
  1. What are the general senses of touch?
    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Pain
  2. What are the special senses?
    • Smell
    • Taste
    • Sight
    • Hearing
    • Equilibrium
  3. What are the accessory structures of the eye?
    • Eyelids
    • Eyelashes
    • Meiobomian Glands
    • Ciliary Glands
    • Conjunctiva
    • Lacrimal Apparatus
  4. What are the Meibomian Glands?
    Produce an oily secretion to lubricate the eye.
  5. What are Ciliary Glands?
    Modified sweat glands between the eyelashes.
  6. What is the Conjunctiva and what does it do?
    Membrane that connects to the surface of the eye and lines the eyelids. It secretes mucus to lubricate the eye.
  7. What are the parts of the Lacrimal Apparatus?
    • Lacrimal Glands - produce lacrimal fluid
    • Lacrimal Canals - drains lacrimal fluid from eyes
    • Lacrimal Sac -provides passage of lacrimal fluid to the nasal cavity
    • Nasolacrimal duct - empties lacrimal fluid into the nasal cavity
  8. What is the Sclera?
    White connective tissue layer
  9. What is the cornea?
    Transparent covering that allows light to pass through.
  10. What is the Choroid Layer of the eye?
    Blood rich nutritive tunic whose pigment prevents light from scattering.
  11. What is the retina?
    Layer of the eye that contains photoreceptors.
  12. What are the 2 types of photo receptors?
    • Rods
    • Cones
  13. What do rods do and where are they located?
    Allow dim light vision, and peripheral vision. Found towards the edges of the retina.
  14. What are cones and where are they located?
    The cones allow for detailed color vision, and are densest at the center of the retina. The fovea centralis contains only cones.
  15. What and where is Aqueous Humor, and what does it do?
    Watery fluid found in chamber between the lens and cornea. It helps maintain intraocular pressure.
  16. What and where is Vitrious Humor and what does it do?
    A gel like substance located behind the lens, and keeps the eye from collapsing.
Card Set
Anatomy and Physiology - The Eye