CE 316 Geomatics

  1. Define LiDAR
    LiDAR is an optical remote sensing techology that measures properties of scattered light to find a ranger and/or other information of a distant target (i.e. collect topographic data)
  2. Define LADAR
    LADAR uses beams to scan and process the signal echoed from targets to a create a virtual picture of the area
  3. The ________ processor looks for familiar patterns in the scenes to continuously compare these patters with 3D target files stored in the weapons memory
    The LADAR processor looks for familiar patterns in the scenes to continuously compare these patters with 3D target files stored in the weapons memory
  4. What is the primary difference between LiDAR and LADAR?
    LADAR uses much shorter wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum
  5. LADAR uses what kind of wavelengths? (Give examples)
    Uses shorter wave lengths, typically ultraviolet, visible and near infrared
  6. IMU stands for what?
    Inertial Measurement Unit
  7. LiDAR for terrain mapping is possible due to advances in what?
    • Laser technology
    • GPS (DGPS)
    • Inertial Measurement Unit
    • Data and storage management
  8. How does LiDAR work?
    • Transmits pulses of light that reflect off objects
    • Return pulse is converted to electrical pulse via high speed data recorder
    • Time interval from transmission to collection is calculated based on the formula for the speed of light
    • Time intervals are converted to distances based on postional information
  9. Rain and fog affect LiDAR by_________.
    Rain and fog affect LiDAR by producing false return signals.
  10. Using LiDAR in an area covered by high density vegetation will result in ________ and _______?
    Using LiDAR in an area covered by high density vegetation will result in low density ground points and data gaps
  11. How does slope affect LiDAR?
    Errors are increased with sloped land
  12. Most common LiDAR systems can be used for mapping water. True or False
    False. However blue/green laser penetrates up to 50m
  13. Name the four types of LiDAR scanning techiques used by aircrafts
    • Constant Velocity Rotating Mirror Scanning
    • Oscillating Mirror Scanning
    • Fibre Optic Scanning
    • Elliptical Scanning
  14. LiDAR coordinates in North America reference what system?
    NAD 83
  15. Typically how many control stations are needed within 30km of a project site?
  16. What are some applications of LiDAR?
    • Coastline protection
    • Flood Modelling
    • City Modelling
    • Nature Conservation
    • Mining
    • Corridor Mapping
    • Research
  17. Gutelius succesfuly used LiDAR to what?
    Successfully used LiDAR for highway engineering, coastal mapping and corridor mapping for power lines
  18. LiDAR is the most ______ remote sensing technology.
    LiDAR is the most accurate remote sensing technology.
Card Set
CE 316 Geomatics
Lecture 5 - LiDAR