sensory integration peds

  1. integration
    process of making whole

    • unifying
    • allowing the brain to use the information that the senses take in

    turns sensation into perception
  2. sensory integration
    a process that occurs in the brain

    organization of sensation for use

    concerned with how effectively and efficiently a person is able to use information from the sensory systems

    process of the CNS to sort out, process, and interpret sensory information to make an adaptive motor response.

    develops naturally through ordinary childhood activities
  3. sensory integration
    need to function in daily activities, in play and in relationships

    child successful in school
  4. 3 sensory systems

    • 2.vestibular information-unconscious info from inner ear about
    • equilibrium,
    • gravity,
    • movement,
    • change in position in space

    • 3. proprioceptive information-
    • unconscious position in space
  5. nystagmus
    prapid movement of eyeball

    measure vestibular processing with spinning motion
  6. kinesthetic information
    conscious awareness of joint pposition/movement

    our brain combines info from outside body(vision, hearing,. touch, taste, smell) with info from inside the body(received via inner ear/muscles/joints) to form conscious awareness of one's body in all activities.
  7. reflex maturation
    dev postural responses and equilibrium responses
  8. developing their concept of body scheme
    brain's map of body part and how the inter-relate
  9. body scheme
    awareness of what position your body and body parts are in-how they relate to each other

    understanding "how my body is put together"
  10. body image
    conscious or unconscious image of one's body

    how I see myself
  11. developing motor planning/praxis
    performance of purposeful movements or groups of movements related to non-familiar motor tasks

    motor planning is involved as we learn new activities/movements
  12. developing bilateral integration
    brain's ability to allow its right and left sides to work together
  13. perceptual motor skills
    body coordination

    eye hand coordination

    visual space perception

    auditory language skills

    • w/ these skills-child is prepared for:
    • reading
    • behavior control
    • writing
    • independent work
    • arthmetic/math
    • problem-solving
    • academic skill/psychosocial dev
  14. sensory integration
    concerned with processing of sensory info below the level where perception and congnition occur:

    • perception/congnition:
    • cortical function of the brain

    • sensory integration:
    • subcortical function of the brain(we don't think about it)
  15. Sensory integration
    • does not deal w/ sensosry deficits(vision-hearing loss)
    • but
    • processing of sensory info in the CNS
  16. sensory integration
    involves central rather than peripheral sensory functions
  17. sensory integration therapy effecgtive:
    • with those who can not:
    • process
    • organize
    • integrate sensory info due to
    • neurological
    • psychosocial
    • environment deficits
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sensory integration peds
sensory integration peds