Music History 330

  1. Recitative
    • Speech like rhythm
    • Slow harmonic rhythm
    • Through-composed
    • Duple meter
    • Many repeated notes
    • No musical motives
    • No repeated text
    • Syllabic
  2. Arioso
    • Speech like rhythm and fast harmonic rhythm OR lyrical and slow harmonic rhythm.
    • Can either be through composed or strophic
    • Duple meter
    • Can either have many repeated notes or few repeated notes
    • No musical motives, but can have one
    • Can have either repeated text or not.
    • Syllabic but can be melismatic
  3. Aria
    • Lyrical
    • Fast hramonic rhythm
    • (Strophic)
    • Triple meter
    • Few repeated notes
    • Can have motives
    • Can have repeated text
    • Melismatic
  4. What was an Academy?
    A group of gentleman amateurs who shared a common interest.
  5. What was a famous Academy we discussed in class?
  6. Who was the single most important person in the academy?
    The Patron, he provided you a place to meet. In 1570 it was Bardi
  7. Who were the composers/performers in the Camerata?
    • Caccini
    • Caralieri
    • Peri, occassionally
  8. Who was the theorist in the Camerata?
  9. Who were the poets on the Camerata?
    • Strozzi
    • Rinuccini
    • Striggio, occassionally
  10. What year was the La Pellegrina?
  11. Who was responsible for the music for La Pellegrina?
    The Camerata
  12. What was the theme of the La Pellegrina?
    The power of Ancient Music.
  13. What was an Intermedio?
    The music in between the acts of the rival Italian plays in the 15th C.
  14. Five terms for the bass line
    • Basso continuo
    • Continuo
    • Figured Bass
    • Unfigured Bass
    • Thoroughbass
  15. Describe Bass Continuo
    A bass line from which you were expected to improvise chords and was performed on a polyphonic instrument like organ, harpsichord. and lute.
  16. Describe figured bass
    Sometimes in the bass line they would give you numbers for the inversions or suspensions
  17. Define monody
    A solo voice with a very simple accompaniment
  18. What were the two ways of writing in the 16th-17th century?
    Prima and Second parctica
  19. Describe Prima Practica
    • Music more important than the text.
    • Must follow rules of counterpoint.
  20. Describe secunda practica
    • Early baroque period
    • Text more important than music
    • Many break any rules to bring out text
  21. Define concerto in the early Baroque
    Voices and instruments together
  22. Name the three styles of music in the 17th century
    Sacred, Chamber, and theatrical
  23. Describe Sacred music in the 17th century?
    • M&Ms, for 4-8 voices acappela, prima practica
    • M&Ms, with organ and/or divided choirs, prima practica
    • M&Ms, concerto style, prima practica
    • M&Ms, concerto style, secunda practica
  24. Describe the ABA'B'A" form
    • A - Solo/tutti
    • B - Solo
    • A' - Tutti
    • B' - Solo
    • A" - Tutti
  25. Describe oratorios
    • Secunda practica
    • Dramatic, narrative, and tells a story
    • Chorus, soloist, and/or instruments
    • Doesn't take place during lent
  26. What were the two types of the main varities
    Latino and Prose text
  27. Describa Latino
    • Has a latin text
    • Single parts therefore shorter 10-30 min
  28. Prose text
    • Has text in the vernacular which essentially means in Italian
    • Poetry text
    • 2 parts therefore longer thatn 30-90 min
    • Not always performed in a church
  29. When and where did opera begin
    Florence, in 1600
  30. When did the first public opera house open and where?
    1637, in Venice
  31. What are the three ingredients of an opera?
    Music, text, set
Card Set
Music History 330
Music History 330 Quiz