An emotional response to anticipation of danger, the source of which is largely unknown or unrecognized.
1. Panic
2. Obessions
3. Anxiety
4. Flooding
An external pressure that is brought to bear on the individual.
A normal reaction to a realistic danger or threat to biological integrity or self concept
Mrs. K witnessed a serious automobile accident 4 weeks ago when she was out driving in her car, and since that time refuses to drive even to the gorcery store. How is anxiety affecting her life?
The anxiety interferes with social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The onset of which is unpredictable and manifested by intense apprehension, fear, or terror, often associated with feelings of impending doom and accompanied by intense physical discomfort.
A marked, persistent and excessive or unreasonable fear in the presence of, or when anticipating an encounter with a specific object or situation.
Specific Phobia
Chronic, unrealistic, and excessive anxiety and worry are characteristics of what type of anxiety disorder?
Characteristics of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Irritability, Muscle Tension, Sleep Disturbance, Being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind "going blank", irritability, muscle tension
What would be an appropriate nuring intervention for a client with the diagnosis of Powerlessness related to impaired cognition evidence by verbal expressions of no control over life situation?
Allow client to take as much responsibility as possible for self care practices; include client in setting goals of care
When a client who has a dx of panic axiety related to real or perceived threat to biological integrity or self-concept, what should the nurses primary intervention be?
Stay with the client and offer reassurance of safety.
The fear of being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult.
An excessive fear of situations in which a person might do something embarrassing or be evaluated negatively by others. The individual has extreme concerns about being exposed to possible scrutiny by others.
Social Phobia
A marked, persistent, and excessive or unreasonable fear when in the presence of, or when anticipating an encounter with, a specific object or situation.
Specific phobia