arteries and veins

  1. arise from the subclavian arteries in the base of the neck near the tips of the lungs
    vertebral arteries
  2. vessels that give off branches to the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, larynx, trachea, esophagus and pharynx
    thyrocervical arteries
  3. third vessels to branch from the subclavians, carry blood to muscles in the neck, back, and thoracic wall
    costocervical arteries
  4. courses upward on the side of the head, giving off branches to structures in the neck, face, jaw, scalp and base of skull
    external carotid artery
  5. follows deep course upward along the pharynx to the bas of the skull, major blood supply to the brain
    internal carotid artery
  6. supplies branches to the neck, contines into the arm
    axillary artery
  7. courses along the humerus to the elbow
    brachial artery
  8. leads downward on the ulnar side of the forearm to the wrist
    ulnar artery
  9. continuation of the brachial artery, extends along the radial side of the forarm to the wrist
    radial artery
  10. vessel originates in the base of the neck and passes downward on the pleura and behind the cartilages of the upper six ribs
    internal thoracic artery
  11. these vessels provide blood to the pelvic organs, gluteal region, and lower limbs
    common iliac arteries
  12. gives off many branches to various pelvic musbles and visceral structures as well as to the gluteal muscles and the external genitalia
    internal iliac artery
  13. provides blood supply to the lower limbs
    external iliac artery
  14. passes fairly close to the anterior surface of the upper thigh, gives off many branches to muscles and superficial tissues
    femoral artery
  15. supply blood to the knee joint and to certain muscles in the thigh and calf
    popliteal artery
  16. passes downward between the tibia and the fibula, giving off branches to the skin and muscles in the anterior and lateral regions of the leg
    anterior tibial artery
  17. descends beneath the calf muscles, giving off branches to the skin, muscles, and other tissues of the leg along the way
    posterior tibial artery
  18. drains blood from the face, scalp, and superficial regions of the neck
    external jugular veins
  19. arise from many veins, and venous sinuses of the brain and from deep veins in various parts of the face and neck
    internal jugular veins
  20. unions of the internal jugular and subclavian veins
    brachiocephalic veins
  21. deep venous drainage of the upper limbs begin in the digital veins that drain into pairs of radial veins and ulnar veins which merge to form a pair of ______
    brachial veins
  22. passes along the back of the foearm on the ulnar side for a distance....vein
    basilic vein
  23. courses upward on the lateral side of the upper limb from the hand to the shoulder....vein
    cephalic vein
  24. originates in the dorsal abdonminal wall and ascends through the mediastenum on the right side of the vertebral column to join the superior vena cava...vein
    azygos vein
  25. the blood of the hepatic portal system travels through a series of merging vessels into
    hepatic veins
  26. deep veins of the leg, anterior and posterior tibial veins, at the level of the knee, these vessels form a single trunk the
    popliteal vein
  27. begins in the lateral protion of the foot and passes upward behind the lateral malleolus...vein
    small saphenous vein
  28. longest vein in the body, originates on the medial side of the foot
    great saphenous vein
  29. carry blood away from organs of the reprodictive, urinary and digestive systems
    internal iliac vein
  30. originate deep within the pelvis and ascend to the pelvis brim, there they unite with the right and left external iliac veins to form the
    common iliac veins
Card Set
arteries and veins
cardiovascular system