Sweet Potato Croquettes & Tomatoes stewed in oil
Al La Algerienne
Tartlet cases filled with choucroute topped with lean ham
A La Alsacienne
Slices Of Lobster tail prepared A La Americaine
A La Americaine
halves of Grilled Pimento stuffed with rice Al La Grecque, slices of fried eggplant, tomatoes stewed in oil.
a La Andalouse
Slices of eggplant floured and fried, peeled tomato sliced and sauteed, bouquets of onion rings floured and deep fried.
A La Arlesienne
Larks boned and stuffed with gratin forcemeat, colored and cooked a la casserole, quenelles of chicken forcemeat, slices of truffle
a la Banquiere
balls of braised cabbage, slices of bacon cooked with the cabbage, small onions, and large chestnuts cooked in braising liquor.
a la Berrichonne
Croquettes of Pommes A la Berny, tartlet cases filled dome shaped with buttered chestnut puree topped with a slice of glazed truffle
a la Berny
croustades of Duchesse potato, filled with a puree of creamed cauliflower, halves of stuffed braised lettuce
a la Bizontine
sliced onion lightly cooked in butter, potatoes sliced or quartered, placed around joint after it is colored then cooked together.
a la Boulangere
carrots and turnips cut oval and glazed, chateau potatoes, peas and french beans buttered, and cauliflower coated with holandaise arranged in bouquets around the joint.
a la Bouquetiere
carrots trimmed to the shape of garlic cloves and glazed, glazed button onions, salt belly of pork blanched and fried in butter
a la Bourgoise
glazed button onions, quartered mushrooms sauteed in butter, diced salt belly of pork. Added in the final stages of preparation, the liquid used should be a good quality red wine.
a la Bourguignonne
tartlet cases filled with puree of brussels sprouts, coated with mornay sauce and glazed, croquettes of duchesse potato molded into small discs
a la Brabanconne
small artichoke bottoms filled dome shaped with a puree of broad beans, bouquets of cauliflower coated in hollandaise, small potatoes cooked in butter and sprinkled with chopped parsley
haricot or flagolet beans, mixed with sauce Bretonne and sprinkled with chopped parsley.
a la Bretonne
very small tartlet cases filled dome shaped with a souffle mixture made from woodcock and truffles, and thick slices of truffle.
Brillat Savarin
croquettes of rice molded to the size and shape of an apricot, flagolet beans bound with a little Veloute, potatoes trimmed round to the size of a walnut rolled in melted meat glaze.
very white braised belgian endive, chateau potatoes, brussels sprouts blanched and stewed in butter.
a la Bruxelloise
poached and bearded oysters, peeled prawns, sauce Normande.
a la Cancalaise
slices of lobster tail, slices of very black truffle, diced lobster flesh and diced truffle, sauce Cardinal
a la Cardinal
small cases made from duchesse potato filled with tomato fondue lightly flavored with garlic, surround the dish with onion rings seasoned floured and fried in oil.
a la Castillane
Quenelles of truffeled fish forcemeat, large long oval decorated quenelles, small grooved button mushrooms, slices of soft roe seasoned and sauteed, truffles, crayfish, croutons in the shape of cockscombs.
artichoke bottoms filled with sauce soubise, shelled chestnuts stewed in braising liquor, Noisette potatoes.
Button onions glazed brown, chipolata sausages, chestnuts cooked in bouillon, salt belly of pork diced and fried, (optional: carrots trimmed to the shape of olives and glazed).
a la Chipolata
halves of braised lettuce, small chateau potatoes.
artichoke bottoms garnished with asparagus (or peas if unavailable) and noisette potatoes.
tartlet cases filled with peas a la francaise, shreaded lettuce from cooking the peas, dressed on a small round of Macaire potatoes
a la Clamart
salt belly of pork cut in batons, button onions glazed brown, button mushrooms halved and sauteed in butter.
de Compote
puree of lentils, salt belly of pork cooked with the lentils then cut into rectangles.
