and fitness,
  32. Dance Stimuli
    voice, instruments, music, songs, poetry, writing, art
  33. playground activities
    hopscoth, four square, wall and ball games, skipping, hand clapping, other (basketball, tetherball, tictactoe, marbles, jacks, feathers)
  34. Playground activity outcomes
    physical and active living, inclusive, low competition levels, awareness of physical activity, fundamental and manipulative skills, unstructured use of free time, fair play, solving problems, social living, sharing, FUN
  35. Safety Document
    focus attention on safe instructional practices to minimize inherent risk. (Includes: Legal liability, safety considerations, equipment, transportation, accident procedures, student responsibility, k-12 programs, instructional considerations.)
  36. Health and Wellness issues
    nutrition, diseases, active attitudes, skeletal system issues, muscular system issues, cardio resp. issues
  37. Teaching health and wellness
    implement activities of investigation and own learning about nutrition, display healthy choices, daily food charts, special diets and food fallacies presentations.
  38. Components of physical fitness
    muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance, flexibility, body composition
  39. Assessing physical fitness
    motivated children, tests of min standards, do not use extrinsic, goal setting/improvement, self improvement focus, tests (aerobic endurance, body comp, flexibility, muscular strength, upper body strength.)
  40. Improve physical fitness
    developmentally appropriate, health benefits of active lifestyle, monitor own levels of fitness, physical activity integral part of daily lives.
  41. Alternative Environment
    variety of environments for students to be active (ie: different activities in snow, ice, water, in a tree, open field, or foot paths, etc) How their basic skills can apply to variety of environments in the community
  42. Role of Alt. Environments
    support basic fundamental skills, motor skills and some activities promote strength, endurance, physical fitness, balance etc. The promotion of these in different environments, students exposed to places outside of the gym/classroom (ie: pools, arenas, ice rinks, etc) it develops awareness of places to be active, promote life long activity, inclusion, sharing of facilities
  43. Teaching progression of alt. environment
    prep. work on site at school -- off site instruction -- off site exploration
  44. issues with Alt. Environments
    • Organizational -
    • teaching - prior skill levels, student outcomes, communication of outcomes, purposeful activity, modification of off site experience, dev. appropriate, special needs modifications, proper equipment, safety
    • on site instructors- follows safety standards, knowing students levels, activity matches student outcomes, purposeful, dev. appropriate, info about special needs students
  45. Orienteering considerations
    activities dev. appropriate and safe, develop physical fitness, integration of other subjects, reading levels, choosing locations and routes, let school admin know, size of class, special needs, development of child, class based first before individual, using buddies or parents, time
  46. Station work considerations
    • children work at own level, intro of different concepts in one lesson, limited equipment, inclusion.
    • Teaching:
    • max participation
    • safety
    • inclusion
    • group make up
    • dev. appropriateness
    • time at each station
    • arrangement
    • reduce competition
    • alt focus
    • rest stations
    • learning/skill acquisition
    • task cards
  47. Physical Education
    • school subject
    • develops skills, knowledge and attributes for active lifestyles
    • integral part of school
    • sports, outdoor, dance and gymnastics skills
    • dev. appr. activities build foundation, physical movement, physical literacy,
  48. Physical Activity
    movement of body, used in phys ed programs for teaching content, fun, and improve skills, essential to phys ed, lead to higher levels of life long fitness
  49. Quality Phys Ed
    dev. appr, achievement in phys ed is addressed in comments and report cards, students have KSA, developing skills, opportunity to be active, phys ed regular in schools, phys ed in newsletters and agendas
  50. DPA
    Planned and spontaneous physical activity done daily. ie: 60 mins walking, 30 mins running, walking, gardening household chores
  51. Strategies of DPA
    simple, adjust time and equipment, modify playing area, buddies, variety, student understanding,
  52. General PE goals
    • motor skills
    • improving physical fitness
    • developing positive social behaviour
    • building positive attitude towards activity
  53. Quality assessment in PE
    • multiple methods
    • repeated observations
    • involves clear targets
    • efficient and practical
  54. Authentic reporting
    performance vs. effort, General outcome D, students are willing to participate regularly, balance of personal improvement and achievement
  55. Report card comments
    • general overview - states what is done
    • positive comment
    • areas for improvement
    • positive comment
  56. History of Inclusion
    • education for all act 1975
    • since mid 1980s special needs students integrated into schools in their own classroom (basement, etc)
    • now into classroom environment
  57. LRE (Least restrictive environment)
    • students can achieve success most suited to their needs
    • consider physical, cognitive and emotional levels
    • type of special need
    • curriculum content
    • actual activity
    • environment
    • teaching strategies
  58. Integrating students with special needs
    all students provided with opportunities to meet goals, modified goals for IPP, students faced with the same issues it is important to have an active healthy lifestyle.
  59. Successful integration of special needs
    • adjust organizational patterns, variety of equipment (size colour texture etc) teaching strategies
    • inclusive language
    • Helpful ideas:
    • station work
    • task cards
    • peer tutors
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EDEL 321 Final
Study for final exam EDEL 321