1. A stable set of characteristics that affect or influence one’s behavior is defined as _______________________
  2. Two key traits attributed to top performing officers are ______________ and ___________ ______________.
    • Conscientiousness
    • Emotional Stability
  3. General Mental Ability (GMA) is the single best predictor of ______ __________ across many occupations studied in both here in the U.S. and across different cultures.
    Work performance
  4. Characteristics of Internals:
    1) Have higher job ____________ and ____________;
    2) Are more likely to assume _________ positions;
    3) Prefer ___________ management styles;
    4) Desire a __________ in how work is performed
    • satisfaction and performance
    • manager
    • participative
    • voice
  5. Those who have an ________ ______ __ _______desire a voice in how work is performed and will not react well to being closely supervised.
    Internal locus of control
  6. General ____-_______ is a person’s overall view of himself/herself as being able to perform effectively in a wide variety of situations, including the ability to deal with the events and challenges that make life demanding.
  7. ______-___________ is the extent to which people base their behavior on cues from other people and situations.
  8. The behavior of ________ self-monitors is consistent across situations.
  9. Jung contended that the extraversion/introversion preference was the most important _____________ between individuals.
  10. Which of the following is NOT part of the “Big Five” Personality Traits:

    E. Heredity
  11. Managers should encourage employees to raise their self-esteem by giving them appropriate __________ and _____________ for success.
    Challenges and opportunities
  12. ____________ _________________is the process of interpreting information about another person.
    Social Perception
  13. ____________ ____________ an individual’s pattern of thinking or thought process. It’s the manner in which we assemble and interpret information about another person.
    Cognitive structure
  14. Stereotyping, selective perception, and first impression error may cause a job interviewer to do what?
    To make an incorrect hiring decision based solely on an applicants physical appearance.
  15. A person does not have an attitude until they respond on these three basis; _____________, _________________ and _______________.
    AFFECT or Affective

    BEHAVIOR or Behavior intentions

    COGNITION or Thought
  16. _________ ________________ is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences.
    Job satisfaction
  17. _______________ ________________ is defined as a behavior that is above and beyond the call of duty in behalf of the organization.
    Organizational citizenship
  18. Terminal values represent the ______ ___ ___ ____________ or the end state of existence.
    Goals to be achieved
  19. 1. Which of the following is not part of the values that have a profound effect on choice of jobs
    A. Concern for Others
    B. Honesty
    C. Achievement
    D. Pay
    E. Fairness
    Pay is not part of the four values
  20. __________________is a personality characteristic whereby one does whatever it takes to get one's way - Ends justify the means…better to win at all costs
  21. _________________ is the process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior.
  22. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs starts with _______________ _____ and ends with _______ __________________ ___ __________.
    • Physiological Needs
    • Self-Actualization of Needs
  23. True or False – According to Maslow, once a need is satisfied it’s no longer a motivator.
  24. ___________ is the ability to influence another person.
  25. _____________ is the right to influence another person and provides the legitimacy to one’s job.
  26. What type of power do supervisors most often use during the disciplinary process?
    A. Reward Power
    B. Legitimate Power
    C. Coercive Power
    D. Referent Power
    E. Expert Power
  27. True or False - People using minimal personal power are referred to as Machiavellian (High-Machs).
    False – they rely heavily on personal power
  28. McClelland stated the best managers have a high need for social power and a low need for ___________________.
  29. According to the "Equity Theory", people are motivated because they find themselves in a situations of inequity or ___________.
  30. The Expectancy Theory of Motivation is a cognitive process theory of motivation whereby people desire rewards when effort is put forth…It focusses on _____________ ____________________.
    Personal Perception
  31. One of the three key constructs of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation is: ____________________ :the value or importance one places on a particular rewards.
  32. One of the key constructs of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation is: ____________________ : the belief that performance is directly related to rewards.
  33. A process of interpreting information about another person is called ___________ ______________
    Social perception
  34. One’s psychological tendency to evaluate others with some degree of favor or disfavor reflects a person’s ______________________.
  35. When an officer/employee remains with the department because he or she faces significant exit barriers, this is called _______________ commitment
  36. True or False - Internal incentives emphasize such things as employee recognition, stock ownership, and flexible benefit packages.
    False – These are external incentives
  37. ______________ _____________ are goals to be achieved; the end states of existence.
    Terminal values
  38. _________________ and __________________ __________ are two traits commonly associated with top performing employees.
    • Conscientious
    • Emotional Stability
  39. The behavior of _____ ______-___________ is consistent across situations.
    Low Self-Monitors
  40. A supervisor’s high expectations and subsequent high performance of subordinates becomes a _____- __________ _______.
    Self-Fulling Prophecy
  41. The process by which individuals try to control the impressions others have of them is most likely to occur in a _______ ________________.
    Job Interview
  42. ________________ ________________ explains how individuals pinpoint the causes of their own behavior or that of others.
    Attribution Theory
  43. _________________-_________________ individuals attribute their success to ability and their failures to lack of effort, both internal causes.
  44. The tension produced by a conflict between attitudes and behavior is ________________ ______________.
    Cognitive Dissonance
  45. What are the two major influences on attitudes?
    • Direct Experience
    • Social Learning
  46. Four processes must take place for an individual to learn from observing model, which one is not one of them?

