Social Media 2

  1. Flagship Content
    Seminal pieces of work that help to define a phenomenon or influence the way people think about something
  2. Pillar Content
    Original content that forms a solid publishing foundation
  3. Filler Content
    Information copied from other sources
  4. Types of Pillar Content
    • How-to Article
    • The Definition Article
    • The Glossary Article
    • The Theory Article
    • The List Article
  5. Linkbaiting
    Crafting a title for articles and posts (need a hook to interest and make the link enticing)
  6. Savory Hooks
    • Resource (five methods to ensure...)
    • Contrary (lose weight with chocolate)
    • Humor (obese skunk cuts out...)
    • Giveaway (save $50 doing what's good for you)
    • Research (65% of Americans...)
  7. Unsavory Hooks
    • High Drama (congress reveals shocking plan)
    • Tabloid
    • Seduction (puts on bra before with photo)
    • So-Weird-You-Just-Have-To-Know (giant hampster wheel)
  8. Social Media Optimization (SMO)
    Making social media content more visible and linkable (acheived by earning organic links to content)
  9. Linkwheels
    • Creating multiple "feeder sites" that link to your main site and to other feeder sites
    • Amplification of all content creates network effect that increases search rankings through increased quanitity of linkage
  10. Authority Building Content
    Original content positions the sponsoring entity as an authority on the subject in question
  11. Content Value Latter
    • Highest: Flagship
    • Pillar
    • Authority Building
    • Basic
    • Lowest: Filler
  12. Social Games
    Multi-player competitive goal oriented activites with defined rules of user engagement and online connectivity among a community of players
  13. Common Social Game Elements
    • Friend/Buddy Lists
    • Leader Boards
    • Achievement Badges
  14. Social Game Genres
    • Simulation Games (farmville)
    • Action Games (first person shooter)
    • Role Playing Games (mafia wars, wow)
    • Strategy Games (words with friends)
  15. Social Game Key Benefits
    • Gamers: open to advertising content in games. Can identify with the brands their characters use
    • Brands: benefit when they associate with a succesful game, appear as unobtrusive in game
    • Marketers: finely target users, coste effective, measure promotional value
  16. In Game Advertising
    • Display ads
    • Interstitial ads - run between stages or levels
    • Static Display ads - hard coded into game
    • Product placement
    • Screen placement
    • Script placement
    • Transactional ads
  17. Alternate Reality Games
    • Transmedia: uses multiple media including tv, internet, email, text, phone, mail, newspaper
    • Social game: a community of players compete and collaborate to solve a complex puzzle
  18. Common Social Game KPI
    • unique active players per month or day
    • percentage female
    • average session length
    • most popular time for playiing
    • number purchasing virutal goods
  19. Social Commerce
    Using social media apps to enable online shopers to interact and collaborate
  20. Benefits of Social Commerce
    • Marketers can monetize investment in social media (ROI)
    • Can gain valuable data about customer behavior
    • Can enhance customer experience
    • Sharing brand impressions is easy
    • Keeping up with the competition
  21. Major Influences
    • Social Proof
    • Authority
    • Affinity
    • Scarcity
    • Reciprocity
    • Consistency
  22. Sales Funnel
    • Awarness/Problem Recognition
    • Information/Search
    • Evaluation
    • Purchase
    • Post Purchase
  23. Informed Consent
    research participants must be made aware of the research and its benefits and implications
  24. Social Media Listening
    a form of observational research whereby organizations listent and collect customer conversations online
  25. Social Listening tools
    • Technorati (blog search)
    • Google blog search
    • Twitter Search
    • Social mention
    • Google alerts
  26. Social Listening (what to listen for)
    • Brand mentions
    • Buzz/Viral Spread (intensity and speed of message)
    • Indentify service satisfaction issues
    • Sentiment analysis
    • Opinion Mining
  27. Research Pitfalls
    • Informed Consent
    • Attribution of unsolicited comments
    • Coverage Error (not all components of population studied)
    • Sampling error (subset rather than all)
    • Echo Effect (how to count duplication)
    • Participation effect
  28. The Need for Measurement
    • Social media must verify it's expenditure and show a return on investments
    • Allos marketers to understand what is and is not workin
  29. Developing a Measurement Plan (DATA)
    • Define: what are our objects and how will we measure success
    • Assess: what are the costs and potential value
    • Track: and analyze the actual results
    • Adjust: the program to optimize results
  30. Metrics Matrix
    • Activity: actions the organization takes relative to social media (blog posts, status, replys, videos)
    • Engagment: interactions with the social media platform by target market (likes, registrations, followers, traffic stats)
    • Preformance: outcome/return that support the success of the brand (cost per lead, conversion rate, earned media value)
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Social Media 2
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