Texas History 4/10

  1. Who was the first elected president of Texas?
    Sam Houston
  2. Who was the second elected president of Texas?
    Mirabeau B. Lamar
  3. Who was the only president of Texas to serve 2 terms? Were they consecutive?
    Sam Houston. No. It was illegal in Texas to serve 2 consecutive terms.
  4. Who was the fourth elected president of Texas?
    Anson Jones
  5. Who was the first president of Texas?
    David G. Burnet
  6. Name each river
    • A Arkansas River
    • B Red River
    • C Rio Grande/Rio Bravo
    • D Sabine River
  7. What was the first capitol of Texas? Who were the founders?
    The first capitol of Texas was Houston. It was founded by John and Augustus Allen.
  8. Who moved the capitol of Texas to where? What was it originally named?
    Mirabeau B. Lamar moved the capitol to Austin. It was originally called Waterloo.
  9. In Texas revolution, Sam Houston defeated the Mexican army in what battle?
    the Battle of San Jacinto
  10. What was a major goal in Lamar's presidency?
  11. Who did Sam Houston enlist to help prevent indian raids?
    Texas Rangers
  12. What did Lamar do to Show off to Mexico?
    He built a large navy and sailed around Mexico.
  13. What are the 2 largest bays in Texas?
    Galveston bay and Corpus Christi Bay
  14. What are 2 rivers in Mexico?
    Rio Conchos and Rio Salado
  15. Which of these was a problem Sam Houston did not face?

    C. War with Mexico
  16. Sam Houston Lived with what tribe?
  17. What did Lamar do to Sam Houston's policy of peace with Native Americans?
    He reversed it.
  18. In his second term, Sam Houston tries to balance the budget by doing what?
    firing government positions
  19. Why was the annexation of Texas delayed?
    The US did not want to destroy relations with Mexico.
  20. Capitol
    A building where a legislative body of a republic, state, or country meets.
  21. A building where a legislative body of a republic, state, or country meets.
  22. Annexation
    To incorporate a country or territory into another country or territory.
  23. To incorporate a country or territory into another country or territory.
  24. Expenditure
    Money paid out.
  25. Money paid out.
  26. Revenue
    Money that a nation or state collects.
  27. Money that a nation or state collects.
  28. Tariff
    A tax on imported goods.
  29. A tax on imported goods.
  30. Endowment Fund
    Income derived from donations that is set aside for a specific purpose.
  31. Income derived from donations that is set aside for a specific purpose.
    Endowment Fund
  32. Redback
    Additional money issued during Lamar's presidency to help decrease the public debt.
  33. Additional money issued during Lamar's presidency to help decrease the public debt.
  34. Cabinet
    The heads of departments in the executive branch appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate; a group of advisors to a political head of government.
  35. The heads of departments in the executive branch appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate; a group of advisors to a political head of government.
  36. Archives
    Official government documents.
  37. Official government documents.
  38. Manifest Destiny
    The idea that the US should expand from sea to sea.
  39. The idea that the US should expand from sea to sea.
    Manifest Destiny
  40. Joint Resolution
    A statement passed by both houses of the legislature that has the force of the law.
  41. A statement passed by both houses of the legislature that has the force of the law.
    Joint Resolution
Card Set
Texas History 4/10
FlashCards for Republic of Texas test