Nervous System

  1. The myelin sheath of the peripheral nervous system neurons is produced by:

    A. Schwann Cells
  2. Neuroglia that are phagocytic are the:

    A. Microglia
  3. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by neuroglia known as:

    B. Ependymal cells
  4. Cells and organs contacted by motor neurons in cranial and spinal nerves are termed:

    D. Receptors
  5. The myelin sheath of axons in the central nervous system is produced by cells called:

    B. Oligodendrocytes
  6. White matter refers to aggregations on myelinated processes from many axons.
    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  7. Which of the following lists the meninges and spaces in the correct order from most superficial to deepest?

    E. Epidural space, dura mater, subdural space, arachnoid mater, subarachnoid space, pia mater
  8. The posterior (dorsal) root ganglion contains:

    B. Cell bodies of sensory neurons
  9. The extension of the pia mater that anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx is the:

    E. Filum terminale
  10. Which of the following is true regarding the number of spinal nerves:

    E. There are 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of coccygeal nerves
  11. Lateral extensions of the pia mater that help to protect the spinal cord against displacement are called:

    E. Pia mater
  12. During a spinal tap, the needle is inserted between the __ and __ vertebrae into the subarachnoid space.

    E. Both A and B
  13. Cell bodies of motor neurons are located in the posterior (dorsal) root ganglia:
    A. True
    B. False
    B. False
  14. The tapering inferior end of the spinal cord at the level of the first two lumbar verterae is called the conus medullaris:
    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
  15. Which of the following gives rise to the medial, radial, and axillary nerves and provides the entire nerve supply for the shoulders and upper limbs:

    E. Brachial plexus
  16. Which of the following gives rise to the medial, radial, and axillary nerves and provides the entire nerve supply for the shoulders and upper limbs:

    B. Intercostal Nerves
  17. Which of the following supplies fibers to the scalp, neck, and part of the shoulder and chest, along with giving rise to the phrenic nerve that supplies the diaphragm:

    E. Cervical Plexus
  18. Conscious thought processes and all intellectual functions originate in the:

    D. Cerebellum
  19. The ventricles in the brain are filled with:

    A. Cerebrospinal fluid
  20. Damage to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum would most likely cause:

    E. Loss of vision
  21. The immediate reflexive responses to a loud, unexpected noise are directed by nuclei on the:

    B. Pons
  22. What area of the cerebral cotex controls voluntary scanning movements of the eye:

    F. Frontal eye field area
  23. The motor system that controls skeletal muscle tone and coordinates learned movement patterns and other somatic activities is the__:

    B. Extrapyrmidal system
  24. A physician informs you that you have a disorder of the CNS. The part of the nervous system involved is/are the:

    E. Brain and spinal cord
  25. What area of the cerebral cortex interprets pitch and rhythm?

    D. Auditory area
  26. The part of the brain that coordinates rapid, automatic adjustments that maintain balance and equilibrium is the:

    A. Cerebellum
  27. A person with a damaged visual association area may:

    B. Be declared legally blind
  28. The right cerebral cortex controls voluntary movements of the left side of the body because:

    C. Distinct cerebral specialization of hemispheres
  29. Which of the following statements about the ventricls of the brain is false?
    A. A membrane called the septum pellucidum seperates the anterior portions of the two lateral ventricles
    B. The third ventricle is between the left and right halves of the thalamus
    C. The lateral ventricles connect to the third ventricle via the lateral apertures
    D. The walls of all of the ventricles contain chroid plexuses that produce cerebrospinal fluid
  30. The postcentral gyrus is in the __ lobe of the cortex, it contains the primary __ area

    A. Parietal; somatosensory
  31. What area of the cerebral cortex interprets sensations related to taste?

    D. Gustatory area
  32. What area of the cerebral cortex interprets shape, color, & movements of objects?
    A. Common integrative area
    B. Motor speech area
    C. Premotor area
    D. Gustatory area
    E. Auditory area
    F. Visual area
    G. Frontal eye
    field area
  33. Damage to the corpora quadrigemina would interfere with:
    A. Control of autonomic function
    B. Regulation of body temperature
    C. Processing of visual and auditory sensations
    D. Control of involntary somatic motor activities
  34. What area of the cerebral cortex controls skilled muscular movements?
    A. Common integrative area
    B. Motor speech area
    C. Premotor area
    D. Gustatory area
    E. Auditory area
    F. Visual area
    G. Frontal eye field area
  35. Damage to the hippocampus, a component of the limbic system, leads to__?
    A. A loss of emotion due to forgetfulness
    B. A loss of conciousness
    C. A loss of long-term memory
    D. An immediate loss of short-erm memory
  36. The verve process and structures that connect receptors with the brain and spinal cord constitute the:
    A. Motor division of the peripheral nervous system
    B. Sensory division of the peripheral nervous system
    C. Central nervous system
    D. Autonomic nervous system
    E. Visceral nervous system
  37. Which of the following terms concerning nervous tissue mismatched?
    A. Astrocytes = phagocytic cells in the CNS
    B. Tract = bundles of myelinated axons in the CNS
    C. Ganglia = cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS
    D. Nerve = bundles of myelinated axons in the PNS
    E. Perineuriom = connective tissue covering a nerve fascicle
  38. Which of the following effectors do you have concious control over?
    A. liver function
    B. Biceps brachii
    C. Diaphragm
    D. Heart rate
    E. Pharyngeal arch muscles
  39. If someone recieves a spinal cord injury at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra, which of the following would be true?
    A. The person would be able to contract their beceps brachii
    B. The person would be able to breathe on htheir own
    C. The person would not be able to blink and talk
    D. The person would be able to wiggle their toes
    E. The person would be able to feel their fingers
  40. Which of the following is mismatched?
    A. Lumbar enlargement = where nerves serving the lower extremities attach to the spinal cord
    B. Dorsal root = recieves incoming sensory information
    C. Cervical enlargement = where nerves serving the neck attach to the spinal cord
    D. Dorsal root ganglion = a collection of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system
    E. Ventral root = sends outgoing motor information
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Nervous System
Exam 3 Review