- a state of extreme poverty or destitution
同义词: indigence | need | pauperism | pauperization
- a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
- poor enough to need help from others
同义词: destitute | impoverished | necessitous | needy | poverty-stricken
- the commercial activity of providing funds and capital
- the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
- the management of money and credit and banking and investments
- obtain or provide money for
- "Can we finance the addition to our home?"
- sell or provide on credit
- wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
同义词: luxury | luxuriousness | sumptuousness
- n.
- an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
- 同义词: luck | chance | hazard
- a large amount of wealth or prosperity
- an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome
- "it was as if fortune guided his hand"
- 同义词: luck
- your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
- "whatever my fortune may be"
- an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
- 同义词: command | bid | dictation
- a request to be present
- "they came at his bidding"
- 同义词: summons
- (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
同义词: bid
- a useful or valuable quality
同义词: plus
- an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment
- the condition of prospering; having good fortune
同义词: successfulness
- in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
- n.
- a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
- 同义词: advocate | advocator | proponent
- someone who expounds and interprets or explains
- a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
- a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
- 同义词: damages | amends | indemnity | indemnification | restitution
- act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
同义词: remedy | remediation
- make reparations or amends for
同义词: right | compensate | correct
- deficit ['defisit]
- the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
- "new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit"
- 同义词: shortage | shortfall
- a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning
- "the people concerned have a deficit in verbal memory" , "they have serious linguistic deficits"
- (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing
- an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period)
- "last year there was a serious budgetary deficit"
Collect,charge zhenshou
Share,allowance di Liang fenpei
(sales and purchases
- a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness)
- "he had doubts about the whole enterprise"
- 同义词: endeavor | endeavour
- an organization created for business ventures
- "a growing enterprise must have a bold leader"
- readiness to embark on bold new ventures
- the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used
- general acceptance or use
- "the currency of ideas"
- a current state of general acceptance and use
- 同义词: vogue
- the property of belonging to the present time
- "the currency of a slang term"
- a detailed list of all the items in stock
- 同义词: stock list
- the merchandise that a shop has on hand
- "they carried a vast inventory of hardware" , "they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory"
- 同义词: stock
- (accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods
- a collection of resources
- 同义词: armory | armoury
- making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand
- "an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing" , "they held an inventory every month"
- 同义词: inventorying | stocktaking | stock-taking
- make or include in an itemized record or report
同义词: take stock | stock-take
- quota ['kwəutə]
- a prescribed number
- "all the salesmen met their quota for the month"
- a proportional share assigned to each participant
- a limitation on imports
- "the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated"
- tariff ['tærif]
- a government tax on imports or exports
同义词: duty
- charge a tariff
- "tariff imported goods"
- n.
- a general and progressive increase in prices
Dai li=substitutive
- inertia [i'nə:ʃiə]
- a disposition to remain inactive or inert
- "he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work"
- 同义词: inactiveness | inactivity
- (physics) the tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force
- 惯性;惯量
- an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
- 同义词: audited account
- a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation
- "he made an audit of all the plants on his property" , "an energy efficiency audit" , "an email log audit"
- examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification
- "audit accounts and tax returns"
- 同义词: scrutinize | scrutinise | inspect
- attend academic courses without getting credit
- a state of complete lack of some abstract property
- "spiritual bankruptcy" , "moral bankruptcy" , "intellectual bankruptcy"
- inability to discharge all your debts as they come due
- "the company had to declare bankruptcy"
- 同义词: failure
- a legal process intended to insure equality among the creditors of a corporation declared to be insolvent
- collateral [kə'lætərəl]
- a security pledged for the repayment of a loan
- descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
- "cousins are collateral relatives"
- 同义词: indirect
- serving to support or corroborate
- "collateral evidence"
- 同义词: confirmative | confirming | confirmatory | corroborative | corroboratory | substantiating |substantiative | validating | validatory | verificatory | verifying
- accompany, concomitant
- "collateral target damage from a bombing run"
- situated or running side by side
- "collateral ridges of mountains"
- adj. 并行的;旁系的;附属的
- n. 抵押品;[法] 担保品;旁系亲属
Consolidate combine
- place a value on; judge the worth of something
- 同义词: measure | evaluate | valuate | appraise | value
- charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine
- set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
- 同义词: tax
- estimate the value of (property) for taxation
- "Our house hasn't been assessed in years"
Function ,usefulness
- something that is regarded as a chance event
- "the election was just a lottery to them"
- players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots
同义词: drawing
- a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose
- "the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year"
- a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them
- "the president submitted the annual budget to Congress"
n. 预算,预算费
- n. 委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状
- vt. 委任;使服役;委托制作
- money demanded for the return of a captured person
- 同义词: ransom money
- payment for the release of someone
- the act of freeing from captivity or punishment
- exchange or buy back for money; under threat
同义词: redeem