cassolettes garnished with crayfish tails, quenelles made from whiting and crayfish butter, muscles a la Villeroy, sauce Normande finished with crayfish butter.
a la Commodore
large grilled mushrooms filled with chestnut puree, small truffles trimmed to a round shape cooked with Madeira, large cockscombs
large mushrooms cooked in butter and garnished with crayfish tails bound with sauce Nantua, Quenelles of fish and cream forcemeat garnished with sliced truffle, thick slices of soft roe egg and breadcrumbed and fried.
croquettes prepared from Dauphine potato mixture in the shape of a cork or discs.
a la Dauphine
shelled prawn, muscles cooked in white wine, White Wine Sauce with the addition of cooking liquid from the fish being prepared.
a la Dieppoise
Cucumber trimmed olive shaped stewed in butter, slices of peeled depipped lemon, placed on the fish which should be prepared a la meuniere
small balls of cauliflower coated with Sauce Mornay sprinkled with a little cheese and gratinated, fondant potatoes.
small oval medallion or brioche shapes of duchesse potato mixture egg washed and colored brown in the oven at the last minute.
a la Duchesse
small slices of foie gras floured and sauteed in butter with a nice slice of truffle on each, bouquets of asparagus tips.
a la Favorite
Carrot, turnip, onion and celery cut paysanne stewed in butter with a pinch of salt and sugar, finish cooking with the poultry
a la Fermiere
small balls of braised cabbage, carrots and turnips trimmed olive shaped and cooked in a little stock, small plain boiled potatoes, salt pork belly cooked with the cabage then cut into small rectangles, slices of smoked sausage
a la Flamande
spinach blanched and stewed in butter, place in the bottom of a dish with fish on top, coat with mornay sauce and glaze.
a la Florentine (fish)
Subrics of spinach, small croquettes of semolina cooked in bouillon bound with eggs and grated cheese
a la Florentine (meat)
braised lettuces cut in quarters, glazed carrots cut olive shaped, very small button onions glazed in butter, small fondant potatoes
a la Florian
Morels sauteed in butter and oil, salt belly of pork cut in batons, potatoes cut in large dice and sauteed in butter.
a la Forestiere
slices of foie gras floured and sauteed in butter, buttered asparagus tips, grooved button mushrooms, truffles cut to the shape of an olive and glazed, long crescent shaped pieces of duchesse potato mixture containing chopped truffle
Chestnuts cooked in bouillon and glazed, truffles cooked in champagne, cocks kidneys coated in meat glaze, large morells cut in half and sauteed in butter.
a la Gastranome
Quenells of forcemeat with butter containing mushrooms and truffles, 4 large oval quenelles decorated with truffle and very red salt ox tounge, small turned mushrooms, cocks combs, sweetbreads, and truffles trimmed olive shaped.
Buttered asparagus tips, shelled crayfish tails, slices of truffle, sauce mornay.
Rice prepared a la grecque (pilaf with sausage, lettuce, peas, red pimento
a la Grecque
medium to small artichoke bottoms, filled with small noisette potatoes roled in melted meat glaze.
Henri IV
boquetes of cauliflower molded in dariole molds turned out into a gratin dish buttered
a la Hongroise
quarters of artichoke prepared l'Italianne, croquettes of Macaroni well bound and flavored with cheese and shaped into the form of discs.
a l'Italienne
Patna Rice prepared a l'Indienne
a l'Indienne
Japanese artichokes bound with veloute place in nicely colored small deep fluted pastry cases, croquettes of rice.
a la Japonaise
carrot and turnip cooked in bouillon and glazed, peas, small flagolet beans and french beans cut into small diamonds and buttered, bouquets of cauliflower, arrange in boquets of alternation colors and coat cauliflower with hollandaise.
a la Jardiniere
Cooked mushroom, truffle small dice or short julienne, shelled prawns mixed with Sauce Joinville, slices of truffle, one very large white mushroom stuck with prawns from which the shell of the tail has been removed, sauce Joinville.
