CMST Chapter 10 terms pt1

  1. account
    an explanation for a transgression that may accompany an apology
  2. affection and insturmentiality dialectic
    the tension between framing a frendship with someone as an end in itself (affection) or seeing ti as a means to anotehr end (instruemtality)
  3. affinity seeking
    emphasizing the commonaliteis we think we share with another person
  4. apology
    a simple statment like "I am really sorry"
  5. approaching
    providing nonverbal signals that indicate we'd like to initiate contact with anotehr person, such as going up to a person or smiling in that person's direction
  6. autonomy and connection dialectic
    the tension between our desire to be independent or autonomous while simultaneously wanting to feel a connection with our partenr
  7. avoding stage
    a stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two partners stay away from each other because they feel that being together is unplesant
  8. bonding stage
    The final stage in coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which partners make a public commitment to their relationshiop
  9. boundaries or openness
    a system principle referring to the fact that hierarchy is fomred by creating boundaries around each sepreate system. However, human systems are inherently open, which means that information passes thorught these boundareis,
  10. calibration
    the process of systems setting their parameters, checking on themselves and self-correcting
  11. circumscribing stage
    A stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two people's communication behaviors are restrained so taht fewer topics are raised, more issues are out of bounds and they interact less
  12. close relationships
  13. comparison level
    a person's standard level for what types of costs and rewards should exist in a given relationship
  14. comparison level for alternatives
    a comparison of the costs and rewards of a current relationship to the possibilty of doing better in a differnt relationship
  15. corrective maintenance
    repairing a relationship when it runs into trouble
  16. costs
    those things in relational life that we judge as negative
  17. differentating stage
    The first stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which two people begin to notice ways in which they differ
  18. equifinality
    the ability to achieve the same goals by a vaariety of means
  19. experimenting stage
    a stage in coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two people beocme qcuainted by gathering information about each other
  20. external dialectic
    Tensions between oppositings that have to do with ohow relational partners negotiate the public aspects of their relationship
  21. family stories
    bits of lore about family members and activities that are told and retold as a way for family members to construct a sense of family identity and meaning
  22. hiearachy
    a principle that states that all relationships are embedded within larger systems
  23. ideal and real dialectic
    the tension between an idelized vision of friendship and the real friends one has
  24. imagined conversation
    a conversation with oneself in whichone partner plays the parts of both partners in a mental rehersal
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CMST Chapter 10 terms pt1
terms pt1