Art Appreciation

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Figure 12-9
    • Figures from terra-cotta army of First Emperor of Qin. 210 BC

    Pragmatic realistic rep. of emperors army
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    • Figure 12-13
    • The Great Stupa
    • Sanchi, India, third century BC to early first century AD

    Earliest types of monuments built to commemorate the presents of Buddhism.

    • The Great Stupa of Sanchi-idea of burial mound, earliest
    • types of monuments that were built to commemorate present of Buddha, preserves
    • idea of Buddhism and Hinduism, oringated in India

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    • Figure 12-15
    • Three Goddesses, from the east pediment of the Parthenon

    • -Most important ancient civilization for understanding of Western art-ancient greeks, classical building Parthenon which stands on the acropolis
    • -Most art deals with greek gods and goddesses-idealized
    • -Pediment-triangle where principle sculptures were
    • located-where the three originals located-great examples of female figured-in
    • classical almost always clothed but body revealed through drapery-high degree
    • of naturalism and realism
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    • Figure 12-17
    • Polykleitos, Doryphoros. Roman marble copy after a bronze original of 450-440 BC

    • Polyclytus-greek classical style, most important type in
    • classical was male nude-choros, the weight stance, contrapasto, marble copy
    • done in roman period,
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    • Figure 12-21
    • Laocoon group, first century BC to first century AD

    • The final phase after conquests of Alexander the
    • great-expansion of greek empire, more creative dynamic theatrical-the
    • Hellenistic phase-lacoon group based on story from Trojan wars
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    • Figure 12-22
    • Funerary portrait of a ROman couple (formerly known as Cat and Porzia) first century BC.

    • -roman couple-realistic portrait sculpture, wanted to be
    • faithful to the way a person looks, no idealiziation, warts, wrinkles, sagging
    • skin, pragmatic but portraits of leaders glorified idealized augusts
    • primaporta typical of more political type of portrait, marble
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    • Figure 12-23
    • Augustus of Prima Porta c. 20 BC

    • romans noted for architecture, pantheon, using elements of
    • arch, domes, enormous interiors, oldest classical building most intact building
    • from classical era-the ancient period from 5th century bc to 1st
    • century ad-dedicated to all gods, features understanding of both greek and roman
    • design, use of concrete romans great engineers, aqueducts, connected whole network
    • by engineering rotunda
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    • Figure 12-27
    • The Pantheon, Rome, AD 118-125

    solid-semi hemispherical mound, relics
  9. Extra info.
    • *Romans are also known for architecture, using the elements
    • of the arch. Creating domes, enormous interiors.

    • *Pantheon was built for all the gods? Romans were great engineers. This was made possible because of
    • concrete.

    Oculus –circular opening at the top of the dome. Which light enters the building

    • rotunda – interior that is surrounded by a large
    • ??????????????

    Stupa- Solid semi circular mark used to mark the presence of the Buddha
Card Set
Art Appreciation
Ancient Empires, Ancient Gods