Care 2 Listings

  1. What are the possible listings for (CC) Occiput (PS)?
    • PS-LS / PS-LS-LP / PS-LS-LA
    • PS-RS / PS-RS-RP / PS-RS-RA
  2. What is the saying to help with head direction for Occiput?
    "P" AWAY

  3. PP (patient placement) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    Seated H4
  4. DS (doctor stance) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    Behind favoring 45o
  5. CH (contact hand) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    Rt or Lt
  6. CP (contact point) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    #10A (thenar eminence)
  7. SH (stabalization hand) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    Lt or Rt
  8. SP (stabalization point) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
  9. SCP (segmental contact point) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    • Superior mastoid groove
    • "smg"
  10. SSP (segmental stabalization point during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    TP of C1
  11. TP (transverse process) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
  12. TQ (torque) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
  13. LOC (line of correction) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    P-A and S-I and <R-L OR L-R>
  14. LOD (line of drive) during a (CC) occiput (PS) is?
    P-A and S-I and <R-L OR L-R>
  15. H4 stands for what?
    Head, Heels, Hands, Hiene
  16. PP (patient placement) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
    Seated H4
  17. DS (doctor stance) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  18. CH (contact hand) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
    Rt or Lt
  19. CP (contact point) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  20. SH (stabalization hand) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  21. SP (stabalization point) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  22. SCP (segmental contact point) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  23. SSP (segmental stabalization point) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
    Posterior arch of C1
  24. TP (transverse process) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  25. TQ (torque) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
  26. LOC (line of correction) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
    A-P and S-I and <R-L OR L-R>
  27. LOD (line of drive) during a (CC) occiput (AS) is?
    A-P and S-I with a scoop
  28. What are the possible listings for (CC) Occiput (AS)?
    • AS-LS / AS-LS-LP / AS-LS-LA
    • AS-RS / AS-RS-RP / AS-RS-RA
Card Set
Care 2 Listings
(CC) Occiput (PS), (CC) Occiput (AS)