Another word for India
Another word for an Indian
Hindu or Hindi
The absolute, the ultimate ground underlying everything; the reality that is the source of all being and all knowing
The eternal self or soul, identical to Brahman; the self or inner essence of the universe of man
The cycle of rebirths
The oneness with Brahmen-Atman which extinguishes any sense of individuality and is attained when one is released from the cycle of reincarnation
Nirvana (Hindu)
The experience of oneness with Brahman-Atman attainable in this life; the experience of enlightenment which guarantees release from the round of rebirths at death
A technique of transcending the senses to bring one to release; also release itself. It is the name of the fourth permissible goal of life.
"The Way" in Hinduism
The moral law of cause and effect by which one reaps what one sows. In ____________ it becomes a law by which all of one's deeds, from all of one's lives are balanced against eachother to determine the nature of one's next incarnation
Religious meditation
The power of knowledge real wisdom and intellect
sanskrit word for "devotion" show an active desire of the devotee
The hindu trinity of Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
The "descent of the divine"; the incarnation of Vishnu in different animal and human formations. Traditionally there are ten such avatars: Matsya (fish), kurma (tortoise), varaha (boar), narasimba (the man lion), Vamana (the dwarf), Parasurama (Rama with Ax), Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kali at the end of time.
Noninjury, nonviolence, noncoercion, a reverence for all life
Community adjacent to an ISKCON temple in which members live
Hindu Prayer Service
Third God of the Trimurti. Associated with storms, mountains and herbs, a destroyer God, destroys that which is harmful Blue skinned, Husband of Shakti
Has a bunch of different Avatars and a close involvement with the World. The preserver God
Son of Lord Shiva. Depicted as a human with the head of an elephant.
Creator God. Doesn't have a significant following in India.
The four books of knowledge to Hindu devotees
The four Vedas
Deal with cosmic realities (literally "sitting near a teacher")
One of the main Hindu epics. Written in the third century by Valkimi. In the story Rama is exiled form his kingdom. Sita and Lakshmi is captured by a demon.
The longest epic in the world. 4 times the length of the Bible and one of the main Hindu epics
Part of the Mahabartta and about Krishna a charioteer for Arjuna in some battle. Influential on Hindu Bakti
Bhagavad Gita
Concerned with Hindu myth, lore and legend. There are 18 of them.
Illustrates the caste system, and lots of other administrative shit. Societal roles, diet, government, etc. Composed in 200 BC
The Laws of Manu
First jewel of Buddhism
I take refuge in the buddha
second jewel of buddhism
I take refuge in the dharma
third jewel of Buddhism
I take refuge in the Sangha (Monastic Order)
First of the Buddhist noble truths
Life is pain
second of Buddhist noble truths
Selfish desire and ego are the origin of pain and suffering
third of the buddhist 4 noble truths
Craving and desire can be eliminated easing suffering in this life
4th of the buddhist 4 noble truths
The eightfold middle path leads to the extinction of suffering
First of the eightfold middle path
Right views
second on the eightfold middle path
Right thought (free from Ill Will)
Third on the buddhist eightfold middle path
Right speech (no lying, no gossip, no harsh language)
4th on the buddhist eightfold middle path
Right action - no violence, no killing, no illicit sex
5th on the buddhist eightfold middle path
Right livlihood - earn a living causing no harm to anyone (Ahimsa)
6th item on the eightfold middle path (only attainable by Buddhist monks)
Right efforts (to avoid, to overcome, to develop, to maintain)
7th item on the buddhist eightfold middle path
Right mindfulness (to be fully conscious of one's actions)
8th item on the buddhist eightfold middle path (attainable only by Buddhist monks)
Right concentration (to fixate on a single subject)
In buddhist tradition, releas efrom limitations of existence and of reincarnation. the supreme goal in life of a buddhist, attainable by right aspiration, purity and elimination of egoism.
