1. Child Study Movement
    Occurred early in the 20th century in the US when many university preschool were established to develop scientific methods for studying children.
  2. Absorbent Mind
    Maria Montessori's term to describe the capacity of young children to learn a great deal during the early years.
  3. Sensitive Periods
    Maria Montessori's term describing the times when children are most receptive to absorbing specific learning.
  4. Sensory Discrimination
    Involvment in an activity in which one of the senses is used to distinguish a specific feature or dimension of similar materials, it might include matching, or sorting by size, color, shape, sound, smell, or taste.
  5. Human Development Theory
    A way to describe what happens as individuals move from infancy to adulthood. Identifying significant events that are commonly experienced by all people and explaining why changes occur as they do.
  6. Psychosocial Theory
    The branch of psychology founded by Erik Erikson, in which development is described in terms of eight stages that span childhood and adulthood, each offering opportunities for personal growth and development.
  7. Trust vs. Mistrust
    The first stage of development described by Erik Erikson, occurring during infancy, in which the childs needs should be met consistently and predictably.
  8. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
    The second stage of development described by Erik Erikson, occurring during the second year of life, in which toddlers assert their gowning motor, language, and cognitive abilities by trying to become more independent.
  9. Initiative vs. Guilt
    The third stage of development described by Erik Erikson, occurring during the preschool years, in which the child's enthusiasm and curiosity lead to a need to explore and learn about the world, and in which rules and expectations begin to be established.
  10. Industry vs. Inferiority
    The fourth stage of development described by Erik Erikson, starting at the end of the preschool years and lasting until puberty, in which the child focuses on the development of competence.
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chapter five vocabulary