Forensic Assessment in Civil Cases

  1. advance medical directives
    legal documents in which patients indicate what kinds of future medical treatments they will agree to should they later become incompacitated and therefore be incompetent to make treatment decisions for themselves.
  2. breached duty
    the violation of a duty that one party legally owes to another party
  3. civil commitment
    the legal proceeding by which a person who is mentally ill and imminently dangerous is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital
  4. civil competence
    the ability of an individual to act appropriately in such non criminal decisions as executing a will or determing medical treatment
  5. compensatory damages
    the payment or restitution owed to a plaintiff for the damages and harm that have been determined to have been caused by a civil defendent
  6. dangerousness
    behavior that involves acts of physical violence or aggression by one person against another
  7. duty
    the obligation that one party legally owes to another party
  8. equivocal death analysis
    the application of psychological procedures to determine whether the mode of death was accident, suicide, homocide, or due to natural causes
  9. future best interest of the child
    the legal standard by which most child custody decisions are made in the US
  10. harm
    the losses or adversities suffered by a person who is the victim of the wrongdoing
  11. intentional behavior
    conduct in which an actor means for the outcomes of his or her behaviors to occur
  12. joint custody
    a legal outcome in which divorcing parents share or divide various decision-making and control responsibilities for their children
  13. malingering
    the intentional fabrication or exaggeration of physical or psychological symptoms in order to gain an incentive or advantage
  14. mediation
    a form of alternative dispute resolution in which a neutral third party helps the disputing parties agree on a resolution to their conflict
  15. negligence
    behavior that fails to meet the legal standard for acting in a way that would protect others from unreasonable risks
  16. primary caretaker standard
    an alternative to the best-interest-of-the-child standard, in which the child goes with the parent who has been the primary care giver of the child
  17. proximate cause
    a cause that constitues an obvious or substantial reason why a given harm occured
  18. psychological autopsy
    an attempt to determine the mode of death via an examination of what was known about the deceased
  19. punitive damages
    financial compensation provided to a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit and assessed against a defendant to punish that defendant and to deter future misconduct by the defendant and others
  20. risk assessment
    the assessment of the probability that a person will behave violently in certain circumstances
  21. sole custody
    the awarding of custody to a child to one of the parents
  22. testamentary capacity
    having the mental capacity to execute a will when the will is signed and witnessed, including the capacity to resist the pressures or domination of any person who might try to exert undue influence on the distribution of the estate of the person writing the will
  23. tort
    a civil suit that does not involve a contract
  24. validity scales
    those measures whose goal is to access whether the test taker is telling the truth
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Forensic Assessment in Civil Cases
Forensic Assessment in Civil Cases