    - Focusing Attention
    - Retaining
    - Not being aware of the model's presence
    - Behavior Reproduction or practice
    - Motivation
    Not being aware of the model's presence
  47. ________________ ______________ is the strength of an individual’s identification with an organization.
    Organizational Commitment
  48. ____________ ____________ encompasses loyalty to the organization. (Cat loyalty)
    Affective Commitment
  49. ____________ ____________ is an employee's tendency to remain in an organization because the person cannot afford to leave, because of significant exit barriers.
    Continuance Commitment
  50. The three Source Characteristics are:
    • Expertise
    • Trustworthiness
    • Attractiveness
  51. What are the two cognitive routes to persuasion?
    • Central
    • Peripheral
  52. Which of the following is the manner in which we assemble and interpret information about another person? An individual’s pattern of thinking or thought process.

    B. Cognitive structure
  53. ______________ __________ is the process by which individuals try to control the impressions others have of them. Most likely to occur in a job interview.
    Impression Management
  54. True or False – Attitude is defined as a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor
  55. _______________ values reflect the means to achieving goals.
  56. ______________ values represent the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence.
  57. Name the four work related values relevant to individuals:
    • Achievement
    • Concern for others
    • Honesty
    • Fairness
  58. _________ at work are important because, directly or indirectly, they affect work behavior.
  59. What are the appoaches to motivation?
    There are several approaches to motivation, and one or another may be useful in specific organizational contexts, with specific individuals or groups, at different times
  60. Modern management practices emphasize __________ __________, which may take either strictly economic form or more material forms.
    external incentives
  61. Maslow's ___________ hypothesis theory states that only ungratified needs motivate behavior.
  62. In McGregor’s theories of assumptions, Theory X is: _____ and Theory Y is: ______
    • X = is LOW (Lower order of needs)
    • Y = is HIGH (Higher order of needs)
  63. Salary or Pay is both a motivation and a __________ factor.
  64. People with a ________ need for _________ like to control people and events.
    • high
    • power
  65. One of the three key constructs of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation is: ____________________ :the belief that effort leads to performance.
  66. If a ‘manager trainee’ is assigned to work with a ‘mentor manager’ then the relationship is based upon ___________ Power.
  67. ______________ Power is least likely available to non-supervisory technical employee.
  68. ____________ Power has been called the power of the future; it has the strongest relationship with performance.
  69. ____________ of _______________is the range in which attempts to influence a person will be perceived as legitimate and will be acted on without a great deal of thought.
    Zone of Indifference
  70. For power related behaviors to be considered ethical they must meet all three criteria, which are:
    • Distributive Justice
    • Utilitarian Outcomes
    • Individual Rights
  71. __________ behavior refers to actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one’s personal goals. (- side)
  72. Organizational __________ is the use of power and influence in organizations.
  73. When a manager that treats others as objects to get ahead or views situations as win-lose, they are relying on ___________ power.
  74. ______________ is the least effective tactic.
  75. Enlarging the ‘Zone of Indifference' is accomplished with ___________ rather than with _____________.
    • Power
    • Authority
  76. ____________ skill is the ability to get things done through positive interpersonal relationships outside the formal organization.
  77. Political skill is made up of four key dimensions, they are:
    • Social astuteness
    • Interpersonal influence
    • Networking ability
    • Sincerity
  78. The positive face of power is _________ power.
  79. The four dimensions comprising the essence of empowerment are:
    • Meaning
    • Competence
    • Impact
    • Self-Determination
  80. A person considered Machiavellian would rely on __________ power.
  81. If a person has the ability to affect the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person, they have ____________.
  82. __________ is the institutionalized power that is inherent to the position rather than the individuals.
  83. True or False- If a manager asks you to purchase a gift for his wife, or over charge a client for services, this falls outside the 'Zone of Indifference'.
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