esophagus, stomach, proximal duodenum
distal duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, proximal colon
distal colon/rectum
esophagus/stomach are identifiable at ? weeks gestation
uncoordinated contractions of the gut and delayed gastric emptying
26 weeks gestation
motility fully developed and coordination of sucking/swallowing
36 week gestation
thick, greenish black material consisting of epithelial cells, digestive tract secretions and amniotic fluid
automatic reflex action for first 3 months of life
required to convert nutrients from usable energy
responsible for absorption of water & sodium
Large intestine
the shape of an infant's stomach should be what?
rounded and dome-shaped
diaphragmatic hernia
normal, especially in epigastric area
protrusion through the umbilicus or rectus abdominis muscles
umbilical hernia
usually palpated 1-3 cm below right costal margin; greater than 3 cm is hepatomegaly, which may indicate infection, cardiac failure, liver disease
often the presenting symptom in children with celiac disease
most common in children from 6 months to 3 years old
foreign bodies
Seek medical advice for what pertaining to foreign bodies? (6)
sharp/large objects, batteries, aspiration, GI perforation, lodged in esophagus/pharynx, small smooth objects
leading cause of illness in children younger than 5
acute diarrhea
How to calculate how much fluid to give a child with diarrhea:
allow 100 mL/kg for first 10 kg of body weight; allow 50 ml/kg for second 10 kg body; allow 20 mL/kg for remaining body weight
inappropriate passage of feces; often with soiling
mechanical obstruction from inadequate motility of intestine
Hirschsprung Disease
usually involves the rectum and some portion of the distal colon
Hirschsprung Disease
S/S of hirschsprung disease (4)
aganglionic segment usually includes rectum & distal colon; accumulation of stool with distention; failure of internal/sphincter to relax; enterocolitis may occur
Newborn S/S of hirchsprung disease (4)
failure to pass meconium w/in the first 48 hours of life; abdominal distension that is relieved by rectal stimulation or enemas; vomiting; neonatal enterocolitis
what kind of diet does a patient need before having surgery for Hirschsprung disease?
Low fiber, high calorie, high protein
Transfer of gastric contents into the esophagus; occcurs in everyone
associated with apnea, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, pneumonia
therapeutic management for GER: (5)
small, frequent feeds; continuous NG feeds severe cases, fequent burping, thickening of feeds controversial, positioning controversial
promotes gastic emptying and increases lower esophageal sphincter pressure
Prokinetic agents
Reduce amount of acid present in gastric contents
Tagamet, zantec, pepcid
proton pump inhibitors that inhibit gastric acid secretion
Prilosec, prevacid
nursing considerations for GER: (4)
educate parents about positioning, feeding changes, educate about medications, inflammatory diseases
acute inflammation and infection of vermiform appendix/most common causes of abdominal pain; due to a closed-loop obstruction of the appendix
Acute appendicitus
most common congenital malformation of GI tract; results from imcomplete obliteration of fetal omphalomesenteric duct that connects with the yolk sac; usually occurs w/o symptoms
Meckel Diverticulum
S/S of meckel diverticulum (6)
rectal bleeding, sudden bright red stool, tarry stools, pain, inflammation, obstruction
includes ulverative and Crohn's disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
S/S of ulcerative colitis
intestinal bleeding, moderate to severe diarrhea, abdominal tenderness, mild anemia, anorexia, weight loss
inflammation/ulceration of continous segments of the rectum/colon causing varying degrees of bleeding and edema
ulcerative colitis
chronic inflammatory disease that can affect any part or the entire GI tract from the mouth to the anus
Chrohn Disease
S/S of crohn disease
diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, fever, weight loss, extraintestinal manifestations
Goals of treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (4)
control inflammation and reduce symptoms; obtain long term remission; promote normal growth/development; normal lifestyle
most effective drugs for treating IBD
corticosteroids (prednisone)
effective in maintaining remission in mild to moderate disease
side effects include HA, nausea, abdominal pain, rash
azulfidine sulfasalazine
side effects include worsening diarrhea, rectal bleeding, nephritis, pancreatitis, hair loss, hepatits, pericarditis
mesalamine (asacol, pentasa)
use to treat CD; alters cellular or humoral immunity; facilitates remission, decreases likelihood of recurrence
constriction of pyloric sphincter with obstruction of gastric outlet; results from hypertrophy of the circular muscle of pylorus
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
S/S of HPS (3)
projectile vomiting, hungry/irritable, dehydrated with weight loss
Lab values for HPS (3)
matabolic alkalosis, decreased Na and K; increased BUN
Therapeutic management for HPS (4)
rehydration, surgery, resume feedings of clear liqueds 4 to 6 hrs post op, progress to full feeds w/in 48 hrs
telescoping or invagination of one portion of intestine into another; most commonly occurs b/w 3 months and 3 years
S/S of intussusception (6)
sudden onset abdominal pain, palpable sausage shaped abd mass, currant jelly stools, rectal bleeding, lethargy, sepsis
due to abnormal rotation around around the superior mesenteric artery during embryonic development
occurs when intestine is twisted around itself and compromises blood supply go intestines
intermittent vomiting, recurrent abdominal pain, abdominal distention, lower GI bleeding
malrotation and volvulus
characterized by chronic diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients; may result in failure to thrive; digestive, absorptive, anatomic defects
malabsorption syndromes
also called gluten-induced enteropahy and celiac sprue
celiac disease
four characteristics of celiac disease
steatorrhea, general malnutrition, abdominal distention, secondary vitamin deficiencies
therapeutic management for celiac disease (2)
gluten free diet; nutritional supplements esp. iron, folic acid, and fat soluable vitamins
nursing considerations for celiac disease (4)
dieatary management, read all labels, easier with infants and children than adolescents, may be lactose intolerance
result of decreased mucosal surface area, usually due to extensive resection of small intestine
short bowel syndrome
goal management of SBS (4)
preserve bowel length, maintain optimum nutritional status while intestinal adaption occurs, stimulate intestinal adaption, minimize compliations
What are the stages of maintenance of SBS? (3)
TPN, enternal feeding, exclusive enteral feeds
incomplete fusion of structures surrounding oral cavity
cleft lip/palate
failure of esophagus to develop as a continuous passage or failure of esophagus and trachea to develop into separate structures; may occur separately or in combination
esophageal artesia/tracheoesophageal fistula
S/S of esophageal artesia/T. fistula includes: (4)
constant drooling, normal suck with sudden cough/gag, abdominal distention with distal TEF, frequent aspirations in neonatal period
herniation of abdominal contents through the umbilicus; usually enclosed inperitoneal sac
omphalocele (belly button)
herniation of intestine lateral to the umbilicus, usuallly right of umbiliucs, abdominal contents are exposed