note cards for test 3 complete.txt

  1. What is paresis?
    partial paralysis
  2. What is a hematoma?
    large amount of bleeding
  3. What is a contusion?
    bleeding into soft tissue, usually from blunt force
  4. What is a strain?
    stretching injury to muscle or muscle-tendon unit
  5. What are some strain s/s?
    • swelling
    • local tenderness
    • sharp or dull pain
  6. What is the most common area for a strain?
    lower back then cervical region
  7. What usually causes a strain?
    mechanical overloading
  8. What is a sprain?
    injury to a ligament surrounding a joint
  9. What causes a sprain?
    forces going in opposite directions
  10. What are some s/s of a sprain?
    • loss of ability to move/use joint
    • pop
    • discoloration
    • pain
    • rapid swelling
  11. What does R.I.C.E. stand for?
    • rest
    • ice
    • compress
    • elevate
  12. How many of the R.I.C.E. are necessary to do?
  13. How are joint, muscle and bone injuries dxed?
    • x ray for bone and joints
    • MRI for soft tissue
  14. When should you do R.I.C.E.
    first 24 hours
  15. What meds are used for joint, muscle and bone injuries?
    • analgesics: NSAIDs for pain and swelling,
    • muscle relaxants to reduce muscle spasms,
  16. What are some nursing dx for joint, muscle and bone innjuries?
    • acute pain
    • impaired physical ability
    • self care deficit
    • risk for impaired skin integrity
  17. What are the 5 P's
    • pain
    • pallor
    • pulse
    • parasthesia
    • paralysis
  18. What is a dislocation?
    loss of articulation of bone ends in the joint following sever trauma
  19. What are some s/s of sublaxation?
    • pain deformity
    • limited motion
  20. What is sublaxation?
    • partial dislocation,
    • bone ends still partially intact
  21. What is parasthesia?
    • unusual sensation such as:
    • numbness
    • tingling
    • burning
    • prickling
  22. What is a fracture?
    any break in continuity of bone
  23. How are fractures classified?
    • simple
    • compound
    • complete
    • incomplete
    • comminuted
    • stable
    • unstable
    • stress
  24. What is a simple fracture?
    • closed
    • skin is still intact
  25. What is a compound fracture?
    • open
    • skin integrity interrupted
  26. What is a complete fracture?
    entire width of the bone is broken
  27. What is a stable fracture/Non-displaced?
    the alignment is maintained
  28. What is a compressed fracture?
    the bone is crushed
  29. What is a comminuted fracture?
    the bone breaks in many places
  30. What is an incomplete fracture?
    part of the width of the bone is broken
  31. What is a stress/pathologic fracture?
    • the bone endures a repetitive overload
    • so the bone can't repair itself quickly enough,
    • so the bone's homeostatis in disrupted
  32. What is an unstable/displaced fracture?
    • the bone is out of alignment
    • may have muscle spasms,
    • need to manipulate the bone back into alignment
    • may need surgery
  33. What is important to determine when presented w/ a stress/pathologic fracture
    Why it occurred. Is it cancer? Osteoporosis? etc.
  34. What are the phases of fracture healing?
    • inflammatory
    • reparative
    • remodeling
  35. What are the manifestations of a fracture?
    • may have soft tissue injuries
    • may have alteration in circulation
    • may have obvious deformity or shortening of extremity
    • may have felt or heard the bone break
  36. Describe the inflammatory phase of fracture healing.
    • hematoma: from blood vessels tearing and bleeding
    • intense inflammatory response caused by necrotic bone tissue
    • vasodilation: because of inflammatory reposne
    • exudate forms
    • white cells migrate
  37. Describe the reparative phase of fracture healing.
    • clotting begins
    • fibroblasts and new capillaries grow into the fracture which forms granulation
    • granulation tissue replaces the hematoma.
    • Phago-cytes begin to remove cell debris.
    • Osteoblasts, bone forming cells, proliferate forming a fibrocartila-ginous callus.
