
  1. Immunity
    • Resistance/protection from an individual's environment
    • Primarly: 'chemical system'
    • Also cell-mediated: T-cells & B-cells
    • Antigen -vs- antibody response
  2. "antigen"
    • Any substance foreign to the host
    • Complete: induces immune response & reacts w/antibodies
    • Incomplete or 'hapten': reacts w/antibody. But does NOT elicit immune response w/o being coupled w/another antigen or cell.
  3. "antibody"
    • Substance raised in self as an antagonist to the antigen.
    • Immuoglobulins: family of 'serum proteins'
    • Produced in plasma cells
    • (* B-cells: lymphocytes capable of producing antibody)
    • B-cells: originate in bone marrow & lymphoid tissue of the alimentary tract.
  4. "T-cells"
    • Lymphocytes that mature in the thymus
    • Four different types: T-helper; T-suppressor; Cytotoxic T-cells; & Natural Killer cells
  5. "T-helper"
    Delivers antigen to B-cell
  6. "T-suppressor"
    Diminishes excess antibody production
  7. "Cytotoxic T-cells"
    Kill cells that process foreign/altered antigens.
  8. "Natural Killer cells"
    • Capacity to spontaneously kill various target cells
    • Capable of binding to & killing virus-infected & tumor cells.
    • Mechanism not understood
  9. * Process of Immunity
    • Reticular Endothelial (RE cells): break down antigens
    • 1) 'monocyts' & 'macrophages': their presence stimulates lymphocyte production.
    • Pieces are presented to T-cells
Card Set
Immune System & Hereditary Diseases