Art Appreciation

  1. Intro
    -Most celebrated period in Western art time when artsflourished particularly in southern Europe-ideas transmitted aroundEurope-revival of faithful reproduction of world of visual appearances-centralimportance was to convey message of church
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    • Figure 14-1
    • Giotto, Lamentation, c. 1305

    • -Part of a series of Fresco’s that Giotta painted. Painted the
    • life of Christ and the life of Mary. Giotto brought the ability to bring
    • solidity of form and more 3 dimensional look. Moving away from the early
    • Christian style which was flat. Ability to convey emotions and tell a story.

    • -giotto-lamentation-seems medieval, part of series of fresco
    • painted in chapel in Padua life of Christ and life of mary-final episodes in
    • life of Christ, theater set actors on a stage-acting out in sort of
    • pantomime-stonger solidity of form 3d look towards figures move away from
    • looking flat, more naturalistic through gesture posture facial expressions
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    • Figure 14-3
    • Lorenzo Ghiberti, The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401-1402

    • -Humanism-study of the art of the history,
    • -Winner of the comptition. Biblical story. The reason why it won was because of
    • the revival of classic form; greek art.

    • -ghiberti makrs beginning of renaissance acted as catalysts
    • to renaissance period-scholarly efforts looks back to writers scholars of
    • classical period

    • -humanistic studies-catalystic studies of art, history,
    • philosophy, sciences in effort to take a new look at ancient scholarship-created
    • a revival especially in arts

    • -competition in city of Florence-bronze doors of baptistery
    • public comp selected best of best-ghiberti winner –nude figure of Isaac
    • beautifully produced, elegance story telling
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    • Figure 14-4
    • Filippo Brunelleschi, Dome of the Florence Cathedral, 1430-1436

    • -dome-florence filippo brunelleschi making a study in rome
    • of ancient architecture using knowledge able to complete cathedral and build
    • massive dome-invented 1 pt meter perspective
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    • Figure 14-6
    • Donatello, David, c. 1428-1432

    • -donatello-david earliest first free standing life size male
    • nude cast in bronze

    • -The first free standing male nude
    • lifesize cast in bronze since the ancient period. Another revival of the classical choros form.
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    • Figure 14-9
    • Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, c. 1482

    • -boticelli- la nascita di venere- one aspect of humanistic
    • studies looking to past for inspiration and human nature-neoplatonic academy
    • intellectuals looking back to works of plato and Socrates rereading and
    • reinterpreting-directly related to ideas venus goddess of love and
    • beauty-illusion to Christian rights such as baptism

    -botticelli more original
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    • Figure 14-13
    • Leonardo da Vinci, The Virgin of the Rocks, c. 1485

    • -Marked by full understanding realiztion of techniques create
    • more realistic symbolic effects

    • -Madonna on the rocks-sfumato kind of lighting effect light
    • comes from inside of figures themselves Leonardo able to achieve made him so
    • sought after clarity logic tried to achieve

    • -Strange kind of painting. He used the style known as Sfumato
    • (sp), a lighting effect. Quality
    • which Leonardo was able to achieve.
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    • Figure 14-14
    • Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, c. 1495-1498

    • -Produced while Leonardo was living in Milan-damaged fresco
    • the last supper-

    • -Clear cut space in banquet hall merges with actual space of
    • room that it was in

    • -Don’t use halos tried to be faithful to world around them create 1pt linear perspective make stable form
    • right in middle of work-lining up of table of foreground

    -Leonardo added psychological dimension-shows us dym
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    • Figure 14-16
    • Michelangelo Buonarroti, David, 1501-1504

    • -michelangelo’s forte was sculpture. First colossal free
    • standing male nude carved in marble. First of its kind since the ancient classical period.
    • Considered a masterpiece. Done when the artist was barely 21 years old.

