
  1. What is the First Noble Truth?
    Dukkha meaning "dislocation" or "suffering". All things decay and suffor.
  2. What is the Second Noble Truth?
    Tanha meaning "craving" or "desire". The exact cause for human suffering is our desire for separate existance with greed, materialism, competitiveness, jealousy, and selfishness.
  3. What is the Third Noble Truth?
    The effect of Dukkha can be lessened by reducing Tanha. If humans give up false notions of self, their suffering will end.
  4. What is the Fourth Noble Truth?
    The eightfold path. It is a total change of life.
  5. List the eightfold path parts.
    • Right VICCOMES
    • Views
    • Intent
    • Conduct
    • Concentration
    • Occupation
    • Mindfulness
    • Effort
    • Speech
  6. Describe Right Views
    It is the recognition of the Four Noble Truths. Includes the rules of Sangha
  7. Describe Right Intent.
    A single focus on constant dedication to the path of enlightenment.
  8. Describe Right Conduct.
    • Behavior that is proper for a monk or nun (to the best of their ability).
    • 5 Precepts are:
    • -Ahimsa - non-injury to any lifeform (vegan)
    • -No stealing
    • -No lying
    • -Abstinence from sex
    • -No intoxications
  9. Describe Right Occupation.
    A job that does not injure life forms. No slave traders, prositutes, butchers, brewers, arms maker. Soldiers are a necessary evil.
  10. Describe Right Speech.
    Speech should show restraint and be honest and charitable. Thinking is guided by words so one must clean up one's speech.
  11. Describe Right Effort.
    Proceed towards enlightenment in a slow and constant way. Determined. Inspired by oxen.
  12. Describe Right Mindfulness.
    Vipassana Meditation. Self meditation about the causes and impulses governing one's behavior.
  13. Describe Right Concentration.
    A state of super-consciousness (Nirvana) is acheived. Used Raja Yoga and is similar to Moksha. Nirvana is indescribable.
  14. Describe Anicca.
    Impermanence. All is in flux and every moment is completely new.
  15. What are human beings comprised of in regards to Anicca?
    • 5 Skandhas or "heaps".
    • -Physical body
    • -feelings
    • -perceptions
    • -volitions
    • -consciousness
  16. Describe Anatta.
    No Soul. No body jumping souls. Just desires that get passed on to new incarnations. (Candles being lit)
  17. Describe Maya
    Illusion. Similar to Hindu's Maya about worldly possessions and how it leads to suffering.
  18. Describe Triratna.
    • Three Jewels that are the most treasured aspects of traditional Buddhism.
    • -Take refuge/comfort in the figure of Buddha (Mahayana = God// Theravada=Not God)
    • -take refuge in the Sangha
    • -take refuge in the Dhamma (encompasses his teachings, standings of duty, and strict reality.
  19. Name some schools of Buddhism.
    ~yanas (rafts across the waters of ignorance) are the main three schools

    • Mahayana
    • Hinayana (Theravada)
    • Vajrayana
    • Zen
  20. Describe Mahayana.
    Means "Great Raft" and is the liberal branch from India and China area. Key virtue is karuna and ideal person is bodhisattba. Views Buddha as a god and involves prayers and rituals. Doesn't separate priests and lay people.
  21. What is karuna?
    compassion for one's fellow beings
  22. Who is bodhisattva?
    Ideal person of Mahayana who knows how to acheive Nirvana but doesn't do it just to help others acheive it
  23. Describle Hinayana
    Means "Lesser Raft" in Sri Lanka to Cambodia. Called Theravada which means "The way of the Elders". The conservative branch remaining true to original Pali texts of his teachings. Key virtue is bodhi which is wisdom. Ideal person is arhat who acheived Nirvana. Does not view Buddha as a god, minimizes rituals and separates priests.
  24. Define bodhi
  25. Who is arhat?
    Ideal person of Hinayana who remains in Nirvana after great individual effort to acheive it.
  26. Describe Vajrayana.
    Means the Diamond Vehicle. also known as Tibetan Buddhism and stems from Mahayana. Based on Tantra and sexuality to acheive Nirvana. Tibetan priests are celibate and use mundras, mantras and mandalas. Supreme leader is the Dalai Lama.
  27. What is tantra
    teachings about reaching enlightenment through religious use of the sex impulse.
  28. What are mundras
    stylized hand gestures
  29. What are mantras
    deep-throated chants
  30. What are mandalas?
    images of Buddha and the ultimate structure of the universe
  31. Who is the leader of Tibetism Buddhism?
    the Dalai Lama
  32. How many Dalai Lamas have their been and when did it win the Nobel Peace Prize?
    14 incarnations and it won in 1989
  33. What is Zen Buddhism?
    Means meditation in Chinese and Sanskrit. Came from the flower sermon when Mahakasyapa grasped the enlightenment. 28 patriarchs in Indian then to China in 520 ce and Japan 12th century. Purified Buddhism involving satori, zazen, and koan. Focuses on work. Has three branches Rinzai, Soto, Nembutsu.
  34. What is satori
    sudden and stunning type of enlightenment
  35. What is Zazen?
    seated meditation
  36. What is koan?
    a puzzle designed to induce an immediate and higher state of consciousness.
  37. Name the three branches of Zen.
    • Rinzai
    • Soto
    • Nembutsu
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buddhism study card