    • fibrocartila-ginous callus: a web of collagen fibers from both sides of the fracture site that unites the bone fragments
    • Bony callus formation usually continues for 2 to 3 months
  38. Describe the bone remodeling phase of fracture healing.
    • osteoblast/osteoclasts respond to daily stress by remodeling along the site of the fracture
    • the repaired section of bone then resembles the uninjured bone
  39. What things influence the healing of a fracture?
    • age
    • health
    • other conditions
    • when treatment was sought
    • physical activity
    • nutrition
    • type of fracture
    • location of fracture
    • co-morbidities
    • compliance
    • smoking
  40. How long does an arm or foot fracture take to heal?
    6-8 weeks
  41. What emergency care should be given to an expected fracture or dislocation?
    • immobilization of fx with split, pillow, cardboard, etc. elevate
    • assess 5 Ps
    • Maintain tissue perfusion
    • Open wounds
    • sterile dressings
  42. How long does it take a hip fracture to heal?
    hip 12-16 weeks
  43. What diagnostic tests are used for fractures and dislocations?
    • history of incident & assessment
    • x-ray of bones
    • additional tests: cancer, osteoporosis, electrolytes, etc
  44. What medications might be used for a fracture or dislocation?
    • 1. pain meds
    • narcotic, for sever, impinged nerves,
    • 2. NSAIDs -beware of bleeding
    • 3. Antibiotics - for open fx,
    • 4. others:
    • anti coagulants if on bed rest,
    • stool softener or stimulate,
    • multi vitamin
    • calcium
    • anti ulcer med
  45. When should surgery occur for fractures or dislocations?
    goal is to have in OR within 6 hrs
  46. What is external fixation?
    pins thru the bone to stabilize
  47. What are some things that indicate a need for surgery for a fracture or dislocation?
    • displaced fx,
    • soft tissue damage involving nerves,
    • blood vessels needing repair
  48. What is ORIF?
    open reduction internal fixation
  49. What does a person who has had ORIF need to remember?
    need to remember there is metal there for MRI
  50. What is traction?
    • application of straightening or pulling force
    • to maintain or return fractured bones in normal alignment,
    • prevent muscle spasms
  51. What are traction weights used for?
    maintain necessary force
  52. What is straight (skin) traction?
    • pulling force in straight line;
    • Buck's extension
    • used to immobilize during transport
  53. What are 4 types of traction?
    • manual
    • straight (skin)
    • balanced suspension
    • skeletal
  54. What is balanced suspension?
    • more than 1 force of pull
    • raise and support injury off of the bed
    • allows increased mobility
  55. What is skeletal traction?
    pulling force is applied through pins placed in the bone
  56. What are some risks of skeletal traction?
    • invasive
    • more risk of infection
  57. What are some complications of immobility a nurse should assess for?
    • skin break down on back
    • problems urinating while laying down
    • constipation, pain meds, lack of privacy, laying down
    • kidney stone formation from calcium as a result of fracture
    • pins site could be infected
  58. What does T.R.A.C.T.I.O.N. stand for?
    • temperature of the extremity/infection
    • ropes hang freely
    • alignment
    • circulation check 5 Ps
    • type of locations of fracture
    • increase Fluid intake
    • overhead trapeze
    • no weights on bed or floor
  59. What is a cast?
    a rigid device applied to immobilize bones & promote healing, usually extends above & below fx
  60. What are 2 types of casts?
    • plaster
    • fiberglass
  61. Describe a plaster cast.
    • needs ~48 hrs to dry - don't touch until it's dry
    • stockinette on skin, then the plaster
    • Doesn't reach total hardness until 48-72 hrs later.
    • Watch weight bearing
    • Swelling - wait until goes down, or splint until swelling goes down
    • don't get it wet
  62. What teaching should a nurse do r/t casts?
    • nothing in any casts to scratch
    • use a blow dryer on cool setting for itching
    • notify doctor if pain, coolness, strange color, etc
    • keep dry
  63. Describe a fiberglass cast.
    • used in ER for nondisplaced fx.
