The racial/ ethnic group with the fastest growing population is
According to the authors reseach, women earn about how much in comparison with Men?
Providing people with assistance to minimize the need to remain apart from others is termed
which feature makes social work inique among the helping professions?
The broad focus on renas for change
The authors conceptualize the need for anaalysis through exploring which 3 factors
Problem, Population, Arena
Starting organization or community change involves
research, athering historic information, organizing and coordination
when narrowing down data and information, which type will be most useful?
data on overlaps between these categories
compliling information on available services and local maps within a community is durectly related to atuding the
according to the authors, a hurried and incomplete analysis may be
worse than not completing analysis at all
people in a community arent very aware or conseerned that law enforcement is eratic, public transportation is unreliable, and the schools are inferrior, this is most likley
a condition
The local family services coalition has gone on record that the amount of low income housing in a community is far too inadequate. The mayor has formed a task-force to study this. this is most likely
a problem
A "condition statement" must include information about the
target population, geography,and difficulty facing the population
major contributions to the professional knowledge base begin with
journals, then books, then web resources
when making data meaningfl for interpretation, comparative data
generally more useful than single statistics
in reviewing the liturture on an issue, a worker examines survey data on multiple community problems including health, childcare, and employment at one point in time
time-series comparison
a "standard comparisson" approach is wuseful when
comparative data are unavailable
when conducting a population analysis, which task below will most likely come last
develop a working hypothesis of etiology
an ongoing process that includes a continual commitment to learning, self-reflection and alerting the power inbalances in interactions best describes
cultural humilty
despite many requests from client, an agency refuses to hold a Kwanzaa celebration because not all of the participants are African American. this best exemplifies
cultural incapacity
"lifts all voices up so that they can be heard" describes which of the following feminist influences in reseacrh
awareness of ones identity and the identity ascribed to them by the dominant society best describes
double consciousness
from Nortons "dual perspective" health workers, SW, and teachers would be part of the
sustaining system
"...allow for categorizing ones findings, make sense out of them, and turning seemingly unrelated bits of information into explanatory propositions...." defines
when examining problems where human behavior is a factor, it is important to include studing about
stages of growth and development in the population
what tem is used to describe the belief that ones ethnic group is superior to others
in the study of single black mothers with young children, Jackson and Scheines (2005) reseach suggested employment
increases self efficiancy ans decreased depressive symptoms
trying to identify the underlying causes of a problem is best known as
simple, direct, linear cause-and -effect relationships are_____ when analyzing social, community, and/or organizational problems
which statement below best describes reflects a hypothesis of etiology
too few resources cause school dropouts
the observation, "the community lacks a sense of cohesion; for the most part, people know few neighbors" is an example of a (n)
contributing factors
the hypothesis of etiology frames the change effort in a way that makes it
focused and manageale
when may the participants begin to perform an analysis of community and/or organizations?
once a consensus on the hypothesis is achieved
this type of community focuses on intimacy, relationships, and traditions
schools, synagogues, mosques, or political entities are examples of community
communities generally have both horizontal and vertical linkages. this means that they are ususally___ systems
A local mayor states that "our city is like a bee-hive. we all work together towards our common community good" which analogy is whis
which attribute below is the principle strength of systems theory
systems theory provides a framework for analysis
human and population ecologistics are ____ to su=ystems theories
closely related
in analyzing a community, a SW identifies the need for protection from violence as crucial for many residents. which Maslow needs category is this
higher order needs, such as self-seteem and self actualization
cannot be met until lower orders needs are met
when people are oppressed because of prejudice and discrimination, which theory is the most direct tool for understanding it
conflict theory
very task oriented, this practice modality involves careful study and policy work. it is most directly as example of
social planning
when employing a framework for assessing a community the auhtors recomend that the framwwork should be used
as an interactive guide
when specifying boundaries for a popluation, underf risks
researching too few people
according to the authors, which approach is preferred when assessing need within a particular population
use existing data
according to the authors, when determining the community characteristics that is the most relevant and practical unit for the vast majority of interventions is at the __ level
what is the term for a mental health clinics specific geographical domain
catchment area
a community has excellent parks and recreation facilities. which type of capital is this
environmental capital
acting in a culturally competent manner may be helped by
examining incongruence between nurturing and sustaining systems
"the social act of placing severe restrictions on a group of institution" defines
____ is intimately tied to values and may affect how person feels
as local (horizontal) and extra-community (vertical) ties expand, what usually emerges
No persistent pattern of power relationships within a community can be found. what type of structure is this
amorphous structure
often viewed as "the agency of choice" ____ agencies arose from religious and secular groups
which type of agency is most likely to have the greatest influence that are external
a team of case managers from different agencies meets every month in order to avoid duplicating services. this is most directly
most core functions of our social order are carried out by
which systems approach focuses n the internal aspects of organizations
closed systems
an individual is an organization who is well regarded for help presence, extraordinary personal heroism, and charm may be said to exercise
charismatic authority
Mertons "trained incapacity" menas that employees of bureaucracies may become incapable or
meeting the real needs of clients
which feature below is a criticism of scientific management
the best way to do a job may be unique to the person doing it
human relations theory was
never intended to empower employees
McGregors work implies that human services organizations would be wise to follow the guidelines of ___ since social work task are loosely defined
theory X
top administrators in a large welfare departmetn decides to thwart new mandates because theses will interfere with thier personal goals. this is an example of
the iron rule of oligarchy
one of the primary features of march and simons concepts of "bounded rationality" is that
the quality of decisions is linked to the soundness of information
in open-systems model, an organizations process, often referred to as its "technology" are known as
