It describes events, or the report of news (press)
Report: to bring back or give an account of state as facts or news. It is OBJECTIVE!
When it is not influenced by feelings or personal bias.
What is Editorial?
It is a newspaper article written by or on behalf of direct responsibility of an editior. Especially one giving an opinion on an issue. It is SUBJECTIVE!
A personal opinion. One's own feelings or opinions.
Name the first theme of Les Canadiens.
1) French Canadien (Quebec) Evolution from conquest (1759) until Seperist Government was elected in 1976.
Name the 2nd theme in Les Canadiens.
2) History of Les Canadiens (parallel to history) of French Canada
Name the 3rd theme of Les Canadiens.
3) Prejudice of angliphone people to French Canadiens
Name the 4th theme of Les Canadiens.
4) Sports hockey is an escape from political reality and can bring people together.
Name the 5th theme of Les Canadiens.
5) Players are treated like children
Name the 6th theme of Les Canadiens.
6) Hockey is a business- players are seen as merchandise.
What happened in 1970?
War of the planes of Abraham.
Victory of English over French
When was the war of the planes of Abraham, and the victory of English over the French?
What happened in 1867?
Confederation with New Brunswick, NS. (Sea-Sea)
When was the Confederation with New Brunswick, NS (Sea-Sea)?
What happened in 1885?
The 2nd Riel Rebelian.
When was the 2nd Riel Rebelian?
What happened from 1914-1918?
When was WW1?
When was the Montreal Maroons?
What happened in the 1930?
Montreal Maroons.
What happened in 1931?
The Maple Leafs Garden was built.
When was the Maple Leafs Garden built?
When was WW2?
What happened in 1939-1945?
What happened in 1955?
Richard Riot.
When was the Richard Riot
What happened in 1950-1970?
English Canadian ran most businesses in Quebec.
When did English Canadians run most businesses in Quebec?