halves of braised lettuce, cocks kidneys, truffle slices
round slices of eggplant floured and fried, sliced flap mushrooms sauteed in oil, flesh of tomato chopped and sauteed in oil with a touch of crushed garlic and chopped parsley.
a la Languedocienne
small croquettes of chicken, buttered asparagus tips or peas, slices of truffle.
creamed maize, dariole molds of rice au Gras, slices of fried banana
Truffles 2 oz each cooked in mirepoix with madeira and hollowed out to the shape of a case reserving the tops, fill with two cocks kidneys rolled in meat glaze, cover with lid and seal with chicken forcemeat baed, quenelles of fine chicken forcemeat with truffle, cockscombs
same as Jardiniere, but mixed together and buttered. (carrots, peas, turnip, flagolet, french beans, cauliflower)
small artichoke bottoms filled with thick soubise, dariole molds of haricot bean puree mixed with egg yolks, finished with butter then molded and cooked.
carrots and turnips trimmed to the shape of an olive and cooked in bouillon, glazed button onions, halves of braised lettuce, buttered peas and french beans.
a la Maillot
quenells of chicken forcemeat with truffles, sliced truffle bound with sauce Italienne, cocks combs
Marechal (sweatbreads or joins of meat & Poultry)
Slice of glazed truffle place on the item, buttered asparagus tips (or peas). The Item being garnished is egg and breadcrumbed with 2 parts breadcrumb and 1 part truffle.
Marechal (chicken supremes, escalopes of sweatbread, or lamb cutletts)
Artichoke bottoms stewed in butter, filled with a thick mushroom puree mixed with a quarter it's amount of soubise,
a la Marie-Louise
small muscles cooked in white wine, peeled prawns, Sauce A la Mariniere
a la Mariniere
cooked fluted tart cases filled with; poached spinal marrow of beef or veal, asparagus tips, julienne of truffle all bound together with Sauce Allemande finished with crayfish butter, small oval duchesse potato mixture containing tomato puree.
small halves of tomato emptied and cooked in the oven with a little garlic, large stuffed olive encircled at it's base with an anchovy filet, Pommes Frites en Copeaux (thin irregular ribbons deep fried)
a la Marseillaise
Artichoke bottoms quartered and sauteed in butter. Small potatoes trimmed olive shaped and sauteed in butter, small balls of truffle.
Medium to small artichoke bottoms filled with thick hollandaise, thick slices of bone marrow poached in bouillion.
small button onions glazed in butter, small sauteed mushrooms, heart shaped crouton of bread fried in butter, and in some cases crayfish cooked in court bouillon
cooked tartlet cases filled with macaroni and truffles cut in dice and bound with a puree of foie gras, small peas tossed in butter.
grilled mushrooms filled with tomato fondue, grilled pimentos.
a la Mexicaine
small artichoke bottoms stewed in butter filled with buttered peas, small round quenelles of chicken forcemeat decorated with a slice of truffle.
cooked macaroni, julienne of salt ox toung, ham, mushrooms, grated gruyere and parmesan, light tomato puree, and butter all mixed together.
a la Milanaise
strips of anchovy arranged trellis fashion on the item, stoned olives, a border of blanched tarragon leaves, anchovy butter.
Individual portions of Mirette Potatoes molded in dariole molds. (potato bruniose, truffle, meat glaze gratined with parmesan)
pieces of braised cabbage molded in hexagonal molds, with a slice of truffle at the bottom, halves of braised stuffed lettuce, quenelles of veal and butter forcemeat decorated with red salt ox tongue
a la Moderne
even sized lamb sweatbreads studded with truffel and poeleed, oval quenelles of chicken and butter forcemeat decorated with truffle, very white grooved mushrooms, slices of truffle.
Artichoke bottoms stewed in butter and filed with buttered Macedoine, small bouquets of asparagus tips.
