Blood pressure controlled by 5 factors
- Cardiac output
- Elasticity of arteries (inverse relationship)
- Viscosity of blood
- Circulating blood volume
- Peripheral vascular resistance
Error - patient is anxious, angry, or recently active
False high systolic
Error- antecubital crease is below heart
Falsely high systolic and diastolic (because artery pressure + gravity)
Failure to estimate systolic pressure
False low systolic (miss 1st korkoroff sound)
Cuff too short/narrow
Falsely high systolic (needs excessive pressure to occlude artery)
error- cuff too long/wide
False low systolic (requires less pressure to occlude artery)
Error - cuff too loose, uneven, or bladder balloons out of wrap
False high systolic (excessive pressure needed to occlude artery)
Error - Deflate too quickly
Falsely low systolic and high diastolic (poor resolution)
Error - reinflate cuff during deflation
Low systolic, high diastolic (venous congestion in forearm makes sound less audible)
Sinus bradycardia
- HR <60bpm
- Slowing of impulse formation at SA node
- Due to hypothyroidism, infectious disease, medications
- Occurs frequenyl in elderly and CV fit patients
- HR >100bpm
- Due to increased sympathetic tone from anxiety, heart failure, exercise, hemorrhage, hyperthyroidism, sympathomimetic drugs
- Bad for people with ischemic heart disease
Regular irregular pulses
- Pulsus paradoxus - exaggerated decrease in pressure of pulsation during inspiration and increase in pressure during expiration
- Second degree heart block - disturbances in conduction of electrical impulses through heart - missed ventricular contractions
Irregular irregular pulses
- Premature ventricular contractions (PVC)
- - most common form of ventricular arrhythmia
- - premature, bizzare waves on ECG
- - ectopic foci in ventricle
- - can degenerate into ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation
Normal pulse pressure
Pulsus alternans
Alternation of a pulsation of a small amplitude with the pulsation of large amplitude while the rhythm is normal
Normal respiration rate
- Slower than 12 breaths/min
- CNS depressants (alcohol, narcotics, benzodiazepines)
- Hypoglycemia
- Faster than 20 breaths/min
- Infection
- Congestive heart failure
- Metabolic acidosis
Faster than 20 breaths/min, deep breathing
Absence of spontaneous breathing
Difficult and labored breathing with shortness of breath
shortness of breath that begins or increases when patient lies down
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Sudden onset of shortness of breath after a period of sleep
What regulates body temp?
Tympanic membrane has same blood supply as:
Which two places give accurate temperature readings?
- Oral sublingual
- Tympanic membrane
Normal temperature is influenced by:
- Diurnal cycle
- Menstrual cycle
- Exercise
- Increased age
- Elevated temp
- Oral >100
- Tympanic >101.4
- Due to infections, trauma, malignancies, hyperthyroidism, various drugs
- Abnormally low temp
- Oral <95
- Tympanic <96.4
- Hypometabolic states, decreased muscular movement, interference with vasoconstriction (alcohol, sepsis), exposure to cold environment
Which systems checked in ROS?
- Neurologic
- CV
- GI
- Respiratory
- Endocrine
- Genitourinary
- Musculoskeletal
- Integument
- Immune
- Hematologic
Clubbing of fingers caused by:
Peripheral edema caused by:
- Poor lymphatic drainage
- Heart failure
- Pitting peripheral edema
- Protrusion of eyeball
- Hyperthyroidism
Parotid hypertrophy/sensitivity to light
- Sjogren's syndrome
- Autoimmune disease
- Affects salivary glands, lacrimal glands
Petechiae (also Hematoma has same causes)
- Pinpoint areas of bleeding
- Von Willenbrands disease
- Thrombocytopenia
- Medication induced (platelet aggregation inhibitors)
- Liver disease
Normally lymph nodes _____ palpable
Are not
Fibrotic lymph nodes
moveable, discrete, soft, nontender
- Sign of a disease affecting lymph nodes
- Indicated by enlargement of lymph nodes
- Infection
- Often but not always bilateral, tender, and firm but freely movable
Nonvascular midline enlargements
- Ludwigs angina
- Thyroid gland
- - Graves disease
- - Hashimotos thyroiditis
- - Thyroid carcinoma
Ludwigs angina
- Severe cellulitis from mandibular 2nd or 3rd molar
- swelling of submandibular space
- elevation of tongue
- life threatening due to loss of airway
Vascular disorders (sign of systemic disorder)
- Distended jugular veins
- Carotid aneurysm
- Mononucleosis
Distended jugular veins
- Congestive heart failure
