- naked, icosahedral, +sense ssRNA
- Norwalk Virus
- fecal oral rout
- Acute gatroenteritis: watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
- on Cruise Ships
- DS linear 10-12 segments, icosahedral
- Rotavirus- #1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children
- naked, icosahedral,
- postive sense ssRNA
- fecal-oral
- Actue hepatitis
- high mortality in pregnant women
Delta Virus
- ss - sense circular RNA, helical, enveloped
- parenteral, sexual
- Defective virus that depends on HbsAg as envelope; coninfect or superinfect causes fulminant hepatits
- Small, naked, icosahedral, ss+sense
- Fecal-oral transmission
- most common cause of aseptic meningitis in the US
- Rhinoviruses: #1 cause of cold. growth at 33.0 deg C. Steam will kill it. Peak summer and fall
- Heparnavirus: Acute hepatitis, usually asymptomatic
- Polio: virus intially replicates in the tonsils and peyer's patches, spreading to the blood, and across the BBB to the anterior horn of the spinal cord
- - mild illness: febrile
- - aseptic meningitis: fever and meningismus. recovered in 1 week
- - paralytic poliomyelitis: flaccid paralysis w/ no sensory loss
- -Live vaccine: sabin
- -killed vaccin: salk- given to kids in US
- Coxsackie A: hand, foot and mouth (A16), herpangina (fever, sore throat, small red-based vesicles ov er the back of the throat), aseptic meningitis, acute lymphoglandular pharyngitis, common cold
- Coxsackie B: Myocarditis, Pleurodynia (Bornholm disease- devil's grip- pleuritic pain), aseptic meningitis
- Echoviruses: fever and ras
- enveloped, helical +ss
- #2 cause of common cold. winter/spring peak
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV): from birds and small mammals (civet cats) repiratory droplets. Virus is found in urine, sweat and feces
- Fever >100.4 deg F, flu-like illness, dry cough, dyspnea and progressive hypoxia
- chest x-ray show focal interstitial infiltrates --> patchy distribution
- Envoloped except HCV, ss + icosahedral
- spread by mosquito from birds/monkeys
- HCV: spread by blood transfusion. Causes chronic infection 90% of the time, cirrhosis, carcinoma
- Yellow fever: (monkey) hepatitis w/ jaundice, fever, backache, nausea and vomiting. Hemorrhagic causes black vomit. live attenuated vaccine for prevention
- Dengue: (monkey) severe break bone fever: rash, muscle and joint pain. Hemorrhagic fever/shock if reinfected.
- St. Louis Encephalitis & West Nile Virus: caused by mosquito, causes flu-like illness but may present with encephalitis and death in elderly
- enveloped, icosahedral ss+sense
- Arboviruses (Alpha): mosquito from birds, horses. Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEE), Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE), Venezuelan Equina Encephalitis (VEE). EEE and WEE has killed vaccines
- Rubivirus (rubella): Live attenuated vaccine. German measles: contracted by respiratory secretions. Followed by a red muculopapular rash that spreads from forehead to face to torso to extremities. Unlike measles, patients are less sick, complications such as encephalitis don't occur, and the rash lasts only 3 days, not 6. Thus its other name "3day measles"
- Congenital rebella syndrome: Cataracts, deafness, pulmonary stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus, microcephaly.