    • dries quickly
  64. Describe electrical bone stimulation
    • promotes healing
    • increases osteoblast and osteoclast activity,
    • increases blood supply
  65. What are some complications r/t casts?
    • compartment syndrome
    • swelling from too tight cast
  66. What is compartment syndrome?
    • fascia around muscles doesn't give
    • swelling increases pressure
    • very painful
    • causes ischemia
    • usually develops w/in 48 hours after the injury
  67. What are some s/s of compartment syndrome?
    • pain
    • decreased sensation
    • loss of movement
    • decreased distal pulses
    • cyanosis
  68. What should a nurse do when a pt has s/s of compartment syndrome?
    • elevate limb
    • call dr.
    • 5Ps
    • measure circumference
  69. What is a fasciotomy?
    • surgical incision to cut the fasca to increase blood supply
    • if urgent they will do it at bed side,
    • leave incision open for awhile,
    • put half cast until pressure is relieved,
  70. How is compartment syndrome treated?
    • bivalve cast
    • fasciotomy
  71. What are 3 precursors to VTE
    • 1. venous stasis
    • 2. injury to blood vessel
    • 3. altered blood coagulation
  72. How is VTE dxed?
    • doppler
    • venogram
  73. What are s/s of VTE?
    • swelling
    • tenderness
    • not always painful
  74. How is VTE prevented?
    • anticoagulants
    • TED hose,
    • early ambulation
  75. How is delayed or non union diagnosised?
    serial xrays to monitor healing
  76. What are treatments for delayed or non union?
    • surgically re-break it
    • re-cast
    • re-pin
    • bone graft
    • electrical stimulation
    • debridement
  77. What are risk factors for delayed or non union?
    • poor nutrition
    • inadequate immobilization
    • poor alignment of fracture at repair
    • didn't see doc in time
    • infection/necrosis
    • age
    • immunosuppression
    • sever bone trauma
  78. What is delayed or non union?
    not healing or not lining up
  79. How is VTE treated?
    • bed rest for 5-7 days to prevent dislodgement
    • heparin IV prevent more clots (doesn't dissolve)
    • coumadin
  80. What is reflex sympathetic dystrophy?
    • caused by muscle, bone, or nerve damage
    • sever, diffuse, burning pain
    • hyper sensitive to stimuli
    • decreased motion
  81. How is reflex sympathetic dystrophy treated?
    • pain meds,
    • area nerve block,
  82. What ways do nurses manage pain
    • always ask pt to describe pain
    • what kind?
  83. How do nurses help the pt with copying with pain?
    • impaired physical mobility (barrier free,assistive devices)
    • impaired tissue prefusiong and neurovasculare compromise (ceck at least q hour cap refill, sensations, etc)
    • pressure ulcers, check frequently,
    • assessment of client's response to trauma (changes in ADL changes at home lots of psych social)
    • do they need extra help at home, shopping, cleaning etc.
  84. How can nurses help pts prevent fractures?
    • Calcium
    • exercise
    • maintain good weight
    • balance
  85. What are some nursing diagnoses r/t pain?
    • actue pain
    • risk for peripheral neurovascular dystunction
    • risk for infection
    • impaired physical mobility
    • risk for disturbed sensory perception: tactile
  86. What is an amputation?
    partial or total removal of a body part
  87. What are some things a nurse needs to teach a client/family about cast care?
    • can they shower?
    • bear weight?
    • edges of cast, smooth rough edges?
    • follow dr orders r/t how much weight bearing,
    • ROM of unaffected limbs
    • elevation to decrease swelling and pain
    • discharge planning � needed equipment, PT
  88. What are some things that create a need for amputation?
    • Periphial vascular disease in lower extremity
    • trauma for upper extremity
    • sever frost bite
    • burns
    • electrocution
  89. What is always the unerlying issue that creates a need for amputation?
    always not enough blood supply either acute or chronic
  90. What are some goals for an amputation?
    • aleviate pain,
    • save as much healthy tissue as possible
    • increase functional outcome
  91. What is an open amputation?
    wound site is left open for awhile to promote healing.