- Obstruction of venous return dur to constrictive pericarditis, mediastinal tumor, or obstructed superior vena cava
Carotid aneurysm
- localized distension of carotid artery
- pulsatile enlargement
- Epstein-barr virus
- young adults
- pharyngitis
- fever
- fatigue
- malaise
- discrete, occasionally tender lymph nodes
- vary in firmness
CN I Exam
- Assess nostril patency
- Present aromatic substances w/eyes closed - pt should ID with each nostril
- decrease or loss of smell
- bilateral - smoking, allergic rhinitis, cocaine, aging
- unilateral - neurogenic, frontal lobe masses
Loss of accomodation (CN III)
Systemic disorders that affect visual acuity
- Diabetic retinopathy (means diabetes more severe)
- Hypertension
Confrontation test
- you and patient each cover one eye, place hand outside of both of your fields of vision, measure when each of you can see hand first
- Gives information about patients field of vision relative to yours
Pupillary light reflex
- Direct - efferent nerve constricts pupil in same eye
- Consensual - constricts pupil, opposite eye
- Absent or delayed light reflex - CNS trauma, increased intracranial pressure
- Accomodation - contraction of ciliary muscles (curvature of lens), constriction of pupillary constrictor muscles, contraction of medial rectus (adduction)
- Cardinal fields of gaze (tests III, IV, and VI)
Nystagmus etiologies
- Vision impairment as child
- Vestibular disorders
- Cerebellar disorders
- Drug toxicity
CN V Exam
- Pt closes eyes, touch face with cotton, safety pin
- Assess ability to detect sharp, dull, light pressure, hot, and cold
- Corneal reflex
Difficulty swallowing - motor dysfunction of X
Medial pterygoid
- Elevates
- Lateral excursion
- Protrudes (minor)
Lateral pterygoid
- Opens
- Lateral excursion
- Protrudes (major)
Muscle inflammation
Decreased active vertical range of mandibular motion
- Rough, grating, gravel like sound in TMJ
- Fine, coarse, popping
Disk displacement with reduction
- Symptoms: Clicking/popping noise, may feel catching in TMJ
- Signs: Reciprocal/reproducible click, may have deviation in ROM and/or protrusion, no restriction in active vertical mandibular ROM
Disk displacement without reduction
- Symp: hx of clicking/popping, limited range of motion
- Signs: no TMJ sounds, restriction in vertical mandibular ROM and laterotrusion, may have deflection
- Symp: pain in TMJ or front of ear, exacerbated by jaw function, limited mandibular function secondary to pain
- Signs: TMJ tender to palpation, TMJ pain worsened upon clenching, limited active mandibular range of motion, laterotrusion, protrusion
Arthritis of TMJ
- Symptoms: Pain in TMJ or in front of ear, Pain worsened by jaw function, may have limited mandibular function
- Signs: TMJ tender to palpation, TMJ pain worsened upon clenching, Limited active mandibular ROM, TMJ sound (fine to coarse crepitus), radiographic imaging shows bony changes
Subluxation/Dislocation of TMJ
- Symptoms: jaw catches open, pain in TMJ when jaw gets stuck, loud pop when opening wide
- Signs: excessive mandibular ROM, eminence pop, residual tenderness in TMJ upon palpation if recent episode
Melanotic macule
Freckle on lip
Fordyce's granules
Yellowish dots on lip, ectopic sebaceous glands
Angular chelitis
fungal infections in corner of lips due to overclosed lips
Actinic cheilosis
sun damage (typically more on lower lip), swollen, vermillion border is less defined, areas of white and red, essentially sunburn of lip
Recurrent herpes labialis
- Cold sores
- fluid filled elevations of skin, rupture easily, fluid caries virus
Snuff pouch hyperkeratosis
From chewing tobacco, whitish in color, like a callous, forms a pouch
Aphthous stomatitis
- Canker sores
- Autoimmune response triggered by trauma or stress
- diffuse grey-white, milky opaque appearance of the buccal mucosa
- MOSTLY DISAPPEARS upon stretching
Morsicatio buccarum
- Cheek chewing
- Cheek becomes calloused in response
Amalgam tatoo
black stain on mucosa due to presence of amalgam
Torus palatinus
- Lumps/lesions in hard palate
- More concerning when not in midline
- Should feel like a bone upon palpation
Nicotinic stomatitis
- in person who smokes a lot
- whitish covering of hard palate wiht little red dots
Recurrent intraoral herpes
- red spots on hard palate, only found on attached mucosa
- look like ulcers after they have popped
- If on hard palate more likely to be herpes
Pseudomembranous candidiasis
- Yeast infection in mouth
- Forms white plaque
- Wipes off and leaves red base