Can Java bite code be easily translated into the original code?
What happens in DNS hijacking?
gaining administrative access to DNS server
How can you handle the “clear text” issue?
What is a NONCE?
a randomly chosen value, different from previous choices, inserted into a message to protect against replays
The ___ keeps your session continuing with the web server, until after it times-out?
session ID
Greylisting is ___.
a method of protecting email users from SPAM by rejecting messages from unknown senders
The difference between S/MIME versus PGP is ____.
PGP does not protect attachments
For windows implementation of SSH, you need ___.
a third-party tool. But SSH is used natively in UNIX
What are the two IPSec transport protocols?
AH authentication header, and ESP encapsulating security payload
What’s the difference between AH and ESP protocols in IPSec?
AH adds its own header
What is bluejacking?
method of sending unwanted Bluetooth signals to devices
What is bluesnarfing?
gaining access to unauthorized information stored on devices
What is WAP?
wireless application protocol
Is WAP a security implementation?
What is WPA?
Wi-Fi protected access. It specifies RC4 encryption rather than the AES specified in 802.11i
What is WAP?
wireless application protocol, designed to transmit things like web pages, email, etc. to wireless devices like cell phones with small screens
MIME stands for ___.
multipurpose internet mail extensions
What happens with Active Directory, when you do something like “change a password”?
the new password is assigned a USN; then the new password with its USN is propagated to the other domain controllers
What is LDAP?
lightweight directory access protocol used for accessing network directories
What is USN?
update sequence number, used in active directory
Windows server keeps the USNs when you do a ___ restore.
non-authoritative restore
Windows server updates the USNs when you do a ___ restore.
authoritative restore
DHCP stands for?
dynamic host configuration protocol
Why is a “DHCP server for remote clients”, a vulnerability?
it can provide attackers with IP addresses and other information if they can connect to it
RAS stands for?
remote access service
What happens when you deny all permissions to the group “everyone”?
that assignment overrides all other permissions you assign, because when different assignments combine, the result is the most restrictive
Why is copper cable vulnerable?
because it emanates
Why is kiting a vulnerability?
because false information can be submitted each time, and it’s a moving target
What happens in DNS spoofing?
manipulate the database to push people where you want them to go
What is a potential problem with “hot fixes”?
they may be untested
How do you do basic logging on a UNIX system?
use syslog
Auditing on a windows system involves ___.
group policy
What is RPC?
Remote procedure calls are a probing utility for gleaning information on services running on a system. Worms can spread via RPCs in NULL sessions
If you’re not going to be using a particular service, you should ___.
disable it
Why should you disable the “alerter service”?
to prevent a social engineering attack. It is used to forward alerts generated on the local computer, to users or remote computers
What kind of system uses “ASET”?
UNIX uses this automated security services tool in Sun Solaris
What is the big vulnerability when you run one OS inside of another OS?
shared memory
What does “hardening” mean?
update with the latest versions, patches and recommendations
How do you back up Active Directory?
make a “system state” backup
What are USNs?
update sequence numbers
What is pretexting?
in a pretexting attack, the attacker pretends to be someone he is not
Spoofing is used in ___.
identity concealment
software out of the box should not be deployed until ___.
after it is patched
What is “Cain and Abel”?
password cracking utility
What is “John the Ripper”?
password cracking utility
How can you make telnet secure?
use SSH secure shell
SSH implements ___ to secure communications on both the server computer and the user computer.
Public key cryptography
What does “sniffing the wire” mean?
doing a port scan
What can you do to make a man in the middle attack more unlikely?
Use IPSec