    • -Michelangleos david-sculpture-marks a first-first colossal
    • freestanding male nude carved in marble over 13ft first of its kind since
    • ancient
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    • Figure 14-17
    • Michelangelo Buonarroti, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Rome, 1508-1512

    • -Michelangelo best known for his painting-ceiling of Sistine
    • chapel took him 4 years to do work strictly high renaissance in nature=create
    • scenes from old testament based around architecture-nude male figures with medallions
    • interspersed through entire composition-human form central to michelangelos
    • art-center of ceiling shows depiction of the creation of adam best known
    • composition in ceiling-show everything through human form-didn’t think anything
    • else was worth depicting

    • -known for painting. Took him four years to do the work from
    • 1508-1512. Layout is high renaissance. Illusions creating
    • scenes from the old testament.
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    • Figure 14-18
    • Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Creation of Adam, detail from the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

    • -The spark of life. Probably his best known composition on
    • the ceiling. Shows his tendency to show everything in the human form.

    • -michelangelos art-center of ceiling shows depiction of the
    • creation of adam best known composition in ceiling-show everything through
    • human form-didn’t think anything else was worth depicting
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    • Figure 14-22
    • Raphael, Madonna della Sedia, 1510-1512

    -Rafael-madonna della sedia- known for madonnas

    • -City of Venice had different set of qualities regarding
    • renaissance-venice more cosmopolitan the female nude was a preferred
    • subject-loved drama supernatural effects of light
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    • Figure 14-23
    • Titian, Venus of Urbino, 1538

    • -Titian-venus of urbino-elegant beautiful reclining
    • goddess-domesticated her but lots of references to marriage fidelity

    • -Very elegant beautiful goddess. He domesticated her.
    • Lots of references to marriage, fidelity.
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    • FIgure 14-24
    • Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotunda (formerly Villa Capra), near Vincenza, Italy, c. 1566-1570

    • -Palladio-villa rotunda- even today people read his treatise
    • on architecture on ideal proportion to create buildings of beauty, 4 porches or
    • porticos- merges greek and roman design

    • -24- Design continues to be looked
    • to by architectures, designers, etc.
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    Figure 14-27 Claus Sluter, The Well of Moses, 1395-1406

    • -The well of moses-sluter, produced for wealthy duke of
    • burgundy, topped by life sized crucifixion, destroyed during French revolution
    • work has realism to characterize northern art-super detailed realism every
    • detail of jewelry glass-last to adopt devices of linear perspective nudity
    • etc-more esteemed in northern gothic tradition

    • -Renaissance in the north is quite different. Produced
    • for a very wealthy Duke. Work is by a Dutch artist.
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    • Figure 14-28
    • Jan van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, 1434.

    • -Jan van eyck-fidelty loyalty marriage-typical in northern
    • art in contemporary art in their own terms-quality of northern art-subtle
    • things in picture dog, peaches, etc

    • -use of symbolism. A lot of symbols that indicate the message.
    • Shoes have been removed; sacred place. Dog indicate one
    • of the important attributes of marriage.
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    • Figure 14-31
    • Albrecht Durer, The Knight, Death, and the Devil, 1513.
    • -Durer-german artist, most famous artist of his time in
    • Europe produced in form of book-circulated quite well known famous-series of
    • apocaluptic visions, engravings, night death and devil-characteristic of north
    • imagination-gives them quality of reality

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    Figure 14-34 Matthias Grunewald, The Isenheim Altarpiece (closed), Crucifixion (center panel, 1510-1515

    • Crucifixion-reformation first challenges to catholic
    • church-practices brought to question resulted in a lot of religious images
    • –grusome gory realism-good example of gruesome gross realism, northern artists
    • delight in doing-great contrast to Italian art more beautiful elegant way
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    • Figure 14-36
    • Hieronymus Bosch, triptych of The Garden of Earthly Delights, Creation of Eve (left wing), The Garden of Earthly Delights (center panel), Hell (right wing) 1505-1510

    • -bosch-garden of earthly
    • delights-values order vs chaos insanity
  20. Extra info
    • -impasto-thick application of paint
    • -impasto-thick application of paint
    • -sfumato-lighting Leonardo invented
Card Set
Art Appreciation
The Renaissance