Peas cooked a la Francaise with the addition of shredded lettuce, sliced potatoes, salt belly of pork diced then blanched, cooked together and thickened lightly with Beurre Manie
a l Moissonneuse
Plain boiled potatoes arranged as a border, coat the fish with White Wine Sauce, coat the potatoes with Sauce Crevettes
Bouquets of buttered asparagus tips, slices of black truffle on the food.
Shelled crayfish tails bound with sauce Nantua slices of truffle, Sauce Nantua
Cooked spaghetti mixed with grated gruyere and parmesan and light tomato puree, finished with butter
a la Napolitaine
Turnips in the shape of elongated olives colored in a frying pan with butter and a pinch of sugar, glazed button onions, mixed and cooked with the item being prepared.
aux Navets
Flesh of tomato sauteed in butter with crushed garlic and chopped tarragon, filets of anchovy, black olives, capers, anchovy butter and slices of lemon.
a la Nicoise (fish)
Tomato flesh in butter with garlic and tarragon, french beans, small chateau potatoes, tomatoes placed on the food and potatoes and beans in bouquets,
a la Nicoise (meat & poultry)
carrots trimmed olive shaped cooked in bouillon and glazed, button onions glazed in butter
poached muscles and oysters, small button mushrooms, shelled prawns, slices of truffle, crayfihs cooked in court bouillon,godgeons or small smelt prepared en Machon, small diamond shaped crouton of bread fried in butter, Sauce Normande
a la Normande
fresh noodles cooked and kept slightly firm, grated gruyere and parmesan finished with butter.
Garnish of Noodles
Tartlet cases filled with sauteed chicken livers mixed with Sauce Madiera, small round shapes of duchesse potatoes egg and breadcrumbed deep fried and then hollowed out to form cases then filled with buttered asparagus tips.
small rounds of Rice a la Grecque place on a seasoned half tomato which is lightly stewed in oil, croquettes of sweet potato in the shape of corks.
a l'Orientale
Chopped and braised frizzy endive bound with eggs and butter, Maitre d'Hotel potatoes served separately in a dish.
a l'Orleanaise
French beans and flagolet beans tossed together in butter and sprinkled with parsley.
Haricots Panaches
Parisienne potatoes, artichoke bottoms filled dome shaped with scalopine of tounge, mushrooms, and truffle bound with thick veloute then glazed in the oven.
a la Parisienne
potatoes cut in dice or cut with a plain oval vegetable scoop cooked in butter as for chateau potatoes in butter and sprinkled with parsley.
Garnish Fermiere (carrot, turnip, onion and celery cut in paysanne stewed in butter) with the addition of potatoestrimmed to the shape of small olives and lean salt belly of pork diced and blanched.
a la Paysanne
Oxtails hollowed out to form cases filled with a mix of finely chopped raw chicken, raw ham, and the chopped pulp from the oxtails bound with either Sauce Demi-Glace or Sauce Allemande, sprinkle with oil and cook in the oven.
a la Peruvienne
Oval shaped Gateau de Riz molds filled with risotto containing grated white truffle.
a la Pimontaise
small whole tomatoes stuffed with duxelles, chateau potatoes.
a la Portugaise
small new carrots and turnips cooked in bouillon and galzed, new onions glazed in butter, peas and blanched asparagus tips, all items cooked for 8-10 minutes with the item being served.
a la Printaniere
whole tomatoes and large mushrooms stuffed with duxelles mixture with a little garlic.
a la Provencale
Garnish of Vegetable Purees
Medium artichoke bottoms garnished with a slice of poached bone marrow, sprinkled with chopped parsley.
ravioli prepared according to the type of food they will accompany.
Garnish of Raviolis
Quenelles prepared from a forcemeat of whiting and crayfish butter, poached oysters, white button mushrooms, truffles trimmed olive shaped, thick slices of poached soft roe, sauce Normande finished with truffle essence.
