Chapter 10 Cards pt2

  1. initiating stage
    the first stage in the coming toegehr part of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which two people notice each other and indicate to each other that they are interested in making contact
  2. intergrating stage
    a stage in the coing together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two partners form a clear identity as a couople
  3. intensifying stage
    a stage in the coing together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which the intimacy between the partners intensifies
  4. internal dialectic
    tensions resulting from oppositions inherent in relational partner's commuication with each other
  5. judgment and acceptance dialectic
    our desire to critize a friend as opposed to accepting a friend for who they are
  6. long-term attraction
    judgement of a relationship taht makes us want to continue a relationship after initating it. this attraction sustains and maintaies relationships
  7. metacommunication
  8. negative feedback
    feedback that causes a system to reject recalibration and stay teh same
  9. networking
    in relational development finding out information about a person from a third party
  10. novelty and predictability dialectic
    our stimultaneous opposing desires for excitement and tability in our relationships
  11. offering
    putting ourselves in a good position for another to approach us in a social situation
  12. positive feedback
    feedback taht causes a system to recalibrate and change
  13. preventative maintenance
    paying attention to our relationships even when they are not experiencing troubles
  14. public and private dialectic
  15. recalibrate
    adjust a relationship to accommodate changing needs of the parteis
  16. relational culture
    the notion that relational partners collaborate and experience shared understanding roles and rituals tat are unique to their relationship
  17. relational transgressions
    negative behaviors in close relationships such as betrayals, deceptions and hurtful comments
  18. relative power position
    a situation in which a partner in a relationship believes he or she has a higher power status than the other partner, and so will engage in risky strategies without fearing the costs
  19. rewards
    those parts of being in a relationship that we find pleasurable
  20. ritual
    a repeated patterned communication event in a family's life
  21. role relationships
    a relationship in which the partners are interdependent wile accomplishing a specifc task, such as a server and a customer at a restaurant
  22. short-term attraction
    a judgement or frelationship potential that propels us into initiating a relationship
  23. small talk
    conversational interactions taht are relaxed pleasant uncritical and casual
  24. stagnation stage
    a stage in the coing apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which circumscribing is extended so far that a couple no longer talks muc except in the most routinized ways
  25. subsystems
    lower-level systems of relationship, such as a sibling relationship within a family
  26. suprasystems
    higher-level systems of relationship, such as a neighborhood consisting of several families
  27. sustaining
    behaving in a way that keeps an initial conversation going such as asking questions
  28. terminating stage
    the last stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which a relationship is ending
  29. wholeness
    a principle that states that we can't fully understand a system by simply picking it apart and understanding each of its parts in isolation from one another
Card Set
Chapter 10 Cards pt2
terms pt2