A syndrome characterized by disordered social interactions and problems with language and communication
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A cluster of five related syndromes that vary in terms of language skill deficits, children's IQ, and the appearance and course of symptoms
Patterned but meaningless sequences of reduplicated sounds, such as strings of syllables
Constrained Statistical Learning Framework
The ability to extract recurring patterns from repeated experience with stimuli
Systems of rules for combining words or signs
Infants' first one-word utterances that name objects but also communicate other meanings
Infant-Directed Speech
Modifications that adults make when speaking (or signing) to infants, producing language that is shorter, more repetitive, higher-pitched, more variable in pitch, and less semantically and grammatically complex than language addressed to adults
Joint Attention
Nonverbal adjustments in posture, gaze, and head orientation that enable infant-adult dyads to focus their attention together on objects or events
Lexical Contrast
The ability to learn a new word's meaning by comparing it to words that are already known
Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)
A measure of grammatical development that is based on the number of morphemes in speech
Minimal meaningful units in speech, such as words, parts of words, or word endings
Mutual Exclusivity Assumption
A constraint on learning that guides children to assume that objects will have only one name and to look for a nameless object when they hear a new word
A common error in which children apply grammatical morphemes to words for which a language makes an exception to the rule
Perceptual Magnet Effect
A phenomenon in which acoustic space is altered as a result of increasing sensitivity to native language phonemes and delining sensitivity to nonnative language phonemes
Linguistically meaningful phonetic categories that signal differences in words through combinations of vowels and consonants
A sets of vowels and consonants that a particular language uses
Sound patterns of language
Using language for particular purposes in specific social contexts
Referential Cues
Verbal and nonverbal behaviors, such as gaze, facial expression, and head orientation, that reflect an individual's attentional focus, intentions, or expectations
Meanings of words or signs
Combinations of consonants and vowels, such as baba and mama
Taxonomic Assumption
A constraint on learning that guides children to assume that new words should be extended to objects within the same category rather than thematic associates
Telegraphic Speech
Early two-word and multiword utterances that sound like telegrams because they lack grammatical markers and extra words, such as articles, plural endings, prepositions and auxiliary verbs
An error in which children apply a word only to a specific instance or fail to use it to refer to other referents for which the word would be correct
Whole Object Assumption
A constraint on learning that guides children to assume that new words refer to whole object rather than actions, spatial location, or parts or features of objects