ielts 2

  1. Interconnect
    • verb
    • [no object]
    • connect with each other

    • noun
    • a device used to connect two things together.
  2. interdependent
    • adjective
    • (of two or more people or things) dependent on each other
  3. interface
    • noun
    • 1. a point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc. meet and interact
    • [Physics] a surface forming a common boundary between two portions of matter or space, for example between two immiscible liquids

    • 2 [Computing] a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer:a graphical user interface
    • a device or program for connecting two items of hardware or software so that they can be operated jointly or communicate with each other

    • verb
    • [no object] (interface with)
    • 1. interact with (another system, person, etc.)

    • Coll: the ~ between things
    • a user/computer/web/application/software ~
    • a graphical/simple/clean/user-friendly/intuitive ~
    • use/provide/improve an ~
  4. interim
    • [noun]
    • 1. the intervening time: in the interim
    • 2. (usually interims) chiefly British an interim dividend, profit, etc..

    • [adjective]
    • 1. in or for the intervening period; provisional
    • 2. relating to less than a full year’s business activity
    • [adverb]
    • archaic
    • meanwhile.

    • Coll: an ~ gov/constitution/administration/authority
    • an ~ president/minister/coach/chairman/report
    • ~ results
  5. intermittent
    • [adjective]
    • occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady

    • Coll: ~ rain/showers
    • an ~ problem/fault

    Syn: Sporadical
  6. interrelate
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ielts 2
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