TEST 5 Stroke

  1. What are the clinical manifestations of Right side brain stroke?
    Paralyzed left side, left side neglect, spatial perceptual deficits, tends to deny or minimize problems, rapid performance, short attention span, impulsive, safety problems, impaired judgement, impaired time concepts
  2. What are the clinical manifestations of a left sided brain stroke?
    Paralyzed right side hemiplegia, impaired speech/language apasias, impaired right/left discrimination, slow performance, cautious, aware of deficits, depression, anxiety, impaired comprehension related to language, math.
  3. What is a STROKE?
    Inadequate blood flow to a part of the brain that results in death of brain cells.
  4. Risk factors of a stroke?
    Age, Gender, Race, Heredity, Hypertension, metabolic syndrome, heart diesease, heavy alcohol consuption, poor diet, drug abuse, sleep apnea, obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking.
  5. Blood is supplied to the brain by what 2 major arteries:
    Internal carotid and vertebral arteries.
  6. Carotid arteries branch to supply:
    frontal, parietal, and temperol lobes, basal ganglia, thalamus, and hypothalamus.
  7. Vertebral arteries supply:
    Middle and lower temperol lobes, occipital lobes, cerebellum, brain stem, part of the diencephalon.
  8. Atherosclerosis
    The hardening and thickening of arteries and is a major cause of a stroke.
  9. Transient Ishemic Attack (TIA)
    Temporary focal loss of neurologic function caused by ishemia.
  10. Thrombotic Stroke:
    Cerebral thrombosis is a narrowing of the artery by fatty deposits called plaque which causes a clot to block the passage of blood through the artery.
  11. Embolic Stroke:
    Clot that reaches an area to narrow and it blocks the flow of blood.
  12. Hemorrhagic Stroke:
    Blood vessel bursts and lets blood seep into the damaged brain tissue.
  13. Most obvious effects of a stroke include:
    Impair Mobility, Resp functions, swallowing and speech, gag reflex, self-care abilities.
  14. Aphasia is:
    a total loss of comprehension and use of language.
  15. Dysphasia:
    refers to difficulty related to the comprehension or use of language and is due to partial disruption or loss.
  16. dysarthria:
    Disturbance in the muscular control of speech that may involve pronunciation, articulation, and phonation.
  17. Homonymous Hemianopsia is
    where food on the left side is not seen.
Card Set
TEST 5 Stroke
TEST 5 Stroke