Literature vocab unit A

  1. refers to a total objectivity of a writer wherin his/her view and judgments are withheld in his/her account of human experience; also, the distance between a work of art and its perceiver
    aesthetic distance
  2. inversion of the normal syntactic order of words
  3. discussions directed to the reader and constituting a substantial break in the narrative illusion of reality
    authorial intrusion
  4. the selection of words in oral or written discourse
  5. the interpretation or analysis of text
  6. a term used to describe literary forms such as tragedy, comedy, novel and essay
  7. a narrative technique in which characters' thoughts are revealed in a way that appears to be uncontrolled by the author; typically aims to reveal the inner self of a character. It portrays emotional experiences as they occur at both a conscious and unconscious level.
    interior monologue
  8. a narrator who observes from only one point of view, lacking omniscience
    limited narrator
  9. the emotional response that a piece of literature stimulates in the reader
  10. a narrator with unlimited awareness, understanding, and insight of character, setting, background, and all other elements of the story
    omniscient narrator
  11. the role or facade that a character assumes or depicts to a reader, a viewer, or the world at large
  12. the view, whether limited or omniscient, the reader gets of the action and characters in the story
    point of view
  13. the language of a work and its style; similar to diction
  14. refers to an attempt on the part of an author to reproduce the unembellished flow of thoughts in the human mind with its feelings, judgments, associations, and memories
  15. the manner in which an author uses words, shapes ideas, forms sentences, and creates a structure
  16. the arrangement of words in a sentence; sentence pattern
  17. the main idea or meaning, often an abstract idea upon which a work of literature is built
  18. the author's attitude toward the subject being written about; the characteristic emotion that pervades a work or part of a work -- the spirit or character that is a work's emotional essence
  19. the real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker
  20. reference to a person, place, event, or other source meant to create an effect or enrich the meaning of an idea

    "No, I am not Prince Hamlet / Nor was meant to be."
  21. a comparison that points out similarities between two dissimilar things

    You are to me as dawn is to day.
  22. a figure of speech in which a striking association is made between two seemingly dissimilar things; an extended metaphor

    Her eyes were sparkling diamonds, which glittered brightly through the dark cave of my soul, promising rich hope and fulfillment.
  23. the suggested or implied meaning of a word or phrase (contrast with denotation)

    Those liberals are trying to unravel the moral fabric of this country.
  24. the dictionary definition of a word or phrase (contrast with connotation)

    Liberal: a person who hold liberal views; not narrow in opinion or judgment; tolerant
  25. figures of speech, among them metaphor, simile, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, allusion, and symbol

    She was like Athena, a veritable fountain of knowledge.
    figurative language
  26. the use of words to represent what can be seen, touched, smelled, tasted, or felt -- sensory language

    The piquant soup permeated the house with aromas of ripe and tomatoes, savory spices, and rich chicken broth.
  27. a figure of speech that compares unlike objects

    Her eyes were sparkling diamonds
  28. a figure of speech in which objects and animals are given human qualities.

    The moon smiled upon the dancing waves.
  29. a figurative comparision using the words like or as

    Her eyes were like sparkling diamonds.
  30. repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginnings of words

    Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  31. a locution that addresses a person or personified thing not present

    "Oh, you cruel streets of Manhattan, how I detest you!"
  32. the repetition of two or more vowel sounds in a group of words or a line of poetry

    Time files when you're rhyming.
  33. the use of inharmonious sounds in close conjuction to create an effect (contrast with euphony)

    acrimonious alacrity
  34. the repetition of two more consonant sounds in a group of words or a line of poetry

    Look, don't trick me into thinking about trucks and buckets.
  35. the use of pleasant, harmonious words to create an effect (contrast with cacophony)

    The mellifluous melody of the rushing river aroused my senses.
  36. a figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to represent something else with which it is associated.

    The White House claims that the allegations were false.
  37. the use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning

    bubbling, murmuring brook
  38. the use of one object to suggest another, hidden, object or idea

    The American flag represents freedom and democracy.
  39. a figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole or the whole signifies the part

    Fifty masts sailed toward shore.
    He lived his days under African skies.
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Literature vocab unit A
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