RA - Mouth notes

  1. Maxilla
    upper jaw
  2. Mandible
    lower jaw
  3. - there exists a "horseshoe curve" of the
    jaws and teeth

    - the mouth is most ___________ (projecting/concave) at the midline

    - the lateral aspects are ___________ (anterior/posterior)

    - it is important to duplicate the curves _____________ (horizontally/vertically)


  4. Variation of both halves

    - one side is usually _________ (shorter/longer)

    - one mucous membrane is usually ________ (thicker/thinner)

    - the "side" varies with the individual

  5. Expression

    - the mouth is the most important feature when considering facial expressions

    - it is the only feature which changes expression
  6. Parts of the mouth: upper white lip

    aka: upper ____________ lip

    the area between the _______ (chin/nose) and the red lips

  7. Parts of the mouth: upper white lip boundaries/borders

    superior border: it is the ____ (base/apex) of the nose or the columna nasi

    lateral border: naso labial fold; it is the only feature which changes expression

    inferior border: it is the __________ (superior/inferior) border of the upper red lip

  8. Parts of the mouth: upper white lip: number of surface planes

    - there are __ (1,2, 3) surface planes

    - the medial surface plane is the most __________ (concave/projecting)

    - the lateral suface planes are the most __________ (depressed/convexed)


  9. Parts of the mouth: red lips

    aka mucous membrane (upper and lower)

    the visible __________ (reddish/whiteish) poriton
  10. Parts of the mouth: red lips boundaries/borders

    - superior border of the upper red lip is: the ___________ (superior/inferior) border of the upper white lip)

    - no inferior border for: the ______ (upper/lower) red lip

    - no superior border for: the lower red lip

    - inferior border of lower red lip is: the __________ (superior/inferior) border of the lower white lip

    - lateral border of both red lips is: the end of the line of closure


  11. Parts of the mouth: lower white lip

    aka: lower ___________ lip

    the area between the red lips and the ____ (chin/nose)

  12. Parts of the mouth: lower white lip boundaries/borders

    - superior border: it is the _______ (superior/inferior) border of the lower red lip

    - lateral border: none

    - inferior border: it is the labio-mental sulcus (inferior labial groove)
  13. Parts of the mouth: lower white lip: number of surface planes

    - there are __ (1,2,3) surface planes

    - the medial surface plane is the most __________ (concave/projecting)

    - the lateral surface planes are the most ____________ (depressed/convexed)


  14. Line of closure

    - aka: line of the lips

    - where the __ (2,3) mucous membranes come together

    - it is ____________ (horizontal/vertical) with gentle curves

    - its ends may turn up or down or with combinations

  15. Weather line

    - a _____________ (horizontal/vertical) line on both red lips that is due to the effects of weather

    - in front of the weather line the red lips appear ___ (dry/wet) and may crack

    - behind the weather line the red lips appear ___ (dry/moist)

    - NOTE: the line of closure mouth is not synonymous for weather line. However if you close the mouth properly they will be in the same place. Line of closure mouth is synonymous with line of the lips and not synonymous with lines of the lips.


  16. Lines of the lip

    - these are the little _________ (horizontal/vertical) lines or cracks on the red lips
  17. Labial sulci

    aka: knitting lines of sulci lips

    these are the _________ (horizontal/vertical) lines or furrows on the white lips

    they often knit into the mucous membrane
  18. Anguli oris eminence
    angled projection at the close of the mouth on the upper white lip

    lateral to the ends of the line of closure

    side of upper white lip
  19. Anguli oris sulcus
    aka: side of lower white lip

    angled groove on the lower white lip at the end of the line of closure mouth

    it begins just medial and inferior to the eminence

    shape is triangular when young and oblique in middle and old age
  20. Nasal sulcus
    natural depression posterior to the wings of the nose

    extending down onto the upper integumentary lip
  21. Nasal-labial sulcus
    this is an oblique marking

    a groove that extends from the posterior aspect of the wings of the nose to the corner of the mouth

    an acquired marking
  22. Nasal-labial fold
    the natural projection lateral to the area of the nasal labial sulcus

    it is oblique

    considered to be the lateral border to the upper white lip
  23. Philtrum
    aka: superior labial groove

    a vertical groove on the midline of the upper integumentary lip

    its superior border is the columna nasi

    its inferior border is the superior border of the upper red lip or the cupid's bow

    the columni nasi's with = philtrum's superior width
  24. Labio-mental sulcus
    aka: inferior labial groove

    a horizontal groove/wrinkle or furrow that separates the lower white lip from the chin

    inferior width = distance between cupid's peak and medial lobe
Card Set
RA - Mouth notes
RA - Mouth notes