which component of the open systems model is "cybernetic" and allows for adjusting the sstem
in thier theory of political economy, Wamsley and zald defined "political" as the processes by which the organization
gains power and legitimacy
a new SW attending an organizational orientation is told "this is the way we do things here. it is an unwritten rule" this is an indicator of
organizational culture
which type f organization is mandated to promote the welfare of the people it serves
human service organizations
"to identify the agencys legal basis and reason for existence" is most closely tied to which task below
identify corporate authority and mission
A state legislator recieves an appropiation from federal governemnt in the form of a lump sum, and guielines for allocating the monies are left to the state. thies appropriation was most likely
a block grant
private agencies may sometimes be thought of as "quasi-public" because
they often get funding from contracts and grants provided by governmental agencies
donation of material goods to an agency is an example of
in-kind contributions
the boundary drawn byt he organization between eligible and ineligible clients is known as its
an agency attracts many clients but only serves the best-fitting full-pay ones. this is called
domain creaming
"boundary control" the ability of the agency to reflect clients it does not want, tends to be greatest in the
for profit sectors
as a general rule, which type of regulatory body cerifies the operations of the whole organization
accrediting bodies
a community buys a computerized systems to enable agencies to share case information and provide better services. this tends to foster
a good mission statement
specifies problems, population served, and general outcomes
when clients dont recieve entitled benfits due to rigid, even illogical rules, it is mose likely because of
bureaucratic disentitlement
a research examines an organization and discovers that no one is really in charge
many studies over the years have identified as major factors that contributes to increased job satisfaction and decreased turnover. which factor is it
role clarity
in this managerial model, management is open to feedback and subordinates are allowed some self-direction on routine matters. which model is this
the human relations model
"timelines" in an organization is used to measure how long clients have to wait for service. which type of standard is this
quality accountability
a job description should be crafted and written from the
job analysis
in order to ensure that employees performance is appropiately monitored, a well-designed human resources system will have
a performance-apprasial system
defining participants includes
indentiying the client system
examing the system capacity for change include
assessing general opennes and commitment to change
when generating the working hypothesis about etiology (cause and effect relationships) the change agent should focus on
the most significant contributing factors
which phrase below will result in a working intervention hypothesis? "developing an adult day care program"
will provide families with respide
a person or group becomes part of the initiator system when they
begin to take steps to bring change
in community level change efforts, getting approval tends to be ___formal than when working in organizational settings
the target population is
sometimes the same as the client system
"secondary beneficiaries" are known as the
support system
the "controlling system"
has authority to approve implementation
the organization or unit formally designated responsability for the area of the proposed change is
the "implementing system"
lies within the "host system"
in general, the change agent system that gets things started is ___ the action system
smaller than
when examining the systems capacity for change, the SW needs to focus on
team building and group development
a change agent assesses the systems funding, staff, facilities, and equipment needed for a change to take place. this assesses the
availability of resources
a group recomends that a time-limited trial of a new intakes procedures be initiated within the welfare office to evaluate if this is wothwhile. this is a
project change
which type of change poses the greatest risk for the change agent
personal change
a group poses a change in how the caseworkers interview clients. if this is approched as a policy change, it may be enforced. if approched as a practice change, it may be
after decisions have been made regarding who or what needs to be changed and what systems need to be involved the next step is
selection of tactics
the authors place a great deal of emphasis on understnading which context
political and economic
which factors do decisions makers often take into account, even before considering how urgent a needed change me be
Lewins force-field analysis" approach compares
supporting and opposing forces
when assessing the oppositions, it is important to find out both the reason behind the opposition and the
intensity of feelings
the authors defines "strategy" as the
overall-all efforts to ensure that a proposed change is accepted
an intervention that is planned, to evoke sfecific reactions, involve interaction with others and goal oriented is
which value is advanced by the authors when considering tactics
careful, professional judgement
if the target system opposes change and/or the allocation of resources and is not open to further communication, the best strategy is
the steps needed to free client system members from real or percieved participation barriers defines
a worker presents a well research and crafted presentation to the agencys board of dirctors that advances the need to greatly expand refugee services. this tactics is
which tactic involes absorbing or including people from the target system into the action system
when lobbying elected officials, it is important to be mindful that they have critical conserns about
cost and social impacts
a member of the action system insists that they fully support a change but secretly work against it. which tactic does this call for
which strategy is most non-reversible and should not be considered as the first option
intentially breaking a law (and insisting that it be enforced) is characteristic of
civil disobedience
both the host and the controlling systems are indifferent and could not care less about the change goal. the strategy approach should be
whose rights take preseidence over the wishes of the action system
according to the authors, implementation is
a process
when starting goals as outcome terms, one should include the target popluation
boundary, and an expected result or outcomes
in writing up a plan for intervention, the organizer provides specific details conserning procedures that will need to be followed this is
process objectives
according to the authors, a time frame is an outcome objective should not exceed
a year
the phrase "as measured by.." denotes a
criterion for measuring ans objectives sucess
process objectives identify the major components and
an order to achieve the outcome objective in sequence
when specifing a rsult for a process objective, it must
be concrete and observable
in order to avoid conflicts between "traditionalists" and "innovators" the authors recomend
planning for overlap between the planners and implementers
according to the authors, the critical issue of managing change efforts is
keeping on the schedule
when planning for change a interventions "bottom line" is if it
improved the conditions or qulaify of life for the target population
when compiling periodic reports, Rapp and poertner (2007) recommed writing for the
uniformed reader
a tool that incooperates theory into the developmetn and evaluation or problems is a
a logic model