COMM 381-2

  1. What did harrison's study focus on?
    How media and self complexity are related.
  2. What were the theories behind Harrison's hypothesis?
    • More time in front of TV, less time doing other novel and stimulating activities
    • As cultivation analyses suggest, the messages and images on TV are relatively narrow and UNIFORM
    • More TV would reduce self complexity.
  3. What does Larson say about TV and music?
    • TV is a way to buffer stress
    • Music is an active way to work through identity.
  4. What is Larson's study's idea?
    If you have a strong sense of self, you can navigate the things in everyday life
  5. what were the results of harrison's study?
    Increased TV exposure linked to DECREASED self-complexity scores

    ***Can't determine causation/time order
  6. What is Steal & Brown's media practice model?
    It maps peoples interaction with media and their lived experiences.

    --> interaction --> application --> identity --> selection --> (in a circle)

    Motivation plays a role.
  7. According to steal and brown, what is intentional (appropriation)?
    Strategic use of media to negotiate identity formation.

    Mood regulation, social modeling, fantasies.
  8. According to steal and brown, what is unintentional (incorporation) ?
    Unconscious adoption of media norms and values into self.

    Frames and cultivation
  9. What was Steele and Brown's careful conclusion?
    “The media’s influence on adolescents’ sense of themselves is complex and realized through everyday activities, making effects extremely difficult to measure—not because media are weak and the audience is strong, but rather because they are intricately woven into the fabric of daily life.
  10. What d0 Dal Cin et al. suggest the mediators of media effects are?
    • 1. Prototypes of drinkers
    • 2. Expectancies about drinking
    • 3. Perceived alcohol norms
    • 4. Friend use
  11. What was the method in Dal Cin et al's study?
    • Nationally-representative random-digit dialled survey
    • Four waves (8-month intervals)
    • 10-14 year olds (n = 6522)
    • Movies seen
    • Questions about smoking, drinking, parents, friends, personality, extra-curriculars.
  12. Measures of the Dal Cin et al. Study?
    • Movies seen (linked to coding data)
    • Prototypes: Image of the typical peer who drinks (e.g., popular, cool, sexy)
    • Expectancies: Possible positive consequences of alcohol use (e.g., have more fun at parties, take mind off problems)
    • Norms:Perceived prevalence of alcohol use & being drunk among same-age youth
    • Friends’ use: How many friends drink?
  13. Conclusions of Dal Cin et al?
    • Higher exposure to alcohol use in movies is associated with:
    • Greater alcohol consumption
    • –More favourable images of drinkers
    • More positive expectancies about drinking
    • Greater perception of alcohol use as normative
    • Increases in reports of friends’ alcohol use
  14. Limitations of Dal Cin et al?
    • Exposure to behaviour in the movie vs. exposure to movies in general
    • Causality and the direction of the effect
    • A need for experimental evidence
    • Establish causality
    • Refine understanding of the mechanism
  15. What was Brown's theory?
    Early maturation predicts increased consumption of sexual media because they don’t have any other source for information.
  16. Brown et al selective attention?
    Brown argues that there’s a component of selective attention. Identity gives you motivation for the selection. Some teens use media in a motivated way to learn about sex.
  17. What does Brown et al say about super peers?
    Earlier pubertal onset linked to increased interest, exposure, perceived permission
  18. Key findings in ward's study about women:
    • Frequency of viewing MTV
    • Sexual experience
    • Viewing to learn or to be entertained
    • Exposure to sex-themed TV clip

    …Contributed independently to increased endorsement of stereotyped attitudes about sexual scripts and/or gender roles
  19. Key findings in Ward's study with men:
    • Increased exposure to MTV
    • Active viewing, learning motive
    • Own sexual experience

    • …Contributed
    • independently to increased endorsement of stereotyped attitudes about sexual
    • scripts and/or gender roles
    • *Clips had little impact on perceptions*
  20. What is prosocial content?
    –3. Altruism or helping behavior

    –2. Social Interactions time spent with others, cooperation, affection and attention

    –1. Acceptance of Others tolerance, diversity, reducing stereotypes
  21. What were 2 components of the FCC guidelines for revising the content?
    • Academic
    • Prosocial
  22. The difficulty with assessing prosocial content?
    • Prosocial and anti-social content often co-occur.
    • Prosocial justification of aggression may be more harming than helping.
  23. What were four revisions of the 1990 Children's Television Act in 1996?
    • 3 hours per week of programming
    • 7am-10pm
    • 30 minutes minimum
    • More specific content qualifications
  24. What are 2 competing hypotheses of prosocial media effects?
    (1) Prosocial content could have stronger effects on viewers than antisocial content

