The nose and mouth should be midline and symmetrical in a normal assessment. T - F
You should palpate the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, spehnoid sinuses. T- F
False the Ethmoid & Spehnoid are too deep to palpate.
Healthy teeth, gums, tongue, buccal mucosa palate and lips tell you about a client?
Good picture of over all health
The lips should be inspected by using a tongue blade for which of the following (all that apply)?
Color ___
Moisture ____
Cracking ____
Lesions ____
Color ___Moisture ____Cracking ____Lesions ____
Where is the Stenoson's duct located?
What does it look like?
Looks like a dimple in the buccal mucosa, opposie the 2nd upper molar.
Leukoedema is a form of skin cancer in the mouth? T - F
–Luekoedema: gray opaque patch seen in persons with dark skin common bilatteraly goes away when cheeks are streached.
Fordyce’s granules are painful sebaceous cyst in the mouth and are significant cause for concern? T - F
They are samll, isolated whie or yellow papules on the mucosa of the cheeks tongue and lips. These little sebaceous cyst are painless and not significant.
If the tonsiles are enlarged and touching each other what will the grading be?
4+ touching each other
Gag reflex test for what Cranial nerve?
When the tonsiles are just visible what will the grade be?
1+ visible
When the tonsiles are halfway between the tonsillar pillars & uvula is what grade
When the tonsiles are touching the uvula what is the grade?
What is halatosis?
Bad Breath
Testing the gag reflux test for which two cranial nerves?
IX glossopharyngeal and X Vagus
Asking the client to say "AHHH" test for which cranial nerve and what else are you looking for?
TEst for Soft palate and uvual rise to mid line test for CN X Vagus
Sticking your tongue out test for what cranial nerve?
XII - Hypglossal
Oral abnormal findings include which of the following?
Angular Cheilitis
Herpes Simplex 1
Cleft lip
Dental caries
Gingival hyperplasis
Aphthous ulcers (canker sores)
Leukopakia – precancerous lesion
Moist Pink skin
All except Moist pink skin
Nasel flairing is a sign of what?
Difficulty breathing
Most common sit for nose bleeds
Small boil located in the skin or mucosa membrane - red and swollen.
•Denies pain, allergies, dysphagia, mouth dryness or congestion
•Nose midline, no drainage noted, nasal mucosa uniformly pink.
•Lips, tongue & buccal mucosa moist & pink. No mouth
lesions seen. Teeth white and free of decay. No signs of gingival hyperplasia. Able to move tongue smoothly. No fasciculations noted with tongue movement
•No throat redness noted. Tonsils 1+. Gag reflex present. Uvula rises to the midline when says “Ah”
Normal Documentation REVIEW
Health Promotion Tips for the Nose would include all of the following except?
Do not smoke or use snuff
Avoid exposure to passive smoke
Blow nose gently while having only one nare closed at a time
Limit use of over the counter nasal inhalers
Spray water in your nose when it feels clogged
Do not put anything in your nose especially fingers
Use a humidifier to moisten room air especially in the winter remember to change the water as directed by the manufacturer
Spray water in your nose when it feels clogged
Health Promotion Tips for the Mouth & Throat would include all except?
No use of oral tobacco products
Regular dental check-ups
Do not smoke and drink alcohol simultaneously
Products to strengthen teeth
Brush teeth pc and at hs
Floss dailyIf grind teeth, use a mouth guard for sleeping
Diet high in calcium
Consume Soda as often as possible to promote healthy clean mouth
NOT - Soda is very corrosive to teeth if consumed in excess—Drink it with a straw
Sweet fruity breath is a sign of what?
(Ketosis) Ketoacidosis - Type I diabetes
Card Set
Health Assessment
Health Assessment & Physical Examination Nose, Mouth, & Throat Assessment