
  1. What are the 12 cranial nerves?
    • Oh - Olfactory
    • Oh - Optic
    • Oh - Oculomotor
    • To - Trochlear
    • Touch - Trigeminal
    • And - Abducens
    • Feel - Facial
    • Very - Vestibulochchlear
    • Good - Glossopharyngeal
    • Velvet - Vagus
    • Ahh - Spinal Accessory
    • Heaven - Hypoglossal
  2. I
    Olfactory - Smell
  3. II
    Optic - Vision
  4. III
    Oculomotor - eyelid and eyeball movement
  5. IV
    Trochlear - motor fiber to eye muscles
  6. V
    Trigeminal - chewing, face, mouth, touch, pain
  7. VI
    Abducens - turns eye laterally
  8. VII
    Facial - sensory for taste, motor fibers to the face
  9. VIII
    Vestibulocochlear - sensory for balance and hearing
  10. IX
    Glossopharyngeal - taste and pharynx
  11. X
    Vagus - Pharnyx, Larnyx, Viscera
  12. XI
    Accessory Nerve - neck and upper back
  13. XII
    Hypoglossal - tongue
  14. Which cranial nerve is the largest?
    Trigeminal - V
  15. Which is the only nerve that exits the posterior side of the brain stem?
    Trochlear - IV
  16. How many cranial nerves are responsible for eye movement?
    3 - III, IV and VI
  17. Which cranial nerve is the longest?
    Vagus - X
Card Set
Cranial Nerves