    (2) Anti social acts have stronger effects on viewers
  25. To test the competing hypotheses and found different results:
    • Hearold found prosocial stronger than antisocial by 2x and longer term
    • Paik and Mares and Woodard found it was equal to antisocial
  26. Smith did a prosocial content analysis and found what?
    • Altruism 73% featured act Average 3 acts per hour
    • High rate in situation comedies & kids’ shows
    • } In children’s programming
    • Prosocial: 4 incidents per hour
    • Violent: 14 incidents per hour
    • }Yearly exposure (3 hours of kids’ shows a day):
    • 4,380 acts of altruism
    • 15,330 acts of violence
  27. What did Mares and Woodward find?
    • Media impact increases with:
    • More specific modeled behavior More relevant outcome measures
  28. What are moderators of prosocial effects according to Mares and Woodard?
    • Interactivity with teachers and parents
    • SES: Stronger for high SES
    • Gender: Boys more "backlash" Girls more likely to select prosocial stuff, no difference over all
  29. What is one fact about the Zone of Proximity?
    To learn from media, content must be presented within “zone of proximal development”
  30. What's the capacity model by Fish?
    That children must be capable of to understand narrative and educational features
  31. What is distance theory?
    If educational content is limited to one narrative, it may limit generalizability.
  32. What did Crawley's study find?
    When watching Blue's Clues, those who were heaviest viewers had the highest attention rate
  33. Anderson found that watching blues clues: 4 things
    • Increased Knowledge of show concepts, riddles
    • Flexible thinking, problem solving, prosocial behavior
    • Vocabulary: Viewers scored higher at pre-test
    • No difference in self esteem
  34. The Early Learning Model:
    • Huston. Tried to explain long term impact of early exposure
    • Attitudes and behaviors.
    • Doesn't teach kids facts but rather how to do well in school
  35. Media interventions in prosocial contexts
    • Realism v Socialism intervention
    • Younger children are most receptive
  36. Nathanson's study focused on what?
    • Parent communication styles relevant to body image and eating disorders
    • Parent communication styles relevant to mediation of media content
  37. In Nathanson's study about thin actresses, what did the results show about the different types of mediation?
    • Neutral mediation: increased anorexic symptoms, social comparison, neg emotions
    • Positive: negative emotions
    • Neg: increased social comparison, body dissatisfaction neg emotions
  38. What did Back et al's study focus on?
    • Facebook Profiles:
    • Accurate or Idealized
  39. What are 2 competing hypotheses and Back et al's study?
    • Idealized virtual identity
    • Extended real life
  40. What was the method in measuring FB Profiles for Back etal?
    • Collect facebook profiles and personality ratings
    • Raters make personality judgements based on the profiles
    • Correlate rater’s personality judgements with self (friend) reports of ideal and actual personality
  41. (Seinfeld study) recall v. recognition?
    • Recall (explicit): ability to recall from memory w/o external prompt
    • Recognition (implicit): Retrieving something from memory with prompts
  42. What was the hypothesis in Terror Management Theory?
    Death anxiety will increase support/loyalty for national symbols, values, and leaders
  43. How was Mortality Salience primed?
    • }Explicit (e.g. write about death)
    • “Please briefly describe the emotions that the thought of your own death arouses in you”
    • “Jot down, as specifically as you can, what you think will happen to you when you die and once you are physically dead”
    • }Implicit (e.g. unscramble death-related words)
  44. What does Young say about humor?
    • Humor may reduce critical thinking about political messages by
    • Reducing the listener’s ability to critically engage the message arguments
    • Reducing the listener’s motivation to critically engage the message arguments
    • Activating a discounting cue
  45. What was young's method?
    216 participants in 3 groups read 3 online questionnaires: humorous, nonhumorous, and control

    • They were asked their thoughts
    • Neg messages
    • Pos messages
    • neutral mess
    • cognitive elaboration aimed at humor comprehension.
  46. What did young find?
    • Humorous content resulted in more thoughts dealing with humor comprehension
    • Argument scruntiny is reduced in the face of humor
  47. What did baumgartner find?
    Baumgartner found that viewing The Colbert Report (and The O’Reilly Factor) increased support for Republican policies, increased warm feeling for President Bush, increased trust in Republicans in Congress, and decreased internal efficacy
  48. What did Holbert's study find?
    • Perceptions of the importance of being engaging to presidential success rose as a result of watching the program, and The West Wing viewers retained more positive images of Bush and Clinton after the viewing experience
    • Viewing The West Wing seems to prime more positive images of the U.S. presidency
  49. What was LaMarre's study about?
    • Colbert Report:
    • Conservatives thought he was conservative
    • Liberals thought he was liberal
  50. What was laun and braun's article about?
    • Product Placement
    • Seinfeld was their manipulation
  51. What did cole and leets find were the most likely attachment styles to form parasocial relationships?
    Anxious ambivalence.
  52. What was the least likely attachment style to form parasocial relationships?
  53. What was the main research question in Cole and Leets study?
    are attachment styles related to the formation of parasocial relationships?
  54. What did moskalenko and heine study?
    The relationship between self awareness and television.

    The participants who failed watched more tv as did the control group. The successful group watched less tv
  55. what does mares and woodard's study focus on?
    • Prosocial television
    • More specific modeled behavior
    • More relevant outcome measures
  56. What does Slater's article focus on?
    Campaigns in the the context of story telling vs facts
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COMM 381-2
COMM 381-2