1. Amoeba
    • Group Protozoa - "Animal Like"
    • Move via pseudopodia - extensions of the cytoplasm
    • They are either asymmetrical or have spherical symmetry. Amoebas reproduce asexually, but they do not show the typical stages of mitosis. There is no meiosis among amoebas, and they do not form spores.
  2. Phylum Foraminifera
    • They secrete a calcareous shell or test around themselves.
    • These pseudopodia are used only in feeding.
  3. Phylum Actinopoda/Radiolarians
    • Members of this group secrete a radially symmetrical, spherical silicious skeleton.
    • Thin cytoplasmic strands that project from openings in the shell called axopods.
    • Their shell analogous with foraminiferan shells.
  4. Flagellates (Trypanosomes)
    • Unicellular, eukaryotic organisms that possess flagella as adults. A primitive group that is generally considered to have given rise to all other protozoans, higher plants, fungi and Kingdom Animalia. Many flagellates live commensally within the bodies of other organisms. All are heterotrophic, but may be either free-living, symbiotic or parasitic. Reproduction may be sexual or asexual. (trypanosomes among blood cells)
  5. Termite flagellates
    • Many flagellates live within the gut of termites in a symbiotic relationship. The flagellates digest the cellulose in the cell walls of the wood ingested by the termites, producing simple sugars which can be absorbed and used as a nutrient by the termite.
  6. Paramecium
    • The cilia are embedded in the outer covering of the animal, thepellicle. Also embedded in the pellicle are trichocysts, which are toxic, thread-like stinging structures.
    • Asexual repro.: This organism reproduces by dividing into two daughter cells, a process called binary fission.
    • Sexual repro.: Conjugation - sexual reproduction in which two animals exchange micronuclear material.
  7. Grantia (organism)
    • Phylum Porifera
    • Sponges are sometimes called parazoans ("near animals") because their tissues are poorly defined and they lack true organs.
    • Have choanocytes - collar cells. As water passes through the canals the choanocytes filter out tiny food particles. All digestion goes on within the choanocytes, and is therefore intracellular.
  8. Acorn Worm
    • Phylum Hemichordata
  9. Molgula
    • Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Urochordata. (tunicate)
    • Many adult tunicates are sessile and secrete a test or tunic about themselves. This is composed of a non-living cellulose-like material (rare in animals), secreted by a thin underlying tissue called the mantle.
  10. Subphylum Cephalochordata
    • Amphioxus/Lancet
  11. What is this? What organism does this belong to?
    • Placoid scales from a shark (Phylum chordata, subphylum vertebrata, class chondrichthyes)
    • human teeth and placoid scales are homologous structures.
  12. What is this? What organism does this belong to?
    Ctenoid scale. From ray-finned bony fish (Class Actinoptrygii)
  13. Class Trematoda
    • Phylum Platyhelminthes
  14. Ascaris
    • Phylum Nematoda.
    • Pseudocoelomate.
  15. Nereis
    • Class Polychaeta (Phylum Annelida)
    • Each segment bears a pair of fleshy lobes called parapodia. At the end of each parapodium are several bristle-like setae. The parpodia serve to increase the surface area of the worm, an important adaptation since most polychaetes respire through the skin.
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