Fluid and Electrolytes

  1. Calcium level?
    8.6-10.0 mg/dL
  2. Fluid volume deficit?
    Dehydration in which the fluid intake of the body is not sufficient to meet the fluid needs of the body.
  3. Fluid volume excess?
    Fluid intake or fluid retention that exceeds the fluid needs of the body. Also called overhydration or fluid overload.
  4. Homeostasis?
    The tendency of bilogical systems to maintain relatively constant conditions in the internal environment while continuously interacting with and adjusting to changes originating within or outside the system.
  5. Hypercalcemia level?
    Calcium level that exceeds 10.0 mg/dL.
  6. Hyperkalemia level?
    Potassium level that exceeds 5.1 mEq/L.
  7. Hypermagnesemia level?
    Magnesium level that exceeds 2.6 mg/dL.
  8. Hypernatremia level?
    Sodium level that exceeds 145 mEq/L.
  9. Hyperphosphatemia level?
    Phosphorus level that exceeds 4.5 mg/dL.
  10. Hypocalcemia level?
    Calcium level less than 8.6 mg/dL.
  11. Hypokalemia level?
    Potassium level less than 3.5 mEq/L.
  12. Hypomagnesemia level?
    Magnesium level less than 1.6 mg/dL.
  13. Hyponatremia level?
    Sodium level less than 135 mEq/L.
  14. Hypophosphatemia level?
    Phosphorus level less than 2.7 mg/dL.
Card Set
Fluid and Electrolytes
Exam 6