Regence (for fish)
Quenelles made from a fine chicken and truffle forcemeat, 2 large round quenelles decorated with truffles, cockscombs, thick round slices of foie gras, small grooved mushrooms, truffles trimmed olive shaped, sauce Allemande with truffle essence.
Regence (for poultry, veal, sweetbreads)
Same as for poultry veal or sweetbreads except quenelles are made from a fine forcemeat of game and Sauce Salmis is used.
Regence (for game birds)
Can include a range of spring vegetables most typically; carrots, turnips, french beans, buttered peas, asparagus tips, bouquets of cauliflower coated with hollandaise, and new potatoes.
small tomatoes and medium mushrooms both stuffed with duxelles, small whole or halves of braised lettuce, potatoes trimmed to the shape of a large olive and cooked in butter.
Artichoke bottoms coated with meat glaze then garnished with a thick round slice of foie gras and a slice of truffle, tartlet cases filled with cocks kidneys bound with Sauce Allemande cockscombs placed between the artichokes and tartlets.
cooked tartlet cases filled with small gnocchi a la Romaine and gratinated, small fluted brioche molds of a mixture of spinach and chopped anchovy bound with egg yolks and cooked au bain-marie (or subrics of spinach)
a la Romaine
Slices of foie gras seasoned and sauteed in butter, slices of truffle
pieces of Saint Florentin potatoes, flap mushrooms cooked a la bordelaise.
Pea puree with butter, cream, eggs and sugar mixed and poached in small dariole molds, small fondant potatoes, pieces of carrot trimmed olive shape and glazed.
Pieces of Macaire potatoes cut with a round cutter, buttered peas and french beans.
small ball shaped croquettes of Riz au Gras flavored and colored with saffron, small stuffed tomatoes, thick slices of cucumber hollowed out stuffed with duxelles then braised and gratinated.
a la Sarde
cooked lasagne mixed with grated gruyere and parmesan, veloute, butter, and puree of chicken liver sauteed in butter.
a la Sicilienne
braised charcroute, oblong pieces of streaky bacon cooked with the charcroute, slices of sauteed foie gras.
a la Strasbourgeoise
cooked macaroni, gruyere, parmesan, julianne of truffle, large diced foie gras.
small quenelles of veal and butter forcemeat, small mushrooms, stoned olives stuffed and poached, gherkins trimmed olive shaped, small trussed crayfish, slices of calves tounge, slices of calves brain, small french fried eggs with half of the white removed, slices of truffle, heart shaped crouton of bread fried in butter.
quenelles of chicken forcemeat, braised calf or lamb sweetbreads, cocks combs and kidneys, white button mushrooms, slices of truffle, Sauce Allemande with truffle essence.
equal quantities of french beans and flagolets cooked and mixed with sauce bechamel.
a la Touranglle
peeled prawns, muscles poached in white wine, small grooved white button mushrooms, Sauce aux Crevettes.
a la Trouvillaise
onions cut in tings seasoned floured and fried in oil, roughly chopped flesh of tomato, Sauce Tryolienne
a la Tyrolienne
Bouquets of watercress, bouquets of straw potatoes.
Carrottes a la Vichy (sliced carrots, water, salt, sugar glazed, finished with chopped parsley).
a la Vichy
Small balls of Spinach a la Viroflay, artichoke bottoms quartered and sauteed in butter with fines herbes, chateau potatoes.
a la Viroflay
tails of dublin bay prawns, slices of crawfish, slices of truffle.
Maize, one third prepared a la grecque for stuffing poultry, and two thirds prepared a la cr�me for serving separately.
lean ham and salt ox tounge, mushrooms and truffle cut julienne, Sauce Demi glace flavored with tomato and tarragon.
a la Zingara
Bread, Flour, Frangipane, Rice Potato
What are the 5 types of Panada?
Godiveau (veal and fat), Panada Forcemeat, Forcemeat with Cream (mousseline forcemeat), Gratin Forcemeat (liver as the base), Plain forcemeats (for galantines, pates, and terrines)
What are the 5 types of Forcemeat?