Orthopedic Tests (1)

  1. What are the 2 main goals of Posture?
    1. Maintain yes over horizen

    2. Center of gravity/mass over base of support
  2. What is the normal degree feet are turned out to?
    2-8o is normal for feet to be turned out
  3. Adam's Position
    (Structural Scoliolis)
    Can be done Seated or Standing.

    • 1. Doctor is behind patient.
    • 2.Observe for spinal asymmetry, winged scapula or chest rotational deformity.

    Posterior: Pateint bends forward w/ arms hanging (prayer position). Observe

    • Anterior: Bend forward and place arms
    • together in prayer position, allow back to round. Observe
  4. Adam's Position
    (Structural Scoliolis)
    Patient has a S or C curvature when spine flexes forward.

    If it straightens it is FUNCTIONAL, if not it is STRUCTURAL

    ****Positive sign is Structural Scoliolis
  5. Adam's Lateral Flexion
    (Structural Scoliolis)
    Patient Standing. Bare back.Bilateral.

    Patient laterally flexes w/ out rotation.
  6. Adam's Lateral Flexion
    (Structural Scoliolis)
    • Convex side will not allow thoracics to curve into a
    • concave position so it is STRUCTURAL (unable to rise up when lifting thoracic spine). If you're able to bend to the side of convexity then is is FUNCTIONAL scoliolis.

    ****Positive sign is Structural Scoliolis
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Orthopedic Tests (1)
Week 1 Orthopedic tests