  92. What is a closed amputation?
    closed leave a flap to put over knee
  93. What are some concerns about site healing after an amputation?
    • prevent infections
    • access circulation to stump
    • ace wrap, compression wrap in minimize edema
    • as much activity as possible
  94. What considerations are there for a prostetic?
    • stump needs to be cone shaped to fit in prosstheis,
    • wrap from distal to approximal
    • 1st 24 hours, elevate the stump
  95. Why should a stump not be elevated after 24 hours?
    • because the leg will want to stay that way (flexure contracture)
    • lay prone some times to keep leg straight
  96. What are some complications of an amputation?
    • infection
    • delayed healing
    • chronic stump pain
    • phantom pain
    • contractures
  97. How can a pt avoid contractures after an amputation?
    • avoid prolonged sitting
    • lay prone, not always supine
    • don't elevate after 24 hours
  98. What are some nursing diagnosis r/t amputation?
    • body image distrubance
    • risk for infection
    • pain
    • grief
    • ineffective coping
    • impaired mobility
    • skin integrity
  99. Name 2 types of repetitive use injuries.
    • carpal tunnel syndrome
    • bursitis
  100. What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
    • numbness tingling of thumb and index finger
    • pain in some positions
    • interfers with sleep
    • posistioning
  101. How does surgery help carpal tunnel syndrome?
    surgery makes tunnel bigger
  102. What kind of care is required for repetitive use injuries?
    • collaborative care
    • pain relieve
    • increase mobility
  103. What is bursitis?
    • inflammation of the bursa that's between muscles and tendons,
    • joint may be tender, hot, red, swollen, joint flex painful,
    • rest can help,
  104. What kind of meds are used for repetitive use injuries?
    med - NSAIDs
  105. What kinds of treatments are used for repetitive use injuries?
    • splint
    • heat/cold
    • surgery
    • remove bursa to make a bigger tunnel
    • home care
    • rehab
  106. What are some nursing diagnosis for repetitive use syndrome?
    • acute pain
    • inpaired mobility
    • home care
    • rehab
  107. What is Osteoarthritis
    • a degenrative joint disease
    • most common form of arthritis
    • loss of articular cartilage
    • hypertrophy of bones at articular margins
  108. What are some risk factors for osteoarthritis?
    • age
    • genetics
    • excessive weight
    • inactivity
    • hormones
  109. What is the pathophy of osteoarthritis?
    • wear and tear
    • autoimmune
    • bone spurs
    • bone on bone
  110. What are the s/s of osteoarthritis?
    • gradual
    • pain and stiffness in one or more joints
    • immobility
    • decrease rom
    • crepytis
  111. What is crepytis?
    • grinding noise with a sensation felt in the joint
    • might be from bone on bone movement
  112. Image Upload 2
    Hemotoma, necrosis, inflammatory, exudate, white blood cells
    First stage of bone healing: inflammatory
  113. Image Upload 4
    lasts 2 - 3 months, fractured area looks like uninjured area
    3rd stage, bony callus formation: remodeling
  114. Image Upload 6
    osteoblasts - > collegen web fibers -> connect bone fragments
    2nd stage, fibrocartilaginous callus formation: reparative
  115. Image Upload 8
    oblique fracture
  116. Image Upload 10
    incomplete fracture
  117. Image Upload 12
    complete fracture
  118. Image Upload 14
    comminuated fracture
  119. Why is a fracture supported both above and below the injury?
    Supporting the injured extremity above and below the fracture site helps prevent displacement of bony fragments and decreases the risk of further nerve damage.
  120. What s/s might indicate compartment syndrome?
    • Unrelenting pain
    • pallor
    • diminished distal pulses
    • paresthesias
    • paresis
  121. Pulses may __________ in the presence of compartment syndrome.
    remain strong,
  122. Image Upload 16 the slipping of either part of a fractured bone past the other.
    overriding fracture
  123. Image Upload 18
  124. Image Upload 20
  125. Image Upload 22
    a smaller piece of the bone breaks away from the main bone
  126. Image Upload 24
    the growth plate is broken
Card Set
note cards for test 3 complete.txt
questions for 103 the third test