
  1. What makes up an intermediate junction?
    E-Cadherin connected to actin filaments.
  2. Terriable Triad
    • Lateral Meniscus
    • Medial Collateral Ligament
    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament
  3. Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
    • Tendon of Supraspinatous most commonly affected.
    • Pain anterior and superior to glenohumeral joint during abduction.
  4. Humeral Dislocation
    • Freq. Inferior than Anterior
    • Can strech axillary or radial nerve
  5. Surgical Neck Humeral Fracture?
    • Axillary Nerve Lesioned
    • Circumflex humeral artery lacerated.
  6. Greater Tubercle Humerus Fracture
    • Detachment of rotator cuff muscles.
    • Remaining rotator cuff muscle (subscapularis) mediallry rotates humorous.
  7. Midshaft fracture of humerus
    • Radial Nerve lesion
    • Profound brachial artery laceration
  8. Supracondylar fracture of the humerus
    • Contraction of tricep and brachialis
    • Median nerve is lesioned
  9. What are the action of the Lumbricals
    • Separated into Median and Ulnar distributions
    • Flex MCPs
    • Extend PIP and DIPs
  10. Type 1 versus Type II muscles
    Type I = The Better Kind! Why? Because this is the kind you have. Red fibers, use mitochondria. Slow twitch.

    Type II = Fast twich, anerobic.
  11. What is an osteoma?
    It is a bone growth associated with Gardner's Syndrome, which is a subset of FAP.
  12. What is an osteoid osteoma?
    It is a interlacing trabeculae of woven bone surrounded by osteoblasts found in proximal tibia and femur. Most common in men < 25.
  13. Osteoblastoma?
    Same osteoid osteoma, but found in vertebral column.
  14. Osteoclastoma
    • Also called giant cell tumor.
    • Occurs most frequently at epiphyseal ends of long bones. Peak incidence 20-40 years.
    • Locally aggressive benign tumor often around the distal femur, proximal tibial region. Knee.
    • Characterstic double bubble or soap bubble appaearance on xray.
    • Spindle shaped multinucleated giant cells on histology.

    Image Upload 2
  15. Osteochondroma
    • Most common benign bone tumor. Mature bone with cartilaginous cap. Usually in men <25 years old. Commonly orignates from long metaphysis.
    • Rarely transforms to malignant chondrosarcoma
  16. Enchondroma
    Beningn cartilationous neoplasm found in intramedullary bone. Usually distal extremeties (contrast with Osteosarcoma which is around the knee!!)
  17. Osteosarcoma
    • 2nd most common primary malingant tumor of bone after MM.
    • Peak incidence men 10-20 years.
    • Found in metaphysis of long bones around knees.
    • Risk factors: Paget's disease, bone infarcts, radiation, famililal RB.
    • Poor prognosis

    • Codman't triangle/sunburst pattern on Xray
    • Image Upload 4
  18. Ewing's Sarcoma
    • Anaplastic small blue cell malignant tumor.
    • Most common in boys < 15.
    • Ewings and onion rings onion skin appearance in bone.
    • Think
    • t(11;22) 11+22=33 Patrick Ewing's Jersey Number
  19. Chondrosarcoma
    • Malignant Cartilagionous tumor. Most common in men age 30-60. Usually located in pelvis spine, humerus tibia and femur.
    • Can derive from osteochondroma.
  20. Appearance of Pseudogout versus Uric Acid Crystals
    • Uric Acid: Parallel Light = Yellow
    • Perpendicular Light = Blue

    • Pseudogot (calcium pyrophosphate crystals)
    • Parallel Light = Blue
    • Perpendicular Light = Yellow
  21. Ephelis?
    What Emily has! Freckles! Normal number of melanocytes. Just more pigment.
  22. atopic triad
    • asthma
    • eczymea
    • allergic rhinitis/sinusitis
Card Set
USMLE Anatomy2