organization of the nervous system (exam4)

  1. which nervous system consists of brain & spinal cord involved in integration of stimuli and initiation of responses?
    central nervous system (CNS)
  2. which nervous system has higher functon activities such as :
    3.sense of values
    central nervous system (CNS)
  3. which nervous system is the communication routes to and from the CNS?
    peripheral nervous system (PNS)
  4. which nervous system has 12 pairs of cranial nerves->originate from brain?
    peripheral nervous system
  5. which nervous system has 31 paires of spinal nerves-> originate from spinal cord?
    peripheral nervous system(PNS)
  6. how many pairs of cranial nerves does the PNS use for communication routes to and from the CNS?
    and houw many pairs of spinal nerves does the PNS use for communication routes to and from the CNS?
    • a.12
    • b.31
  7. which nervous system is involved in controlling voluntary activities
    (skeletal muscles)
    somatic nervous system (SNS)
  8. which nervous system is involved in controling involuntary activities?
    (cardiac muscle,smooth muscle,gland secretion)
    Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
  9. what are the 3 involuntary activities of the autonomic nervous system(ANS)?
    • a.cardiac muscle
    • b.smooth muscle
    • c.gland secretion
  10. which nervous system has two divisions that are antagonistic in action?
    automic nervous system(ANS)
  11. what are the two divishions of the ANS?
    • 1.parasympathetic division
    • 2.sympathetic division
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organization of the nervous system (exam4)
exam4 central nervous system,peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system