Theravada view on Nirvana
Escape from life by the overcoming of its attractions
Mahayana viewpoint on Nirvana
Fruition of life, unfolding of infinite possibilities of the innate buddha-nature and exalts the saint who remains in touch with life rather than the saint who relinquishes all connection with it
Occurred after the death of the Buddha. 500 sangha present. Triptaka Took place in 482 BCE
First Buddhist Council
Occured in 450 BCE. Debate about the strict disciplines of Buddha. Resulted in an (acrimonious) split into different groups
Second Buddhist Council
School of Buddha. Means "Way of the Elders". Another term applied to it is hinayana which means "lesser vehicle." Most closely approximates the doctrines of Buddha. The Doctrine is one of "self help." No deities provide assstance in gaining release from the wheel. Spread mostly throughout southeast Asia
Another name for Theravada Buddhism "lesser vehicle"
School of Buddhism which means "Greater Vehicle" Differs from Theravada because its teaching contain a multitude of Heavenly beings who assist their worshipers . Nirvana becomes a "Place" and not just a state of mind. Grew primarily into China, Korea and Japan. Sometimes called Northern Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
School of Buddhism literally meaning "vehicle of the thunderbolt." Adherents expect to attain enlightenment through magical power. Grew in Northeast India in the 8th century and spread to Tibet in the 11th century and included Tibet, Mongolia and other region of Central Asia
Vajrayana Buddhism
Buddhist order of monks founded by the Buddha himself
A Theravada Buddhist Temple
A form of Mahayana Buddhism that seeks enlightenment specifically through meditation. Called "Shin" in Japanese Traditions
Zen Buddhism
Lived from 563-a83 BCE. Rich kid wanted to get out of that shit.
Siddharta Guatama
The Buddha of infinite Light. "Lord of the western land."
A boddhisatva, and a buddha of the future in existence now?
Combination of the chinese words for "Gods" and "Way" (Shen and Tao)
Gate before a shrine which separates the mundane world from the sacred enclosure
Powers of divine beings which reside in all things. They can bless or cause unhappiness in life
Primeval Kami of the sky in shinto tradition. He and his wife Izanami created the Japanese Islands
Primeval Kami of the sky. She gave birth to the Japanese islands and a bunch of deities.
The storm God and misheivious brother of Amaterasu. He was created when Izanagi washed his nose
The Sun Goddess who was born when Izanagi washed his left eye. Graphic symbol on Japan's flag.
Patriotic institution of Japanese religion, over spiritual one. Developed under Meiji's regime.
State Shinto
Type of Shrine Shinto developed by a woman named Nakayama Miki. Nicknamed the christian science of Japan because of belief in magical healing
A follower of Nanak and a word meaning "Disciple."
Lived from 1469-1539. The founder of Sikhism
Guru Nanak
Lived from 1666-1708. The tenth guru and the one who established the Khalsa
Gobind Singh
The temple in Amritsar which is especially sacred to Sikhs
The Golden Temple
Release from the round of rebirths. This is the Sikh variation on the Sanskrit word "Moksha"
"The revered Book" in Sikh traditions. The original name for Sikh scriptures
Granth Sahib
First S of the Sikh way of life. Meditation
Second S in the Sikh way of life. Service
Third and most important S in Sikh way of life. The company of enlightened souls
First K of Khalsa. Uncut hair and beard. Respect for natural laws.
Comb. Second K of Khalsa. Symbolizes the controlling of mind and body.
Steel bracelet; symbolizes the oneness of God and the unity of man, third K in the khalsa
Short dagger; symbolizes dignity, self defense and the just use of power
The name for God which means "one true name"
Ik Oankar
Spiritual leader. There is only one at a time. Represent the divine presence of God
Lived 551-479 BCE. Founder of Confucianism. Name is K'ung fu-tzu.
Collection of sayings of confucius compiled by his disciples one of the four books
Lun Yu
"human-heartedness" or "true manhood" the ideal attribute and goal of a confucian education
Jen (Ren)
Filial piety, the respect due to parents, elders and superiors
"book of mencius" one of the four books, Mencius sayings and writings
Meng Tzu
First relationship in confucianism
Father to Son
Second relationship in confucianism
Elder Brother to younger brother
Third relationship in relationship.
Husband to wife
Fourth confucian relationship
elder to junior
fifth confucian relationship
ruler to subject