Kupu Hou - Te Āhua o tētahi tangata.

  1. ārero rua
    two-faced, deceitful, hypocritical
  2. ārero tehe
  3. Hainamana
  4. hake
    be humped, hunchback
  5. Hāmoa
  6. hāngū
    be dumb, quiet, not talkative
  7. hao (-a)
    to grasp greedily, grasping
  8. Hapanihi
  9. hape, hapehape
    be crooked, feet turned in, pigeon - toed
  10. hātakehī
    hard case, comical
  11. hauā
    be crippled, lame, cripple
  12. hāwhe-kāehe
  13. hēki korukoru
    freckled (like a turkey egg)
  14. hina
    be grey-haired, grey
  15. hinengaro makere
    forgetful person
  16. horehore
    be bald, bare, smooth
  17. Hūrai
  18. huruhuru
    hair (most dialects not for hair on head)
  19. ira
    spot, mole, birthmark
  20. iraira
    having numerous moles and spots
  21. kaiponu (-hia)
    to keep to oneself, withold (especially things that should be shared)
  22. kaitā
    be large
  23. Kariki
  24. karu rewha
    be cross-eyed
  25. kīkiki
    to stutter
  26. kiritea
    be white-skinnned, fair
  27. kiriweti
    be hot tempered
  28. koi te hinengaro
    be intelligent
  29. koromikomiko
    be curly
  30. māhaki
    be inoffensive, mild, meek, humble
  31. mākohakoha
    be open-minded
  32. marae
    be generous, hospitable
  33. mārohirohi
    be strong, brave, of strong character
  34. matakerepō
    be blind
  35. matpō
    be blind
  36. mātau (-ria)
    to know, understnd, clever
  37. mingimingi
    be curly, twisted
  38. more
    be toothless, plain, bare
  39. nawe
  40. nihoniho
    be antagonistic, quarrelsome
  41. ngau tuarā
    to backbite, defame
  42. ngutungutu
    to gossip, be talkative
  43. pāhau
  44. pākira
    be bald-headed
  45. pākiwaha
    be boastful, braggart
  46. Pāniora
  47. parauri
    be dark in colour (brown)
  48. patipati (-hia)
    to flatter, wheedle, cajole
  49. porohewa
    be bald-headed
  50. pou whirinaki
    dependable person
  51. pūhuruhuru
    be hairy, covered with hair
  52. pūhutihuti
    be bushy, shaggy
  53. pukukai
    be greedy, gluttonous
  54. pūnotinoti
    be knotted together
  55. pura
    be blind
  56. pūrātoke
    glow-worm, bright spark
  57. pūwhero
    be reddish, blush
  58. rata
    be friendly, quiet, tame
  59. taikaha
    be stubborn, persistent, violent
  60. tāroaroa
    be long, tall
  61. Tararā
  62. tarau makere
    promiscuous woman
  63. tāruru (-tia)
    to entice, beguile
  64. tinihanga (-tia)
    te deceive, cheat, trick
  65. totitoti
    to limp
  66. tona
    wart, corn
  67. turi
    be deaf
  68. ure paratī
    promiscuous man
  69. uru
    hair (of the head)
  70. urukehu
    be fair-headed
  71. uru māwhatu
    hanging in curls, curly locks
  72. waewae hao
    bandy legged
  73. wahangū
    be dumb, quiet, not talkative
  74. whakahāwea (-tia)
    te belittle, despise, be sarcastic
  75. whakaputa mōhio
    know-all, clever Dick
  76. whīroki
    be lean, emaciated
Card Set
Kupu Hou - Te Āhua o tētahi tangata.
Vocab for descriptions of people.