chromosmes other than sex cells that only have 44 chromosomes
chromosomal compsition of the nucleus
arranged by size and type
genetic makeup
physical trait
Specific site on a chromosome for a specific function or trait?
Pair of genes that are different
Pair of genes the same
both members of the allele pair contribute to the phenotype
When a person is homozygus for a defective gene
Autosomal recessive gene disorder
What are some examples of autosomoal recessive gene disorder?
cystic fibrosis
sickle cell anemia
Disease that impairs the exocrine glands functions
A. cystic fibrosis
Disesase that is a metabolic disorder
B. phenylketonuria(PKU)
Disease that results in deformed RBC
A. sickle cell anemia
Give examples of autosomal dominant gene disorders
Polydactyly-extra finger or toe
Polycystic kidney disease
Genetic disorder when they defective gene is dominant
autosomal dominant gene disorder
Sex-linked defective disorders are normally found on which chromosome(X,Y)?
Give examples of sex linked disorders
color blindness
hemophilia A
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
abnormal structure or number of chromosomes
gross chromosomal disorder
Give an example of gross chromosomal disorder
down's syndrome
A child is born with an autosomoal recessive disorder, neither of his parents have the disorder. What are the genotypes of his parents?
They are both heterozygus
A child is born with an autosomal recessive disorder, neither of his parents have the disorder. What is the probability that his siblings will also have the disorder?
In which of the following conditions are there carriers?
1. autosomal dominant disorder
2. X-linked disorder
3. autosomal recessive disorder
4. chromsomal disorder
2 & 3
What is the classification of cystic fibrosis
A. autosomal recessive
Joannes father has hemophillia, what is the probabilty that she is a carrier of the disease
Don's father had hemophillia, what is the probability of him being a carrier of the disease
Don's father had hemophillia, what is the probability of Don having the disease